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Everything posted by scook

  1. When in doubt https://www.cakewalk.com/Documentation?product=Cakewalk&language=3&help=SoftSynths.27.html
  2. "Rename Clip" is in the track view area in keyboard shortcut preferences. Currently the shortcut for insert synth is ALT+i+y
  3. Try the FX button in the Mix Module. When reading about FX bypass also review the PDC button description.
  4. Use a 64bit looper. Starting new projects with old, unsupported 32bit plug-ins is not a good idea. That said, sending MIDI to 32bit plug-ins is the same except BitBridge opens the plug-in UI and standard header in separate windows. To open the standard header hold down the ALT key when opening the plug-in UI. Usually the header opens behind the plug-in UI.
  5. Often problems with Cakewalk sfz engine synths are related to 3rd party MIDI files. Here is a post on how to deal with this issue This may be due to the per-project Zero Controllers When Play Stops setting
  6. There are 2 accounts Cakewalk - the old company BandLab - the company that purchased Cakewalk IP from Gibson A Cakewalk account is the Single Sign On account created between 2014 and Nov 2017. This is where your record of old Cakewalk products like SONAR and Music Creator are stored. This server is in archive mode so users cannot change their password and no new account may be created. Password reset on these accounts must be performed by support@cakewalk.com This account is used to log into the Cakewalk Command Center, the install manager for Cakewalk products released from 2014 through 2017 and certain legacy products with updated Command Center aware installers. This account is used to access any downloads on the old Cakewalk.com servers such as updates linked to old Cakewalk Knowledge Base articles. It was also the account used to log into the old forum. A BandLab account is needed to access this forum, log into BandLab Assistant and Cakewalk by BandLab for updates and (re)activation.
  7. Make sure the sends to the sidechain are pre-fader and mute the tracks you don't want to hear.
  8. No switches turn on/off sidechain in Sonitus. If there is a send to the plug-in, it listens. Notice the output button becomes enabled when sidechain is active. This is for switching between the regular output and the sidechain signal. Turn off all soloing.
  9. WRT gain plug-ins see if you don't want a silent bus warning just turn the volume fader to 0 on the bus. Remember the bus fader does not affect the signal to its FX rack.,
  10. Any send can be pre or post fader; you could use aux tracks or buses. Aux tracks may be placed in folders. Or as I mentioned above, leave the faders at unity and add a plug-in before Neutron in the track FX rack to handle volume automation
  11. That's right The volume fader and its automation are after the FX rack so Neutron is measuring the signal pre-fader.
  12. Having the volume fader/automation before FX would play havoc with dynamics plug-ins and plug-in levels in general. To automate levels before some or all of the effects add a plug-in with an automatable gain/volume control and move the track volume automation to it. Something like the plug-ins mentioned in this post
  13. It is not clear what the envelopes are automated Here is the signal flow diagram http://www.cakewalk.com/Documentation?product=Cakewalk&language=3&help=Mixing.07.html maybe it can help with where the FX racks exist in the tracks and buses
  14. is global FX bypass enabled in the mix module?
  15. FWIW, the large export module shows the duration of the entire project and the current selection.
  16. Check the MIDI driver mode. Some devices only work with MME and will not show when running UWP
  17. Like most Windows uninstallers, registry entries and user files are not removed. The clean install instructions are here
  18. In this part of the forum, it is handy, when a question is answered, to select the best answer by clicking the check next to the reply It let's everyone know there is a solution posted to the question. I checked this one for you thanks
  19. For now it's folders Select the tracks Move the tracks to a folder Move the folder Delete the folder, answering No to "Delete all Tracks within this folder too?"
  20. Add the plug-in path used by "Reaper and other DAW" If they are scanning the PC path, then copy the SaturationKnob.dll to a different folder in the scan path outside of the PC path.
  21. I am not sure if the bundled plug-in is a dual VST/PC dll but the plug-in is available for free from Softube While the plug-in is free, it requires an iLok account and license manager for activation.
  22. When using hardware pads to send MIDI data to a DAW, there are basically two ways to map the pads to MIDI notes in the hardware - most devices have an editor that come with the hardware in the DAW - there are a couple of ways to map incoming MIDI notes to different values, the Transpose MFX and Drum maps The SI-Drum documentation contains all the information about the notes used by the plug-in. To access the documentation, open the plug-in and press the F1 key. Here is a post about creating a drum map for the MPK mini
  23. Everything under Audio in Cakewalk preferences. If you capture images of the pages when driver mode is set to MME and ASIO4All (the two modes you had working) the changes should stand out. The critical bits are Devices, the input and output selections Driver Settings, the timing masters Playback and Recording, the driver mode Sync and Caching, the Record Latency Adjustment device Maybe the Cakewalk Tutorial videos linked in John's .sig above will help.
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