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Everything posted by X-53mph

  1. ....Damn! I thought I'd bought everything I 'needed'....then this!
  2. This is a chill out acoustic song made for those after party moments when you just want to relax. The open tuning is of my own creation - I stumbles across it while restringing the guitar and immediately this song came out. Most of the rhythmic elements are made with my own body (hand claps, thigh slaps, finger clicks) and some really old percussion instruments I had to hand (shakers) or just simply the body of the guitar. The only 'artificial' elements are an acoustic bass from Orange Tree Samples Core Bass Pear (very nice acoustic bass sounds) and some atmospheric piano from Spitfire Audio's Oliver Patrice Weder pack (which contains some really nice felt piano sounds). It's long - it's unedited - but I like it that way.
  3. I started out thinking I 'needed' one thing (izotope products), only to realise over the course of the last few weeks that I actually 'really need' something completely different (melodyne upgrade/acoustic bass from orange tree/class reverb), all thanks to Larry. ? So I'm going to turn down all the izotope offers and see if I can't just learn to master without it. First and foremost, what I needed more than anything was to restring my guitars. They sound beautiful now. ?
  4. Is It very different from izotope vinyl? Cheers
  5. ... And for us Europeans, the exchange rate is in our favour for once. Celemony were offering me this upgrade for 99 euros. Jrr just saved me over 60. ?? Great find!!!! ????
  6. Def check out Orange Tree, and they've even got a sale on.
  7. Anything you would recommend for a folk/blues/indie sound? I've got the Nomad plugins that came with SPLAT, and I use them occasionally, but looking at that list, I'm overwhelmed. ?
  8. To be totally honest, of all the VSTs I own, UJAM ones are never used. Don't get me wrong. They are very nice, but they strike me as being like the demo presets on keyboards of old. Sound amazing in isolation, but suck in a mix. That and Hans Zimmer had gone down in my estimations after his response to the fall out from the Spitfire/HBO competition.
  9. I got mixcraft in a recent humble bundle. Haven't touched it yet, but might do if we go back into total lockdown. Anyone know if the upgrades from 8 to 9 are on sale?
  10. Anyone else starting to feel like that Hans Zimmer sound is getting a bit old? Hans Zimmer reminds me of the villian in the Incredibles: I’ll give them heroics. I’ll give them the most spectacular heroics anyone’s ever seen! And when I’m old and I’ve had my fun, I’ll sell my inventions so that everyone can be superheroes. Everyone can be a super! And when everyone’s super....no one will be. [evil laughter] [leaves room] Like, 'when everyone sounds like Hans Zimmer.....'
  11. For our European members. I saw this deal in Italy. https://www.amazon.it/dp/B0713WPGLL/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_apa_fabc_UnyTFbWMKK110
  12. I caved at €59. Wife won't be happy. [wife is never happy]
  13. I'm working around the clock to get the pennies together for Izotope Ozone Advanced this year. The arm has already sold, but if anyone wants to buy my leg, I'm all ears (sic).
  14. Unfortunately I live in Italy, so postage is an issue.
  15. What is it with Amazon and volatile prices on SSDs? I've been thinking of upgrading my SSD from 250 Samsung EVO to 500GB - I almost upgraded a few weeks back when prices on Samsung drives were around €60, but I missed that. Then this morning I opened Amazon and saw Crucial MX500 for under €50, I started reading some of the reviews by which time it had risen to about €55. I started teaching an hour lesson by the end of which prices were at €60. Now they are up to €65 ... in just over an hour!!!! It's like the bloody stock exchange.
  16. Damn! Now I wish I hadn't jumped on that R4 offer so quickly. I could have got so much more for my money. ☹️ And money sure ain't growing in trees right now.
  17. X-53mph

    Miles To Go

    Nice vibe - I'm not so into the Session strings though, I'd either take them right down, or add some warmth/reverb. I also agree with what other people said about the bass. It's not sitting well. The bass is distracting. Do you have an acoustic bass? Trilogy had a great sounding upright acoustic bass that would sit better here. Something more natural sounding would be better. Overall godd vibe though. Reminds me of some of the interlude acoustic parts on early Neil Young albums.
  18. Sounds totally authentic - great steel slide and vocal. Great feel - I love the change up around 2.20 One odd thing though. After the solo, the vocal seems to slip behind the beat, like it's slipped out of time. Was this intentional? It might be a mixing error or a latency issue. One thing that's really missing though: a BIG chorus. I'd love to hear one. All the best
  19. Amazing playing - loved the first and third track. The third track, I could listen to on loop all day. I used to buy mix tapes in Camden Lock of Acid Jazz guitarists or keyboardists, and the third one totally gave me that vibe. Loved it. My talking Tele didn't quite do it for me though - perhaps the slower tempo didn't fit your playing as well. Great work though.
  20. I really admire anyone who can make music like this. People think it's easy, but it's not. I once saw Thurston Moore play live with one of his experimental sets - controlled chaos; not an easy thing to achieve. Really enjoyed this - and great production.
  21. Kevin, I really like the vibe of the verses, and the electric guitar fills are great. As Kurt said above, the acoustic seems to be messing with the mix. It might even be slightly off time/unaligned with the other tracks. I'd either tone it down or redo it. My biggest (and possibly most painful for you) word of advice would be to rework the chorus. It isn't strong enough as is. It could be so much better with a stronger chorus. Either more complexity in the vocal/musical arrangement - (think of Rolling Stones Citadel) or a rewrite. I hope this doesn't upset you as I imagine it is a very personal song, and I do love the vibe and tone of your voice. All the best
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