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Everything posted by X-53mph

  1. Are Artic Strings very different to the Spitfire string sounds?
  2. I resubscribed, but got no email. ☹️ I KNOW I've been naughty. ?
  3. This is exactly the same drum set that was on my Technics keyboard when I was a kid...in the 90s. And I don't mean similar... It's exactly the same. Downloaded, tried, deleted. Can't see any use for this.
  4. I got a message from plugin boutiques offering this for free. Is it any good? I don't know cable guys.
  5. Great voice and Celtic flair - definitely some timing issues. I'd do another take if I were you to tighten it up, then you've got a sure fire placement track on your hands.
  6. X-53mph


    Very smooth sound - loved it.
  7. It brought a smile to my face - for some reason your delivery reminds me of Frank Skinner. It's got that music hall feel to it. Nice!
  8. Yeah! I know what you mean. A lot of really crappy art is going to come out of this pandemic. My music was used for the video but it wasn't written for the video, it was made a year before and uploaded to HitRecord then. The staff editor who put the video together chose my music to fit the words and images of others. The song evolved from those early recordings into something very different (released last year), which you can hear here: https://53mph.bandcamp.com/album/our-house-is-on-fire But I'm pretty sure you won't like it....it's inspired by Greta Thunberg ;D
  9. I have only had bad experiences with their product portal and website. Dowloaded various demo packages during the last days of SPLAT. Cubase was one of the DAWs I tried to demo. Used the obligatory download software, but could never authorize the software or get anything to work. Everytime I updated anything on their website it threw out error messages. In the end, I expunged everything from my PC, which is a shame, as I really wanted to like Halion....but I could never get it to work.
  10. The site is a mess to navigate, but it's in there. You can stream for free. Have a look at the news section and see if you can get to it from there. Try downloading the app. https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.shakey.nyarchives
  11. It's took forever to download, so I cannot give them stars for their downloader nor the ilok, but I must say I quite like the sound. The interface could do with resizing (bit too big for a laptop screen) but I like the way you can see the acoustic space that's being synthesized. The cathedral spaces are really nice, and they sound natural from the get go. One of the better freebies this Xmas. Worth keeping an eye on this, I think. I hope the developers work on it some more.
  12. I didn't know Nick Frost made VSTs? ?
  13. The installer is absolutely nuts - it was storming ahead at 76% on the Roompack when suddenly a pop up told me a newer installer was available - "Perhaps it will speed things up" I thought - upon restart, the Roompack is now stuck at 58%. If you press the rescan button, it appears to unblock it (like a digital plunger). I also discovered that Inspired Acoustics is a branch of Entel Kft. – Entel Műszaki Fejlesztő Kft. A Budapest-based privately owned Entel Engineering Research and Consulting Ltd. Anyone ever heard of them before? Their website looks like they work a lot in Acoustic Solutions for buildings, a subject that I find very interesting.
  14. According to Rolling Stone, Neil Young is making his entire archive free for the holidays. https://www.rollingstone.com/music/music-news/neil-young-archives-free-holidays-1101997/amp/
  15. Not a song as such, but my music was used in a video over on HitRecord which will probably be going out on streaming platforms. https://hitrecord.org/records/5350550 It's called 2020: In Four Words, and it collects together people's thoughts, images, videos, to express 'their' 2020. My piano playing is the entire soundtrack (which really surprised me). It's also really nice that the video has been edited to my playing, rather than me having to adapt my playing to the video (which is what usually happens). The piano is my livingroom upright - Geez, I don't know why I keep amassing all these VSTs when my 'real' piano recordings keep getting used Hope it brings some joy and reflection to someone. Peace and Hope!
  16. Man oh man! I managed to download the main program file last night, but now the Roompack just sits at 0%. I guess they never planned on that many downloads. I'm also quite intrigued as to how I got on their emailing list - I received an invite to try the new software before I saw this message thread, but I don't know how Inspired Acoustics got my email.
  17. I always like the idea of making films....then I sit down to try and make a film and I'm like...."Meh! Where's my guitar." I know my limits.
  18. All worked in the end.? I've currently got more pianos than I can shake a....baton???....at. ?
  19. Same problem for me. Their other products register just fine, but not this one, so it's def a problem with the piano.
  20. I'm sorry for your loss - my condolences.
  21. For anyone interested, I found that the Roadie app charges about 5 bucks for access to all the tunings (which gives you the ability to save your own). An alternative is Fender, which if you sign up now appears to give you all this and more for free. https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.fender.tuner
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