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Everything posted by scook

  1. This has a way of self correcting. For quite a while I had to deal with $75 vouchers and was glad when I got a $50 vouchers again. Expecting $25 vouchers sometime in the future.
  2. If the projects have the same number of tracks have a look at Mix Recall. Saved scenes may be copied between project. Creating project templates from a populated project does not require Try this: Save the project Select all tracks and wipe Save Copy As new template Undo wipe (or reload project) Continue editing project OR forget about project templates entirely. Instead, to start a new project use an existing project and Save As new project without "Copy all audio with project" selected Select all tracks and wipe Import new audio into project
  3. Just because "Copy all audio with project" is deselected (and possibly disabled) does not mean the references to track data are removed. It means the audio clips are not physically copied when creating the new project/template. To create a project template from a project without reference to track data, all the tracks must be wiped clean of data before saving as a template.
  4. The FX Racks are hidden either by the Workspace setting or the Track Control drop down
  5. There should be at most one ASIO driver installed for a device. Generic ASIO "drivers" such as ASIO4All should not be installed on a machine when an interface with a factory supplied ASIO driver is available. The DAW can only use one ASIO driver at a time. In order to change ASIO drivers both input and output settings must be deselected in preferences before making a new selection.
  6. Yes, I downloaded them from the product pages. No login needed.
  7. Not sure if Rewire supports the feature. I have nothing to test If the layout is set to "Sort by Category" when displaying audio FX and category maintenance does not work as documented it is a support issue (support@cakewalk.com).
  8. To change per-project settings for all future projects, change the project templates. If using BandLab supplied project templates make sure to save them under different names or use a custom folder location for project templates. Existing projects must be changed one at a time.
  9. The drum map should be set as the output of the MIDI track NOT in the step sequencer. When using an instrument track this may be accomplished by clicking on the MIDI tab in the track inspector to access the MIDI output drop down.
  10. The mapping tool inside SD3 (Settings > MIDI In/E-Drums) is very powerful. If you do not like the default layout, check out the presets or roll your own.
  11. Yes. MIDI note numbers do not change. There are a couple of standards for displaying note number as pitches. This is why Cakewalk provides a way to set this relation. The MIDI drum map is a relation between note numbers and instrument names not note numbers and pitches.
  12. You could have just kept quiet. Rather than rehash the discussion, I choose to link a similar thread which already contained such information as
  13. VST3 plug-in category labels are up to the plug-in manufacturer. As noted above, Cakewalk built a database for DX and VST2 plug-ins when they released SONAR X3 in 2013. It covered a lot of plug-ins available at that time. This database is included with CbB. Categories are maintained in the plug-in browser. In order to perform category maintenance the browser must be set to "Sort by Category." The details are in the link provided above. To copy the categories created on one machine to another, copy Library.db. The default path is noted above. The "Sort by Category" layout is the only one reliant on Library.db. Custom plug-in layouts may be copied between machines just like any user created files.
  14. Starting with 2021.06 note names in the label pane are persistent rendering the need from drum maps redundant for simple note labeling. There are several examples in the instrument definition section of this forum of instrument definition files. These files may be used to extend the note names drop down in the PRV.
  15. This is a bad assumption. If you wish to read more on the subject see https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Scientific_pitch_notation
  16. No, the GM standard note number to instrument mapping is the same everywhere. The problems start when assuming the notes displayed for pitches have only one standard. For example the GM standard for an Acoustic Bass Drum is note number 35 regardless of the pitch displayed in the DAW. Change the Base Octave for Pitches to any value you wish and the drum displayed/played for note 35 will always be an Acoustic Bass Drum. For a similar thread see
  17. The MIDI note numbers are the same everywhere, However the pitches displayed for the numbers may vary. This is why there a Base Octave for Pitches setting in preferences.
  18. It can be quite a task The CbB preference settings and config files are located in %appdata%\Cakewalk\Cakewalk Core HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Cakewalk Music Software\Cakewalk\Core HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\Cakewalk Music Software\Cakewalk\Core Also under "%appdata%\Cakewalk" are the Library and ACT data folders containing plug-in category and ACT config info. A default installation also uses "C:\Cakewalk Content" for some presets and user files. Any user presets stored using the Cakewalk plug-in management system may be exported using the Plug-in Manager (the presets are stored in the registry). Presets using the Sonitus plug-in preset manager are in ini files stored by default in "C:\Program Files\Cakewalk\Shared Plugins" The DAW has no control over where third party plug-ins store their presets.
  19. It may help to know a little about the system. Is there an audio interface involved? If so, what make/model?
  20. Fixed. Session Drummer uses an sfz engine like Dimension Pro, Rapture and Studio Instruments. Dropping samples onto the pads plays just one sample but a pad can play multiple samples when loaded with an sfz file.
  21. https://www.cakewalk.com/Documentation?product=Cakewalk&language=3&help=Playback.03.html
  22. Category tags are part of the VST3 specification. DX and VST2 plug-ins do not have the feature, however; Cakewalk added a way to categorize them too. Cakewalk created a database of categories for DX and VST2 plug-ins when VST3 support was added in SONAR X3. The database is %AppData%\Roaming\Cakewalk\Library\Library.db AFAIK, it has not been updated since that time. I do not recall if any or all discontinued Cakewalk plug-ins were part of the database but I doubt they were. For more info see http://www.cakewalk.com/Documentation?product=Cakewalk&language=3&help=Browser.08.html#1294603
  23. No, bundled plug-ins are detailed here
  24. Look in the instrument definition area of this forum (I put the link in your other thread)
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