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Everything posted by scook

  1. That would be a question for Cakewalk and IKM support. Program crashes are create a memory dump. When a program hangs, it is possible to force a dump. Dumps can be useful when trying to resolve program failures. CbB 2021.04 added improved exception handling. This is documented here Sometimes projects that don't load normally load in safe mode apparently just by the very action of slowing down the load process.
  2. No problem, safe mode in SONAR worked the same way. IIRC, the GroovePlayer DXi goes back to Project 5 and serves as the audio metronome in SONAR and CbB.
  3. It is true, the only safe mode CbB has is invoked by holding down the SHIFT key while opening a project.
  4. Not having any IKM products installed, I am sure it is my error. This is the GroovePlayer DXi message displayed when opening a CbB project in safe mode.
  5. There may be something in SampleTank called Groove Player but Groove Player in the context of CbB safe mode is the plug-in used by the DAW for its metronome. Anything running inside a plug-in like is not going to show up as a separate prompt in CbB safe mode.
  6. Creating an in instrument track Adding a synth with a MIDI track and the First synth Audio output Adding a synth with a MIDI track and subsequently adding an audio track to complete the routing to the synth are functionally identical.
  7. I have discussed this at length in my tools thread. For most users. the best way to rollback is run the rollback installers provided by BandLab. Given the dll sync issue has been around for several years, it might be a good idea to dump the manual process and stick with the rollback installers. For testing, I wrote a tool to handle multiple installed instances of CbB. If you really want to swap back and forth, Launchpad does it. The tool does a pretty good job of protecting the user from breaking the software. This it the kind of thing that requires monitoring software changes pretty closely. Prior to the rollback installers, I would suggest Launchpad for keeping track of multiple versions. Now that BandLab provides a supported process, the feature is not worth the risk. Still, Launchpad does provide a convenient way to edit the CbB most recently used project list and created supplemental lists of projects so, the tool is still available.
  8. Copying the program folder alone is not adequate. Starting with CbB 2019-09 running an old version CbB from a copied folder after applying an update will likely crash when trying to use automation. I believe 2021-01 may be the last version to run when the program and all the supporting dlls are not in sync. Now, there is a check in place to prevent the program from running if it detects this condition.
  9. I am all for documentation. Signal and data flow diagrams are useful. There are a few assumptions about what a MIDI signal flow diagram would show. The request for additional documentation and the discussion about what needs to be documented are subjects for the feedback section. It really has nothing to do with the OP which reproduced the signal flow diagram already in the documentation. This part of the forum was created to discuss the software as it exists. Answers not found in the documentation should be posed here. WRT input echo, it is unclear how much detail about the rules for setting input would be encapsulated in a diagram. The subject of how input echo affects input settings has been discussed at length. "Auto-thru" is an indication that the Always Echo Current MIDI Track in preferences in enabled. Whether enabled by the "Always Echo" preference setting or manually, input echo requires the track input be set to a value other than None. Historically, this mean tracks originally set to None would be set to Omni when input echo was enabled. Recently, this has changed. If a project has no plug-ins with "Enable MIDI Output" turned on, the historical setting to Omni is still used. If there are any plug-in with "Enable MIDI Output" turned on and an instrument/MIDI track has its input set to None and input echo get enabled, the input changes to "All External Inputs Omni". This change was made in an attempt to avoid accidently monitoring/recording MIDI data coming from plug-ins. Not sure remote control would show up in a MIDI signal flow diagram it is not part of the data processed by the MIDI input. It is part of the external control system like control surfaces and ACT.
  10. scook

    Bus in / out gain

    There are two settings that affect what is visible in the track header: Workspaces and the track control drop down (image below)
  11. yeah, just like they did for their PC modules
  12. BandLab is generous but they don't give away free Melodyne licenses. CbB comes with a time limited demo. Once expired, the editor no longer functions but drag and drop monophonic Audio-to-Midi and tempo detection continue to work.
  13. S-Gear does not now. Not sure it ever did.
  14. I am not sure what a "roll-back" copy of the current version means. For some time now, a rollback installer has been provided in the release announcements. For example, see the announcement for 2021.04 The way it works is after updating to the current version, if a problem is encountered or the user just wishes to return to the previous version of the software, they run the rollback installer. The update and the rollback all happen to the same installed instance of CbB. I am unware of any method involving multiple logins and would like to see links to the relevant posts. AFAIK, there is no way to have more than one completely operational version of the DAW installed at a time.
  15. The feature was not new when @Craig Anderton did his write-up about using it with Channel Tools. (direct links to the old forum no longer work, his post is the second reply). His first Book of SONAR Tips came out well before this post. Not sure if he added it back to the CbB book since BandLab added Channel Tools to CbB.
  16. The good news is now you know where the help, photo-cell memory and sidechain settings are.
  17. The CA-2A is an old Cakewalk product. BandLab has no control over how that product is installed or activated. CbB has no idea if a plug-in requires activation; if the scanner loads the plug-in, it is available to the DAW. In this case, the plug-in loaded in demo mode. The plug-in status is shown in its about screen. Could it be more obvious, probably but this is how the plug-in has always worked. The plug-in has always required activation. The original version from 2013 used a serial number and registration code. IIRC. at the time, the plug-in prompted for this information. The plug-in was one of the legacy products to receive a Command Center installer (mine shows a 2016 date). The Command Center automatically activates products. Cakewalk also provided manual processes documented in the link above. The Command Center only attempts to download the installer if it cannot find it in its cache. The default location for the Command Center download cache is "C:\ProgramData\Cakewalk\Command Center\Downloads". The actual path to the cache is on the paths tab of its settings. Click the gear in the upper right of the Command Center to access settings.
  18. Is the plug-in activated? The easiest way to activate the plug-in is install it using the Cakewalk Command Center. Otherwise perform a manual activation
  19. OK, if I understand, what you are wanting is information on how to setup sidechains in CbB and Channel Routing in SPAN. After adding SPAN to bus or aux track (or even a regular audio track), the sidechain inputs to the plug-in show up in track/bus sends and main outputs. One track has a send to the bus or aux track hosting SPAN (if not on a regular track). Send the other tracks to the 3 sidechain inputs to the SPAN. Of course any number of tracks may be summed and sent to SPAN's main or sidechain inputs too. Click the Routing button in the SPAN UI to display the Channel Routing dialog and assign In3 through In8 to the sidechain inputs This will allow viewing two groups; one as the main display next to the Routing button and another as the Underlay Is this what you are looking for?
  20. AFAIK, SPAN works on one track at a time Multi-track require SPAN Pro The Vogengo descriptions are a little confusing as both support This is not the same as multiple tracks. Note the additional info in the SPAN Pro description (emphasis added)
  21. The image is pretty small but everything looks OK in the drum map, however; if you are expecting the plug-in to make a sound using MIDI input, the input echo button must be enabled on the track. It is the button to the right of the record button.
  22. Starting with 2021.04, a similar function is on the tempo track header
  23. There is a bit depth setting in the Audio Export dialog. In the past if this was set to high, some players would fail.
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