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Doug Rintoul

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Everything posted by Doug Rintoul

  1. However, it looks like he has redeemed himself, at least in the eyes of some people...see https://www.kvraudio.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=6&t=509385&start=330
  2. This is not strictly true. It is true that most installation programs default to this location for 64 bit VST3s, but you can put them in other locations if the installation program allows it, or you can move them later if you desire and you know what you are doing. However, your DAW or whatever you are using to scan for VSTs also has to allow for alternative scan locations for 64 bit VST3s as well. Most do. It should be noted that Steinberg does say that 64 bit VST3s should be install in C:\Program Files\Common Files\VST3 and 32 bit VST3s in C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\VST3 on 64 bit Windows. Also note that VST3s have a .vst3 externsion. VST2s have a DLL extension. That is the standard at least for Windows VSTs.
  3. With Holy Verb button that places your Prayer Piano in a gentle worship hall. Is it compatible with their Horror Harp?
  4. Just bought the Eastern Percussion Module. It is actually a really good Eastern Percussion library for Kontakt Full.
  5. Great deal. I got the additional $10 off code. Now I need to decide if I would ever use it.
  6. Already had this thing and didn't know it so I got it again. I got too much stuff.
  7. I was about to ask what TTF was, even searched the net for the term, and then noticed the name of your Youtube channel...?
  8. Is this the one? http://forum.cakewalk.com/SOLVED-VST-Inventory-Utility-m3511638.aspx
  9. I have pretty much everything from Audiofier, except the later Riffendiums and SEQui2R Synth. I already have SEQui2R EX. I have had my eye on SEQui2R Synth for a while now. It never went on sale. But I am tempted by this deal, because it is still less than half the price of SEQui2R Synth alone. If I can separate the two out, I may have a SEQui2R EX to give away to a worthy cause. Audiofier makes some really fun stuff.
  10. Glad I was not the only one with this reaction. Talk about an over the top description. I do wish a "sugar knob" was on more synths though. We need more sugar.
  11. I was looking for some mores grooves to go with my shiny new SSD5. This was timely.
  12. Completely agree. Who in their right mind would celebrate Thanksgiving in November?
  13. Addiction has the dubious honour of being my first buyer's remorse plugin. Even at $15, it is not worth it, IMHO.
  14. Okay. Wish this review had been available before I purchased this last May. I loaded up LSS to confirm the examples in the article. At least I didn't spend $60 on it.
  15. I bought LSS Strings for $40 when they were on sale at APD. For that price, I was willing to take the risk. To be honest, the number of times I have contacted support for any software is close to nil. I have actually gotten more support from places like this forum.
  16. Okay. Definite problems. Unlike at the Hotel California, I can't even check out.
  17. Actually, Artist gives you 10 free loops a day. You need Studio to get 25 loops a day. I already have free Loopcloud account, never subscribed, but I cannot get this offer :(.
  18. Alternate opinion...I rather like Aria Sounds. The choir is quite useful. I have had no problems with them. Larry, last March you said their support was terrible but then they got back to you and reset your download links. Is that what you were referring to about bad support? I have no experience with their London Strings or other older products. Maybe I am biased because my dog's name is Aria.
  19. Yes, the MIDI library is huge (1700+ loops) and can be used outside of Ascension as well.
  20. I love how when you click on the Now price, is sorts it alphabetically, not numerically. Kind of useless if you ask me.
  21. Something funny about that coupon code end date (besides the suspect spelling of the word through). We are in November now, right?
  22. Limitations of the evaluation version: * Save is disabled * No total recall * Audio stops after 30 minutes
  23. Just looked at their Youtube video comments. It looks like they were aware of how the term might come across and they did their research and consulted with some Inuit. Here is their response when someone else brought up the issue: Thanks Evan! Yes we are well aware of that, and have actually been in contact with a few Inuit people (one of whom used to commute between two of the towns on the plugin for work!). They can’t speak for all of them, but they thought it was funny and took no offence whatsoever. Anyway, it was the subject of much discussion and one of the first points bought up when we were designing the plugin. No offence intended to any Inuit people of course, hopefully we can just make their mixes a bit warmer! ? I am okay with that.
  24. Unfortunate name for a plugin. The term "Eskimo" is a loaded term and is considered offensive here in Canada.
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