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Everything posted by scook

  1. All available plug-ins are in the "Sort by" layouts. Switch to one of those and search for the plug-in if it is not in an obvious place. Do not add effects to instrument custom layouts. They will not show up.
  2. You could point to an external drive but I would not recommend it. Generally external drives are reserved for backup.
  3. To create the directory junction to replace "C:\Cakewalk Projects" with "D:\Cakewalk Projects" Move "C:\Cakewalk Projects" to "D:\" Open a command shell as administrator and type : mklink /j "C:\Cakewalk Projects" "D:\Cakewalk Projects" The physical folder may be anywhere and have any name. For example, to relocation "C:\Cakewalk Projects" to "E:\Anything\Anywhere\Any name" steps would be Move "C:\Cakewalk Projects" to "E:\Anything\Anywhere\Any name" Open a command shell as administrator and type : mklink /j "C:\Cakewalk Projects" "E:\Anything\Anywhere\Any name" As far as the application is concerned the files and folders are still in "C:\Cakewalk Projects". Practically any folder may be relocated this way. There are quite a few discussions and worked examples on the old forum. To see the threads search Google for site:forum.cakewalk.com mklink
  4. If you prefer to use the Desktop for Cakewalk Projects why not change the default project folder to the desktop? Any folder accessible to the PC may be used to host project folders. I do not change the default location in preferences though. I prefer to replace the default folder with a directory junction to the physical location of my top level project folder. In my case, "D:\Cakewalk Project" Each project goes in it's own folder and as long as the Per-Project Audio folder is in the default location, the projects are portable. By default the project audio folder is at the same level as the project file. Except for video files, the default project layout uses relative file references to locate project data. This is why project folders may be moved anywhere the DAW has access. Projects that reference the Global Audio folder use the setting in preferences to locate this folder. All video files and per-project audio folders not in their default location use absolute paths.
  5. Early Access versions are not distributed like production releases. A link to the Early Access installer is in the original post
  6. There is an option to shrink the size of the QCEQ in the Console View Options menu under ProChannel called Compact EQ module. Read about it here http://www.cakewalk.com/Documentation?product=Cakewalk&language=3&help=0x22029
  7. Using regedit look for an entry in HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\ASIO that contains RealTek in the key. If there is one delete the entry. After that CbB should start up normally.
  8. Although the installers for Rapture Pro and Z3ta+ 2 are in old Cakewalk accounts, CCC is the easiest way to install and activate software with CCC compatible installers. CCC caches installers. The path is defined in the CCC setup screen. Click the gear in the upper right of CCC to access setup. Make copies of the installers for future use. The next time, instead of downloading the software again, copy the installers into the CCC cache directory. CCC looks in the cache before downloading if it find an installer, it will use it instead of downloading it again. If this question is about Z3ta+ Classic, it is in the "Platinum Instrument Collection" installer or use an older version of SONAR Producer and run the advanced install option.
  9. If Cakewalk does not offer an install path option, it means the installer detected a previous install. This could be an old Cakewalk (the Company) DAW or a version of Cakewalk by BandLab. Either way, all old Cakewalk DAWs and Cakewalk by BandLab must be installed on the same drive. To install to another drive, perform a clean re-install or use directory junctions to relocate existing folders. Should you elect to run a clean re-install see the following post about step 9 in the clean install process.
  10. Using 2021.09 EA, I believe it is possible to create a preset to export the master bus or create a project template containing pre-defined tasks such as exporting the master bus. Prior to 2021.09, I have never had a problem selecting the master bus for export and this still works in 2021.09 EA. WRT my tools, you are welcome.
  11. One way is add a bus after the master bus. As long as all audio resolves to the master bus and the master bus is routed to another bus (I call it "To Mains") anything done this bus is heard in the monitors (or where ever this bus is routed). When exporting always select the master bus. This bypasses any buses added after the master bus.
  12. MIDI playback changing after stopping the transport leads me to suspect the Zero Controllers When Play Stops setting.
  13. As a rule, manufacturer supplied ASIO drivers work best. The RealTek ASIO driver is an exception. It is not clear what ASIO driver @grannis installed but my bet is something other than RealTek.
  14. If the RealTek driver is under HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\ASIO in the registry, it needs to be deleted. Removing the registry entry will prevent the DAW from trying to load the bad driver and the program will use another Windows driver. Maybe someday Cakewalk will automatically skip this driver.
  15. One other thing to check - make sure The RME driver is the only one in HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\ASIO
  16. The process described does not set the velocity, it makes the filtered selection as requested What you do with the selected notes is up to you.
  17. Look in the Windows Event logs. There may be additional data there. If Cakewalk is shutting down before loading a project, it is unlikely to be a plug-in. It may be driver related. Details about the audio interface may help.
  18. Select the row in the PRV Open Edit > Select > By Filter... Enter the Min/Max velocity to keep selected
  19. scook

    Bandlab Assistant

    Starting with CbB 2020.09 there is no reason to use BA to update CbB. There is an update option on the CbB help menu. See http://www.cakewalk.com/Documentation?product=Cakewalk&language=3&help=NewFeatures.027.html Keep in mind Windows 7 is not supported. For more info see
  20. BA uses the registry to track what it installs. That is why the option is disabled there. It may be possible to repair the install using Windows Apps & Features. That may be what re-running the Melodyne installer from Cakewalk Web Installer will do.
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