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Everything posted by Bristol_Jonesey

  1. Yes Steve, I saw Noel's warning recently about not scanning VST2 plugins so that's something to avoid Did everything ship as 64 bit, going back as far as, say, Pantheon? I know all the later ones did.
  2. Hi all I have a dual boot Win7 / Win 10 system Currently no software installed on the Win 10 partition but I'm about to take the plunge and install all my software & plugins going right back to Sonar 8 (selective install of various plugins) So... what's the current thinking regarding installation paths? I'm thinking I'll need separate paths for VST2 & VST3 but what about 32bit/64 bit? Does CbB even recognise 32 bit? Thanks
  3. You can't mix & match using a pan envelope (or any other envelopes) and use the pan setting at the same time. Use one or the other. You can only truly pan mono tracks - panning stereo tracks works much the same way as a balance control on your hi-fi
  4. The only things I can think of to make a track volume unresponsive is if you have volume automation on the track, Offset Mode engaged or you're tweaking the Midi velocity, not volume
  5. One final option, lasso the notes you want altered then right and select Insert Fx > Midi Fx > Velocity This will open a dedicated plugin where you can do all sorts of things with velocities
  6. No. The colour coding is only visible in the Plugins section of th Browser
  7. Not sure if this will help, but you do have the option of putting all of your Bux Fx into an Fx Chain in the bus Pro Channel. Then just save the Pro Channel as a preset.
  8. Very trippy. Looked at a picture on the wall afterwards and all the people were moving!
  9. It's possible you have two notes of the same key overlapping where the end of one note runs into the beginning of another See if there are any like that and shorten the end of the first note to create a small gap
  10. It saves a lot of work, but I still prefer the look of the Drum Map
  11. Yep, that's my understanding I've no idea why maps that at one time did load with the project are no longer there I'l do some more digging tonight, see what I can come up with Thanks for your input guys
  12. Opened up an old project I've neglected for months. All plugins loaded correctly. It contained, amongst other, a fully loaded instance of EWQL Play along with all the articulations for about 8 or 9 instruments So far so good Each EW instrument had 3 separate tracks in CbB - an audio track, Midi track, and all of the keyswitches for each instrument in it's own drum map track Problem #1 - only about 3 of the ks tracks now contains a drum map Problem #2 - none of my prebuilt drum maps area avialable in the drum map menu Problem #3 - one of the maps which does load is triggering BFD3, not EWQL Problem #4 related to #3 - right clicking any of the mapped notes and selecting Map Properties does nothing. It *should* be sowing a small dialog box where you can edit individual notes, but not now. I'm certainly not new to editing drum maps and know my way around them quite comfortably, but this has got me stumped Not sure how to resolve this without rebuilding the tracks from scratch. I do have a template that could be imported Any feedback would be gratefully received.
  13. Bruce, try selecting Main Outs in the export dialog box, not master mix or entire mix.
  14. On the subject of graphics cards, as was noted above, anything half decent will be fine as Cakewalk isn't heavily dependent on it. Just make sure you get a passively cooled one i.e. a heatsink - no fans! Eliminate as much noise as possible
  15. Use control & shift while dragging the tracks to your new destination Control is for copy, shift locks vertical position. You can if you want omit the control and just move/drag the existing tracks
  16. I find it's enough to select a clip - any clip - and slip edit the right hand edge of it to a point where all sounds have reached their final decay
  17. Where are you setting it? It usually needs to be set in the synth you're driving
  18. A friend of mine was diagnosed over 20 years ago He's now a lot less mobile than he was but apart from that he's pretty good
  19. One easy monitor test - power them down and listen through phones. Hum still there?
  20. Remove silence should work provided you set a sensible threshold
  21. It sounds like you're talking about Midi events yes? If so, it's possible you've got doubled notes in the pasted sections. Open up the track in Staff View. Any doubled notes will appear obvious
  22. I'd say it has absolutely nothing to do with sample rates and it's really down to the skill of the mix engineer. What sort of instrumentation are you using?
  23. Thanks Steve. I'll have a go with these
  24. Hi Mark I'll give that a go and see what it comes up with To give you a bit of background, I've just had a 2nd SSD fitted so I can boot into either Win7 or Win10 At the moment, there is absolutely nothing on the Win10 system and I want it to mirror the Win7 system but also to take the opportunity to tidy up and not install certain 3rd part plugins that I no longer use, mainly freebies The good thing about it is that all of my huge sample libraries are already on a seaprate HDD which is visible to both systems. There are a few Cakewalk plugins I need from way back so I'm going to have to dig out my original install discs
  25. Hi everyone Does anyone have, or know of, a spreadsheet or other tool which will scan your vst paths for a list of installed plugins, along with their paths, plugin types etc I know a few years ago Bitflipper created one but I no longer have access to the machine it was copied to, and I'm guessing even if i did. it wouldn't run on CbB? Thanks
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