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Everything posted by kennywtelejazz

  1. To The Forum In Charge Of The People . Please ....No More ! ? Kenny
  2. Yeah I know some days it's seems we are scraping the bottom of the barrel around here . The thing is , like it or not , To those of us that are still left.....We are the Survivors! Kenny
  3. Man that is one strange looking Leprechaun Scarecrow .... Once you get to the end of the rainbow you come face to face with that and he does an Odd Job and slings his hat as a deadly weapon at you because you went the distance and want to claim the pot of gold . After ducking his hat you get up from rolling around in the nettles and you have a swollen stinging rash all over your body from all the sticky plants . To add insult to injury he gives you a swift kick up the A$S using his one good leg while wearing a freshly shined spatted boot because you messed up his garden . Ouch ! Now I really need the Christmas spirit to get over that image . Kenny
  4. To the people in charge of the forum. Please allow the best of S.L.I.P.S scantly clad ladies ! The 2021 Calendar to be available and posted here on the forum for all the members still here in good standing . Kenny
  5. This info goes out to inquiring minds My teeth are currently in a large fresh water fish tank w "yours truly " They used to belong to someone else so I had a fresh coat of brilliant white painted over them and had the serial numbers grounded out . After I took one good look in the mirror , I decided I needed to become a Guitar Player so I went out and got a hold of Johnny Winters old Alembic Guitar ! Ain't she pretty ? Kenny
  6. He named the whole band and let me have all the girls Kenny
  7. Yep that is an improvement ? Nope ! that is what a large group of young women look like when the experience of their female biology finally catches up and gets in touch with the rhythm of the music Kenny
  8. Did you dare people to throw a dart as hard as they could at your mug and if you caught it with your teeth you won the bet? ...either way you got some crazy eyes in that pic . ? Kenny
  9. Ladies and gentleman we have a really big shoe for you tonight Please welcome to the stage our next performer The one and only Bapu ! Kenny
  10. There are just those times , Dang ! That sounds like a great idea! Why didn't I think of that ? Kenny
  11. Poor B b flat Minor! He decided to rename himself A minor after he performed a transposition of dropping his pitch down one semitone . I suspect this action would have been OK if he changed the Key signature of the Song ...but he didn't As a result of his actions he pissed off the chordal en·har·mon·ic spell check N@zis.... Let this be a lesson to all that try to substitute deceptive en·har·mon·ic shortcuts . The Wold will never accept a poor substitute for an A Minor . Only a genuine A Minor will do Kenny
  12. Bbm and not a slice of Becan to be found anywhere . Kenny
  13. Magix had a bunch of apps that used to phone home every 30 days ...I know I had a few that did ...Audio Cleaning Lab & Samplitude Music Studio IIRC . Kenny
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