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Doug Rintoul

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Everything posted by Doug Rintoul

  1. Anyone want to trade a $25 voucher for my $50 voucher?
  2. Actually, no. That brings it to $39.19 price point. I already have Triad plus it is not currently going for $29. Might add De-Verb Plus. At least then I wouldn't be buying two worthless plugins.
  3. There are no dynamic discounts for bx_tuner. I can add two bx_tuners to bring the price down to $37.99. Seems kind of silly to do that but that may be what I end up doing.
  4. Curses. I have a $50 voucher so I thought I could add a $29 plugin and get both for $29. But dynamic discounts kicks in and brings the total down to $73.19 which is below the $75 limit for the $50 voucher. There are no $39 plugins either. What's a poor soul to do?
  5. They are quite unique actually. Aeolian Meditation shines at doing Drones and is made for tweaking and experimenting with.
  6. Thought this said Cow Phaser at first, like from some alternative Farside Star Trek universe. Set the phasers on stun! ChowDSP has three other free plugins as well.
  7. Note that this is for Orb Synth. Code does not work for the Orb Producer Suite.
  8. Sorry. I am a Cakewalk neophyte. Where do I see ProChannel Module headers? Nevermind. I figured it out.
  9. Where am I supposed to see the PC2A? I do not see it in my list of VSTs.
  10. -------------------- Hey amigooooos! We decided to make ALL the products on Ocean Swift Synthesis FREE for everyone to enjoy! These were a labor of love and our babies, but since Yaron joined NATIVE INSTRUMENTS and Fernando started his company Sounds2Inspire we had little time and could not offer commitment to support our products. We would be very glad if people continue to enjoy them and be inspired by our sound and the passion we put into everything you can find there. Have a go! A HUGE, but I mean really HUGE thank YOU for everyone who supported our journey in so many ways, it was a wild ride and brought us both to where we are now. Ocean Swift, signing off! https://oceanswift.net/ -------------------- This is big. Windows only though.
  11. I am trying to decide whether to get Advanced Steel String Guitar. Hard to find any good reviews on it. I do like the sound of it. I wonder when the sale ends.
  12. And was once called Qatar and Sonex. Google Muze and Sonex and you will get an earful. 500GB Good grief!
  13. "See instructions below on how to unlock your free MESA/Boogie Triple Rectifier head now and come back each week for details on the new artist presets to come." So the new presets have not been released yet.
  14. Actually, it is pretty sad. I guess people are wanting to blow off steam.
  15. Not only is it free, I got a message from APD saying I earned $0 for my last order. Deal!
  16. Pianobook? Always free.
  17. I was about to curse PB because I just paid $6 for Pad Therapy but then I realized that Pad Therapy is not in this sale; in fact it is $60 at PB. Now I feel so great because I got such a great deal. Just joking. I was glad to pay only 6 smackeroonies for PT and could have cared less that PB was selling it for 5 two weeks later.
  18. Yup. I was one of the beta testers. No problems with it on Windows with VST3.
  19. I noticed that as well. However, this is supposed to be a library of recorded tin whistles, not synthesized. I wonder if there was a ton of post processing done.
  20. Musescore.org also has the much of this in digital format. Just add instruments and mix.
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