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Mark Morgon-Shaw

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Everything posted by Mark Morgon-Shaw

  1. I'll have to try it on my next project as those are all finished and backed up for the publisher..hopefully no edit notes will come back. Will see if I can replicate it on the current cue
  2. it happened with 2 projects but they were both fine when I stopped using the lens I produce a couple of tracks each week so they were made in the latest version entirely , I've finished them now as the deadline was the end of April.
  3. The global lens at the top right. It was one I had made myself a while back Sounds like the same glitch as you had though
  4. I was about to say try setting the Lens to None ..i have had trouble with track folders when using my lens I made..everything goes a bit screwy
  5. I use Track Folders all the time but I noticed that there seemed to be some weird glitch with them recently Folders not responding to the + or - button and tracks that were in folders appearing that they were outside the folder I was trying various things to stop it happening as I had work to do and a deadline tomorrow, when I found it was something to do with the Lens I was using. I'd flipped to my own Lens at some point toward the end of the project and when I switched back to "None" the weird folder behaviour returned to normal.
  6. I am still using an i5 2500 and only switched from 8.5 when CBB was launched. Think I can still go a couple more years, definitely got good value from Intel. I've made just over 90 pieces of music since CBB came out ( for TV Libraries ), having an older processor doesn't really slow me down. Some track freezing here and there, maxing out my latency during mixdown all help. I'll probably go for an i7 when I do eventually upgrade.
  7. Me too ! I just want things how I want them ? Hopefully it would not be a massive issue to make them movable , after all it's something we are used to being able to do in other software like Web Browser that we use daily
  8. Yes but they are still locked to a certain order even so
  9. Because when you have a lot of things docked it's easier to find the tab you want if they are within the first 1 or 2 This can change throughout the production process. So when I am in the initial writing stage I may want to use my PRV and Matrix view the most. Later on when the track is written and I'm mixing I want the Console view and Browser to be my main pair...If you write a lot of music these little things add up to a lot of time over a year.
  10. Hi Mike I have a Focusrite Pro24 DSP running on Win 7 Pro , Core i5 with 16gb ram I'll have to make a note next time it happens, I make around 100 tracks per year so it's hard to remember. I am fairly sure it also happened with 8.5 which I used since it came out until CBB came along. So when it happens, you press play and everything sounds fine but the stop button remains greyed out and can't be pressed.
  11. I have experienced the same bug where the stop button greys out and you can't stop the transport either with the mouse or by pressing the space bar..it just keeps on playing regardless. Like he said in the video you have to save the file and then quit and re-open to get it back to normal.
  12. I've had it happen where two instances of Kontakt are playing the same thing even though only one of the instrument tracks contains midi data.
  13. Try right clicking the freeze button and check the freeze options, I have some VSTi's that don't freeze unless I untick fast bounce. No idea why.
  14. Sounds like you might have the midi input set to Omni in Kontakt..so it's picking up other midi tracks
  15. I fully agree and it relates to this post from January as well but I still have to open Sonar 8.5 occasionally and it's surprising how much more compact it is . More tracks, faders, busses fit on my screens and yet everything is clearer to my eyes. Modern GUI design seems to be very 'flat'..muted colours and not much sense of 'depth'... whereas they use to be a little more photorealistic in the past which is easier to work with IMHO. I think I remember reading somewhere years ago the reason everything was more spread out is it allowed for better touch screen use. If they were going to overhaul it some sort of scaleable vector based GUI would enable losless resizing of things such as the faders mentioned in the post below
  16. 8.5 was great ! I only stopped using it ( semi professionally ) when CBB was launched
  17. Lol, how many do you need to sell to make back your investment ?
  18. I think they expect the Browser drag / drop to be the way now..but yes it would be easy to add to the menu
  19. What @abacab said ! Other platforms are much faster in terms of workflow for producers of Hip Hop & EDM etc because they have integrated samplers that just " work " right out the gate for what they need. I won't repeat myself..here is a link to my previous request which pre-dates this thread https://discuss.cakewalk.com/index.php?/topic/1148-seamless-deeply-intergrated-sampler/&tab=comments#comment-8767
  20. In addition to my request for Nested Folders can I also ask that we have the ability to Export By Folder In the world of making music for TV & Film Libraries more and more of them are wanting stems. The easiest way to organise stems is by Folder ( not busses ) so the ability to Export them would be a huge time saver
  21. Not the same thing ..need something fast and deeply integrated
  22. Never had a sidechain related crash and I use them in almost every project. Most often using Fabfilter plugins
  23. When you Ripple Edit a selection in the track view , whilst dragging your clip(s) the whole track appears to move and not only the selected part..once you let go of the mouse button it corrects itself but visually it's confusing as it looks like you are moving a whole bunch of stuff that you're not.
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