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Mark Morgon-Shaw

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Everything posted by Mark Morgon-Shaw

  1. Many highly regarded mixers use a compressor on the 2buss. I use two on mine and a limiter and sometimes a MB limiter so I guess you can call that 3 or for layers of compression on the Master Buss. I think where most amateur mixers go wrong is piling too much of it on, it's more like a coat of varnish to add little vibe & thickness not necessarily squash all the dynamics the mix. Some compressors add a nice tone even if they aren't compressing. So they are more like an effect / fairy dust than a means of level control.
  2. The reason it sounds different on each set of earbuds / speakers is because you have mixed it on equipment that does not sound flat enough. This is why we spend not insubstantial amounts of money on quality monitoring and acoustic room treatment. So that when mixes leave our own speakers they still sound good on others. It can be a long and expensive road to get your equipment and mixing skills up to broadcast quality, thankfully it's cheaper now than ever. But you still gotta invest.
  3. What ? I think the Multidock is great, I keep it full screen on my 2nd monitor with always open Console and PRV etc.
  4. It seems to be working okay here although I'd need to use for longer to make sure. Not quite sure if the scores below are an improvement or not but it plays okay ( 12 core Ryzen 9 3900x ) 30 track project with 20 instances of Kontakt running various Libraries and a couple of other VSTI's and about a dozen mix plugins Fully loaded project @ 256 sample buffer on ThreadScheduling Model 2 Same project with Threadscheduling Model 3
  5. Use Ryzen master to run a stress test. According to mine the the temp limit on my AMD CPU is 95 degrees C Stress test took it to 76. Normal heavy Cakewalk project temp is hovering around the mid 50's ..that's with the stock air cooler and no o/c CBB doesn't cause the temps to ramp up especially
  6. I tell you what I'd find useful ( and I am half hoping someone will tell me it can already be done ) A quick way of duplicating midi notes either an octave above or below the current selection. I know you can select and CTRL-SHFT and move the mouse up or down 12 semitones to do it but just a single press of a key or two would be great. This is especially handy when you are working with orchestral parts as you quite often double them in the arrangement.
  7. I asked the same somewhere around these parts, apparently you can't because the ASIO buffer settings are outside of Cakewalk ( and other DAWs ) control..all it does is launch your ASIO software when you change the buffer size in Preferences. I don't even bother changing it within Cakewalk any more, I just go straight to my audio interface's asio settings in the systray and Cakewalk jseems to deal with it.
  8. Yes it would be a pretty major overhaul but with the resolution of monitors now available and competing DAWs having this , I think it's a worthwhile investment of Dev time
  9. I don't see a distinction , it's all just a means to an end
  10. Download Latency Mon https://www.resplendence.com/latencymon Run the test for awhile and see if the crackling is caused by DPC spikes - If it is you can start eliminating things by seeing which drivers are misbehaving
  11. https://www.overclock3d.net/reviews/cpu_mainboard/amd_ryzen_5_3600_review/11
  12. I skipped the entire X series and Platinum so for me I went up to Sonar 8.5 , used it for a decade and then direct to CBB ( not only do I think I was on a better version of the DAW for most of that time but I saved a lot of money too )
  13. I would like them destructively merged into one clip ( if I didn't I'd insert another midi track to trigger the same instrument ) but I think this is a good solution you have suggested.
  14. I hate the way they end up in separate clips now. Why would you want fragmented clips all over the place for the same instrument part ? Maybe it's just my playing that sucks but I son't always get it in one pass and some things are easier done in two or three passes It's just another added step having to bounce them all to one afterwards - I'm sure this never used to happen, and that they would all just automatically merge into one clip. ? Or am I going nuts ?
  15. Probably the best free one around https://www.tx16wx.com/
  16. The Ryzen line up doesn't really have many desktop chips with integrated graphics , it's just on a couple of APU's at the low end for budget PC's . They are in the £ 80 -£130 range. Not the sort of thing you would build a DAW around.
  17. You guys who are not using VocalSync are working way too hard . Works great. Coupla clicks ..boom..done..love it Used on this cover version..the recorded BV tracks were a bit wayward ! It tightened them right up instantly.
  18. The guy at Scan Computers who does all the testing . A lot of folks on various forums can't get to a stable 5ghz O/C. Well I have neither Helix Native - or a need to run at 32 samples and I don't work at 96k so that's a particular use case which is pretty different to mine. 128 samples @ 48k is fine for me I guess if 96k is sort of thing you need from your DAW rig then you'd be to be be willing to pay the extra for it. Really ? Where I live the 3700x is about £280 and the 9900k is around £480 ...which is something like a $250 difference The 3900x seemed better value for the extra, I only spent £810 on the whole system. Personally I've never bought a dedicated DAW PC, I've always bought something off the shelf that does the job as it works out less than the specialist companies charge. Never really had an issue except for my i5 2500 which had a DPC latency spike which turned out to be a temp sensor that I had to disable in the BIOS. My use case is making tracks for music libraries for TV. Electronic stuff - 95% in the box. As I've said in the Ryzen thread, it's fast , quiet enough for me , no overclocking, stock cooler , p###es all over my previous PC even without tweaking anything. Have attached the spec / invoice and a screengrab of my mixer off the track I just finished today, it dealt with this mix perfectly well at 256 samples by the end
  19. But outperformed by the 3900x which is cheaper
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