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Everything posted by kennywtelejazz

  1. No "There Can Be Only One " here's the proof When you finally get your new Bass , it is only then when your status as The King of the Bass Place will be restored Kenny
  2. I love animals . When I get to hang out with them I can feel the Love . You friendship is a Touching story ?I'm so glad to hear she is doing well. Kenny
  3. WHAT ! Look what I found outside my front door last night when I went out to have a smoke .... PS I'm only kidding around . I hope your new bass shows up soon in perfect condition . Kenny
  4. Oh man Mesh ! that one gave me a good laugh ? ??? Both you guys got me thinking. To learn the power of staying positive as my looks go to hell . I may need to buckle down and say a few select Mantras everyday as I have my morning coffee . ? ? Kenny
  5. WOW ! this is great news I'm gonna burn a little herbal enhancement over here in your grandsons honor Kenny
  6. Sheen's! VIA The Coffee House Becan Hotline Kenny
  7. I learned this nugget of truth After years of waiting for my ship to come in at the train station ? see look here's the proof ? ??? Kenny
  8. After leaving her extra large soda , buttered popcorn and unopened Milk Duds on her seat . The SOW made a fast exit out the back door of the movie theater and ran for her life . The plot, suspense and drama of the new Nicolas Cage movie Pig may have been a little too much for her unborn Piglets? Kenny
  9. I hope to G.. I can keep it this way ...I haven't had a drop of Booze since 08/ 12/ 83 ODAAT ! So would I ...If you look real close you will see I'm in the line .... ? Kenny
  10. What does my little birdie want for breakfast today ? Becan Becan Becan ! Kenny PS I stole bapu's becan picture from another thread . I know he ain't gonna miss it because he is busy waiting for the delivery truck to show up with his new Jack Casady Bass
  11. The warden threw a party in the county jail The prison band was there, and they began to wail The band was jumpin', and the joint began to swing You should've heard them knocked out jailbirds sing Let's rock Everybody, let's rock Everybody in the whole cell block Was dancin' to the Jailhouse Rock Kenny
  12. I wonder if I can get my date Donna The Donkey to wear a Wig . Kenny
  13. What ! " the mod with no name " is on the warpath again ,,,don't give him any air time he simply ain't worth it . PS , Another Forum Mod told me he even goes as far as reading personal PM 's ? I have her u tube channel bookmarked plus I have listened to a good deal of her music and videos , I'm very impressed with her take on life as per what I have heard from some of her spoken interviews . Abby is a very deep and talented person ....much deeper than what her look seems to indicate on the surface . Oh Yeah ! her version of H O T R S is very good . all the best, Kenny
  14. Here's some down home music to drink a little Jack to.? Kenny
  15. It's all about getting out there to play music and bringing it I'm glad to hear your out there again Dave . I'm itching to find a way back to performing again . I like that amp you got him . That is a Pro level amplifier ...I see that same amp in tons of concert footage ... have a good one , Kenny
  16. Hi Nigel , On this song I just let it rip from the start to the finish . I happen to like surprises and I am pleased my guitar playing told a good story . I'm glad you enjoyed ? Hi Andy , You know , you needed a smile on your face and I needed to get intimate with my guitar . She likes it when I play Rough and choke her on the neck . (I always feel like The Mod is watching me ) ( and I have no privacy ! ) (Woah oh oh) ? thank you for the kind words . Thank you very much Shane ! X 2 . Super funny post Steve ! all the best , Kenny
  17. The display of "power"one gets when posting content that helps delete ones own thread ! Kenny
  18. markno999 thank you for the kind words you said ☺️ . I went into hiding right after I heard them ? I listened to Ronnie Montrose's Town With Out Pity . Yeah after hearing it I remembered I used to dig Ronnie Montrose a lot back n the day . He was a player I listened to for sure .... all the best , Kenny
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