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Everything posted by scook

  1. Yes The inputs are based on the info provided by Windows. Windows reports stereo pairs. This means in Cakewalk: 1-Left is channel 1 on the interface 1-Right is channel 2 on the interface 3-Left is channel 3 on the interface 3-Right is channel 4 on the interface so, to record interface channel 2 as a mono track in Cakewalk set a track's interleave to mono and its input to 1-Right.
  2. The registration code relates to the version being registered. The version is in the first few characters of the code. When using the version that shipped with Platinum the easiest way to activate DP is install using the Command Center. The Command Center automatically activates anything it installs. Manual activation requires running the standalone synth or the DAW as administrator to get the registration code accepted. Once activated, the standalone and DAW do not need to run as administrator.
  3. AFAIK, there is no forum for the web browser based DAW called BandLab Support is available from support@bandlab.com and there is a Facebook group. This forum was created for Cakewalk by BandLab, a Windows program.
  4. Two candidates for missing controls in the track header are: the workspace setting and the track control drop down shown in the image below Regardless the controls should be visible on the track inspector
  5. Activation must be refreshed periodically regardless of the method used.
  6. Possibly because nothing has changed since the reply to a similar request in 2014 where @Noel Borthwick indicated they had no plans to add true mono support.
  7. scook

    How to combine tracks?

    Bounce To Track(s) using either the Buses or "Entire Mix" source category
  8. The drum map must be added to the track in the project. Drums maps are added to a track using its MIDI output drop down. This is because the drum map goes between the MIDI track output and the synth input. On Instrument tracks this drop down is available on the MIDI tab in its track inspector. On MIDI tracks the input drop down is in track header in the Track/Console views as well as the inspector.
  9. By placing them under a different folders on the external drive. One possible layout is a folder at the root called "Projects" Under projects two folders, Complete and WIP. Complete would only contain completed projects so their names should be unique Under WIP, create folders using the backup date. If a made a backup of "My Song" (a work in progress) today the "My Song" backup folder would be placed under "Projects\WIP\2021-03-02" Tomorrow if I made another backup it would go under "Projects\WIP\2021-03-03" If I made two backups today, one at 10am and one at 230pm , the first "My Song" folder would go under "Projects\WIP\2021-03-02\1000" and the second under Projects\WIP\2021-03-02\1430. Of course, since the first "My Song" folder is probably already in "Projects\WIP\2021-03-02" I could choose to leave it there and just create a 1430 folder for the second backup. But, I would most likely go ahead and create the 1000 folder and move the earlier if only to satisfy the "multiple backups of the same project on the same day go in time folders" rule. OR Instead of keeping all the days backups under one date folder, keep all the project's backups under a project folder like this... under WIP create a "My Song" folder. Then under the "My Song" folders create Date and time folders as described above. Using the previous example, the backup folder for "My Song" made today would go under "\WIP\MySong\2021-03-02" in a "My Song" folder. Tomorrows backup would go under "\WIP\MySong\2021-03-03" The 10am backup today would go under "\WIP\MySong\2021-03-02\1000" And the 2:30pm backup would go under "\WIP\MySong\2021-03-02\1430" Either way allows multiple copies of the same project on the external drive. One is primarily organized by date, the other by project.
  10. They are read from master.ins in your user directory. No "Note Names" are read from master.ins and displayed in place of the keyboard next to the PRV note pane. The "Note Names" setting is not persistent and must be set every time the track is opened in the PRV. Drum maps are stored in the project and optionally on disk as presets. Drum maps are displayed next to the PRV drum grid pane an provided several features in addition to naming notes. Drum maps are persistent. Consider leaving the default location alone and creating a custom drum map folder then change the drum map folder setting in preferences. Copy whatever is needed from the default location. If changes are made to the default folder, they may be undone by subsequent updates. Updates do not affect custom folder locations. I this approach for project templates too. As mentioned above drum map presets are not shown in the PRV Note Names dialog. The drop down in this dialog is populated from master.ins file. The master.ins may be edited using the UI described here or with a text editor. When using a text editor make a backup of the original file. Here is a post that goes into a little more detail about editing master.ins
  11. Your problem has nothing to do with the OP. Consider creating new threads when posting rather than appending to unrelated topics. In this case an image of the error message may help. Keep in mind Cakewalk bundles are not the primary method for saving projects. Bundles are Ok for project sharing but not the only method. The bundle format is still part of Cakewalk primarily for backward compatibility.
  12. This is a WaveShell crash. The fix will likely have to come from Waves. You can send the dump to Noel if you wish and he will do what he can to help Waves solve the problem. The post below describes how to report crashes.
  13. If I only had a C drive and a couple of externals... I would have a folder on C called something like "To External" When it comes time to make a "backup" of a project I would: use the "Save As" dialog to navigate to the "To External" folder and save the project using the same name as the original project. Make sure "Copy all audio with project" is enabled. then immediately play the project and make sure everything is OK. If OK, exit CbB, move the project folder out of "To External" to the appropriate external hard drive. Maybe under a Year-Month-Day folder. If I needed two backups of the same project on the same day, create new folders under Y-M-D by time as needed. Prune backups from the external as needed. You may want separate backup directory trees for completed projects and snapshots works in progress.
  14. As is often the case, when Eventide releases a new plug-in or bundle, they also upgrade their products. Today is no exception. Updates to Anthology Updated H949 Single and Dual with new UI Added artist presets for H949 Single and Dual Reorganized presets for Omnipresor, H910 Single and Dual Updated User Guides for H910, H949, Instant Flanger Mk II, Instant Phaser Mk II Fixed a bug in all plugins where all UIs could become blank after a period of inactivity Fixed bug in Instant Flanger Mk II and Instant Phaser Mk II where MODE would reload incorrectly in VST3 Looks like all plug-ins were updated with Fixed a bug where the UI could become blank after a period of inactivity All downloads are available here
  15. I have never used an OS level copy of a working project for a backup. Working copies of projects tend to have extra files that are no longer necessary. I also have never under any circumstances used copy /w overwrite when copying a project. This can result in a project folder that is not representative of a project at any stage, practically guaranteeing folders contain irrelevant data. Instead, I use "Save As" to create a new copy of the project with its associated audio. Usually made to an internal drive. Once saved and verified by playing through the project, move it to an external drive. Aside from space considerations, there is no reason to use one location for a project on any drive. Projects that use per-project audio folders are completely portable so it is very easy to have several complete copies on the same drive.
  16. scook

    Sine Player Layers

    Please do not cross post thanks
  17. Directory junctions were discussed on the first thread created by the OP Locking this to keep the conversation on one thread.
  18. May want to remove the Cubase installed "Generic Low Latency Driver" too. Either rename the dll or remove its entry from HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\ASIO While probably not related to the OP, this has been known to cause problems when installed along with a factory supplied driver.
  19. They have a sale every day. From https://valhalladsp.com/faq/pricing/do-you-have-black-friday-sales/ So far the prices have never changed.
  20. It may be easier to see exactly what is going on by using the Note Map Pane next to the left of the Drum Grid Pane to edit the drum map. There should be no problem defining two incoming notes to the same outbound note.
  21. This is not particularly meaningful. It fails to take into account all the plug-ins that work fine in the DAW. Submitting a crash dump may be a good idea
  22. Yeah, try the WASAPI driver modes when using the internal sound chip. The RealTek ASIO driver does not appear to be suitable for DAW use. An audio interface designed for DAW use with a manufacturer supplied ASIO driver is the best solution.
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