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Mark Morgon-Shaw

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Everything posted by Mark Morgon-Shaw

  1. CBB is light years ahead of X1 , I would just upgrade to Win 10 and install CBB I've also used Pro Tools free as one of my mates uses PT 11 so I thought it might be a good way of transferring projects we were co-writing but having tried it once I think it's terrible, that was a couple of years ago now YMMV. So you want to record onto your Zoom and then dump the tracks into a DAW afterwards for mixing etc ? Should be totally do-able, I used to do this years with my ADAT. Record the band live at the practice room and then transfer it digitally to mix afterwards. I don't know what file formats your Zoom uses , it's probably just a case of transferring them over USB somehow and importing them into CBB. Shouldn't be an issue.
  2. Also see on that thread that it requested many years prior on the Sonar Forum
  4. Oh I'm sorry I didn't realise you were a Millennial
  5. Nothing , I learned how to use it correctly.
  6. No PC presets here either , but I wouldn't use them anyway so it's no biggie. Just for the record:- Win 10 Home Version 1909 ( OS Build 18363.72 ) Bitfender AV Free Edition - No other users on this PC
  7. I had a Focusrite Pro 24 DSP which had built in reverb but it was only there as what they call a ' comfort reverb ' as most singers don't like tracking without a little in the headphone mix but it didn't all that reverb to be recorded as you would normally want the dry track and add a better reverb afterwards from your plugins.
  8. This is cool trick, I only just saw it . I've added a few of my own...( i.e. things I have stolen from elsewhere ) Do or do not. There is no try Good musicians borrow. Great ones steal Beer & pizza go great together
  9. Mine is set to 2...12 core/ 24 thread Ryzen 3900x .. I didn't set it to 2 though, so did CBb select it's own setting ? Seems to work pretty well, not had any issues and all the threads seem to be doing something
  10. This is a nice feature which would be even better if the tabs could be re-ordered I think I have mentioned this before but the MultiDock is a bit under appreciated and could be made even more powerful. i.e. Tabs able to show more than one plugin.. Imagine if you could see all the plugins from one track / buss in a tab for example with all controls accessible from one place.
  11. Have you ran DPC Latency Monitor ? Is it only happening with certain plugins ? Have you disable all plugins ( shortcut E ) and then tried re-enabling them one by one ? Nvidia drivers are notorious for causing spikes in DPC latency
  12. Here is a photo of the basic top layer of commands I've set up for Cakewalk. These are all the commands I use most personally Some of them will lead to a different level i.e. the PRV button will be a folder with different buttons inside for editing.
  13. It may not cost any more from a system builder company local to you. Actually it's not that hard these days compared to what it used to be.
  14. I guess it depends how quiet you need it for what you're doing. Personally I don't record a lot of live parts but if I do this off the shelf machine is fine . It 's not silent but it's not loud either, no louder than distant traffic or the central heating boiler. It's fine for stuff like vocals and strummy acoustic guitar that I record..you can't hear any noise. I mainly make electronic music or working with Kontakt instruments but If I was recording a delicate nylon guitar part then sure it's something I might need to deal with damping the noise down some more. YMMV I guess depending on use case. I'm not advocating a DIY build either, although I'm perfectly capable ( I sold PC's for 10yrs as my job ) I just got this new machine and it's running like a champ but it wasn't expensive for what it is - here is the link to the page..it would have cost £400 - 500 more from somewhere like Scan as a dedicated DAW build. Guessing I would have got a more expensive mobo - case - PSU and maybe GPU but honestly I don't feel I need them and I spent the money saved on a new Audio interface and streamdeck. https://www.awd-it.co.uk/elite-amd-ryzen-9-3900x-4.6ghz-twelve-core-ddr4-business-and-home-pc-system.html I put the details in the Ryzen thread and how it's working now I got it all set up.
  15. This would be great for deliverables ! Personally I have amended the default export ' Entire Mix ' and saved over it with my own preferred settings ( 24bit 48k )
  16. I agree with your sentiment but the site linked seems really expensive for what it is to me ? Coffee Lake is 2 yrs old now and to be honest the Ryzen 3000's have ripped Intel a new one and rewritten the value proposition over the past 6-9 months.
  17. I have had this happen again on my new PC ! Luckily I figured out a workaround. Click the little square to the right of the folder + or - button to select all tracks, then press H to hide them and then in the dialogue box tick to make them visible again the folder Expand / Collapse function returns to normal...Huzzah ! I have no idea what's caused it though
  18. How much is reasonable budget ? I just bought a PC off a system builder that I've detailed in the link below. It was around £800 and probably about the best bang for buck I could have gotten, and I've been monitoring prices and performance and new processor launches for about 18 months so I've done lots of research. If you want to spend less a Ryzen 3700 is great value for how well they perform. AMD is outshining Intel by quite some margin with this latest generation so much so that the i5 / i7 9th gen don't really make much sense at the moment by comparison. Processor aside the must haves I would say are:- SSD Drives - For Windows, all your programs , stuff like Kontakt Libraries etc..go for as much as you can afford and just use the old style HDD's for samples or backups etc 16gb ram - Think this is a minimum now. GPU - Intergrated is fine for DAW use. The basic one in mine works and causes no DPC latency even though it's a pretty lowly £30 card - I don't play games or edit videos or I would need a better one. 500w PSU & stock cooler should be fine if you don't want to overclock Win 10 - If you don't have a licence part of the cost of an off the shelf is the licence for it. You can get Win 10 licenses cheaply elsewhere if you can buy without an OS. I ordered mine without and it still came installed , just without an activation code which I got for peanuts. Saved me £120 Stuff like HP & Dell often use their own custom parts with weird connectors, so if for example you wanted to upgrade the PSU down the line you might be stuck. So I would try to use a company that builds PCs , most of them seem geared towards gaming now but they'll often have a bunch of ' Office PCs' listed and the better ones of those are where I saw the most suitable machines for my needs.
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