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Everything posted by scook

  1. Just like AD2, I also built an instrument definition for the default SD3
  2. If you cannot figure out the problem, may want to post images of the following screens in preferences Audio > Devices Audio > Driver Settings Audio > Playback and Recording MIDI > Devices From what I can tell, the headphone amp does not matter to the DAW as it is using the internal PC sound chip for I/O. The amp is receiving its signal from the PC audio output which is produced by the PC sound chip. This means the WASAPI driver modes are the preferred options. If everything is configured correctly, one thing that may be missing is enabling input echo on the instrument or MIDI track. This button is to the right of record in the track header. Input echo is necessary to return the signal out of the DAW when playing the MIDI keyboard live through a soft synth.
  3. BA keeps track of what it has installed NOT what is installed on the PC. The information is stored in HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Cakewalk Music Software\Cakewalk\Installers
  4. While "Always Echo Current MIDI Track" is enabled by default, I have disabled the option for years and never had a problem manually toggling "input echo" as needed.
  5. Generic ASIO "drivers" are unnecessary. CbB supports Windows drivers natively. Try the WASAPI driver modes.
  6. Try the Cakewalk Web Installer, at this time. unlike BA, it does not check what Add-ons have previously been installed. Copying the files from another machine may not work as it will not include the registry entries added during install.
  7. It is not necessary to have "Always Echo Current MIDI track" enabled. It is possible to manually control input echo. In fact, some prefer not having tracks automatically input echo.
  8. Enable input echo (the button to the right of the record button) in the instrument/MIDI track header.
  9. scook

    V-Vocal launch crashes CbB

    Keep in mind after a minimal install of SONAR, CbB must be re-installed or the shared folders will be out of date. It may be easier to perform a simple uninstall of CbB before the minimal install of SONAR then re-install CbB.
  10. If Always Open All Devices is enabled, try turning it off. Don't remember where it is in 8.5. It is a Global setting.
  11. Easy to do. Running TTS-1 at 96K is a pain.
  12. Yes, it does. It does not work at 88KHz though. To use TTS-1 with high sample rates requires setting "Light Load Mode" in every instance every time the project is loaded The setting is not stored in the project or the plug-in.
  13. I created a second VST3 folder for the trouble makers (in my case Blue Cat's freeware) and added it to the DAW scan path. After installing SF13, I added the problem VST3s back to the default folder and the new SF13 scanner worked.
  14. Yeah, the Dec 31 expiration is OK if one wants to flip the software but the only thing they mention is how to install.
  15. Use bounce to track(s) then archive the original tracks. This does the same thing as freeze except writes the data to a new track. When using bounce+archive on a soft synth make sure to disconnect the soft synth using the synth rack. This will free up the rest of the resources used by the synth, just like freeze.
  16. 64bit SF12 Pro does support 64bit VST2/3 3rd party plug-ins. I was very happy to pick it up in a Humble Bundle a few years ago, if only to retire my 32bit plug-ins completely. The scanner has issues with a few plug-ins. The SF13 Pro scanner seems a little better. It also has ARA support picking up both Melodyne 5 Studio and SpectraLayers 8 Pro which were already installed. For me, the update is well worth $25 even though I have not used use SF12 (or SpectraLayers) much since getting iZotope RX. It's still nice to have around. Rather than install most of the bundle, I logged into my MAGIX account and registered the products there. For faster loading don't forget to add /NOVSTGROVEL to the SF command line
  17. Have a look at clip selection groups
  18. Instead of Note Off, CbB exports Note On with Velocity = 0 which is considered by the spec to be the same as Note Off. At least that is what I see when reading MIDI files created by CbB using MIDICSV and reviewing the MIDI spec.
  19. Try the Bounce to Track(s) function with Channel Format set to Split Mono
  20. MIDI files only contain MIDI data. They contain references to instruments defined by the MIDI standard only. Usually entire performances are opened in Cakewalk using File > Open from the main menu or the Start Screen. Import is used for clips. Import strips out data such as tempo. When opening MIDI files in Cakewalk, if no MIDI output device is selected in preferences, the DAW loads the MIDI file and sets up TTS-1 (the GM synth included with Cakewalk) to play the file. Once opened, swap out TTS-1 for what ever synth plug-ins you wish.
  21. An audio interface could be a dedicated external device, a card or chip in your PC that converts analog audio to digital data for the DAW. To a DAW a USB microphone is an audio interface as it not only captures audio (the microphone), it contains the hardware to digitize the audio too. For BandLab specific information, the BandLab help page may be a good place to start. That and the BandLab Facebook group
  22. This forum was created for Cakewalk by BandLab. BandLab (the DAW shown in the OP) uses a Facebook group for peer support and discussion. That said, recording volume is set before the DAW. DAWs have no control over audio record level. Lowering the level in the DAW just lowers the playback level.
  23. Try adding an ampsim such as TH3 in the FX Rack on the guitar tracks.
  24. Try enabling Input Echo, the button is to the right of record in the track header.
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