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Everything posted by X-53mph

  1. X-53mph

    Izotope R4

    This is a very nice Reverb indeed. I've always struggled to use reverb in my mixes. I often find it too harsh or too synthetic, but this one is really really nice. Works great with piano and Spitfire stuff. What a great deal!
  2. X-53mph

    Izotope R4

    Does everyone who is signed up to plugin boutiques get that? Cause I'm not seeing it?
  3. Hi guys, I'm going to be dropping a new album in the next week or so on Bandcamp, but first I've decided to put it on Soundcloud for free to stream. The Orphans are tracks which did not make it onto an album or single release. Could be for various reasons. Some never get finished in time. Some don't fit the vibe of the album. Together on one album, connected by nothing else than their disassociation, Return of the Orphans brings together these stray cats. Listen here to the entire album before its release on Bandcamp. Over 45minutes of Left-field Rock. Hope you enjoy Phil PS. Recorded, Produced, Mixed, and Mastered entirely on Sonar / Cakewalk / CbB
  4. X-53mph

    Izotope R4

    Thanks @cclarry - Great deal. How did you find out about the code? Do Plugin Boutiques send it to you via email?
  5. Like many of us here, I own all the Izotope Elements products (some several times over) and was looking around to see if I could find a wider range of preset than the sparce few that come bundled. I saw that on Izotope's website they have Signature Preset Packs, so I tried downloading the Greg Calbi pack, but it's only for Ozone 9 full.........!!! Then I got to thinking, what would happen if I changed the header and footer codeof the preset file in Block Notes from Ozone9 to Ozone9Lite? .....and what do you know? It works I copied the presets into my Ozone9Lite preset folder and they load up. Obviously you won't get all the Modules showing up, but you get all the EQ settings, Imager, Exciter etc. which are available in Lite. I've wasted most of this afternoon doing the same for other presents, and they all work. Same goes for Neutron....but not Nectar (which has an encoded file). So anyone looking for more presents can do the same - hope this helps. P
  6. Thanks. I've never used KVR, but I'll check it out. I was hoping plugin boutique would have an offer, but no luck.
  7. Does anyone know if Izotope Ozone Standard goes on offer around this time (Black Friday)? I've got every Element version (several times), but I don't think they give me any great saving on an upgrade to Standard. Cheers guys.
  8. X-53mph

    Fake News Song

    He's currently in New Zealand, so I doubt it. ?
  9. X-53mph

    Fake News Song

    I got a mention in this interview with John Lithgow and Joseph Gordon Levitt. I'm the guy who sang like Bob Dylan. ? I only know it's me because someone close to Joseph sent me a message. ? Brag brag. ?
  10. X-53mph

    Fake News Song

    Just thought I'd let you guys know that the final mix of the Fake News song is up on HitRecord. hitrecord.org/records/5133947 The whole track was made with the help of musicians, singers, and voice artists from around the world and was formed around the poem 'Fake News' by actor John Lithgow. I hope you enjoy it and see you all on the other side of Nov 3rd. Take care Peace and Love Phil / 53mph
  11. Totally agree - it actually seemed to ruin a few of my mixes.
  12. Hey guys, I thought I'd share this musical project I'm doing. For years now, I have been a member of a collaborative site called HitRecord.org It was founded by the actor Joseph Gordon Levitt as a way for creatives to collaborate across the world together. Every now and then big stars such as Jessica Alba or Matthew Mcconaughey join and start projects (Jessica Alba has an ASMR project running now). Well, recently John Lithgow joined with some verses from his new book and asked for contributors, so I turned it into a song. It's still in production, and anyone on here is free to join the site and jump on board. It's like a cross between the Rolling Stones and Velvet Underground, called 'Fake News'. Anyone interested can get to the page here: https://hitrecord.org/projects/5094992 If you're interested to hear the song in its current state, it is here: https://hitrecord.org/records/5119085 As I said, anyone with an interest in adding instruments, vocals can jump in and collaborate. Hope this inspires someone. Peace and Love!
  13. I passed a couple of tracks through Bandlabs Mastering service. It did wonders to one track, but overly maxed out others. The track that worked well was dynamically lower as I hadn't tried to peak everything to -1, whereas the others were already dynamically quite near the mastering limit so Bandlab just crushed them and maxed out the sound. So, a hit and a miss - not bad though.
  14. My heart goes out to you. Are you getting all the support you need. Not just physical but also mental? Don't be afraid to reach out to the health services if you feel you need extra help, they should know of support groups in your area which can really help. I have friends who lost their young children to cancer and found solace in the parent support groups. Only those who have lived what you are living can really understand what you are going through. Don't be too proud to reach out.
  15. I'm afraid I don't have a ribbon mic... Not so easy to come by these days.
  16. I wasn't sure where to put this on the board. I'm running an old HP laptop with a FireWire input which I use with an ancient Edirol FA101. The laptop is running Windows 10 Pro, which Edirol don't supply drivers for so I'd been using a hacked driver method which has been well documented on various forums (including the old Cakewalk forum). At least I was until the other day.... For most projects that don't require multiple mic inputs, I tend to use a USB audio interface or USB mic, so it had been a while since I'd plugged in the FireWire device. Imagine my annoyance when I tried and the device wasn't recognised. No worries, I thought, I'll just run through the old method I'd used and reinstall the drivers. However, after multiple attempts, I still couldn't get it to work. I went back to the various YouTube tutorials but nothing worked. Shit, I thought, time to buy a new interface.....but wait....I got them working again, and for anything who has had the same problem, here's what you do. Firstly, download the Windows 8 drivers from Edirol/Roland site, extract zip file to your desktop (don't do anything to the drivers). Now, plug in your Edirol FA101 device, open device manager (right click on This PC>Manage), look for FA101 under audio devices. Right click on FA101, choose Update Drivers>browse computer>Let Me Pick Drivers>Next>Have Disk>find the folder with Windows 8 drivers that you downloaded and extracted, choose the INF file. Now your device should work. Best thing about this is that you don't need to hack anything. Just use the Win 8 drivers. I've said it before and I'll say it again, I've never been happy with USB audio interfaces. I can never get the latency to work in my favour and I spend far too much time post editing to compensate for audio slippage. My FireWire device has zero latency. I've never had a problem recording multiple tracks. No drop outs, no glitches. No wasted time post editing. I really wish the tech industry hadn't abandoned it. For as long as I can, I will keep using my FA101.. might even but a second hand one on eBay just in case...? I hope this helps someone.
  17. Hey guys, I'm putting together a song which is meant to sound like Bob Dylan The Times They Are A-changin'. Does anyone have any tips on how to get that guitar sound? Type of compression? I'm guessing Tube compression. Not much bass. Does anyone have any more precise tips? Or are there any plugin that would help to get that sound? Thanks in advanced
  18. I can confirm that the brushes work in ParticleShop, which can be inserted as a plugin in for Corel Paintshop. I had to read a wiki on how to do it, but I managed in the end. You cannot use the brushes in Photoshop alone.
  19. Anyone know what the best new features to Paint shop Pro are? I've got the 2019 version which I use for photos, but I'd like it to be a bit more Intuitive.
  20. anyone got the discount? I am a teacher for a private language school in Italy. Do you think I'd qualify? This is an honest question, not a joke.
  21. https://www.spitfireaudio.com/originals/?utm_source=fb&utm_campaign=intimatestrings#intimate-strings/ Does anyone know the main differences between the Spitfire original series (such as felt piano) and the fee versions? I use the free felt piano and I can't hear a big difference from the example tracks for Originals. Thanks
  22. I haven't seen anyone post this, but 'scuse me if it has already been posted: "During September we are offering a 40% Educational Discount to those of you who are students or educators at any accredited institution worldwide. This offer applies to every Spitfire Audio library, from our Originals range right through to BBC Symphony Orchestra Professional." https://www.spitfireaudio.com/educational-discount/?om_campaign=omme_d63aee5a-41d_34952_117471&om_send=a829640fe6a5443291856e56fd26f2f8&utm_campaign=omme_d63aee5a-41d_labs_only_educational_discount_make_music_for_movies&utm_content=variation_a&utm_medium=email&utm_source=ometria
  23. Shucks - I waited too long for this. ?
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