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Doug Rintoul

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Everything posted by Doug Rintoul

  1. No. Conversation is good. Interaction is good. It is fine if you express a different opinion or even point to independent studies that back up your point. However, it is the manner in which you went about it with statements like "Leaves intel and amd in the StoneAge", your whole mean girls thing, questioning my ability to search, questioning Jim's expertise, calling everyone a bully. Your whole attitude has been "me against the world" and it is not healthy. To paraphrase you, "if you can't see that, then you have issues I can’t begin to address."
  2. You really need to let this go. You have engendered so much ill will that even if you are proved right in the end and are vindicated, it will be a hollow victory. No one is going to want to interact with you after you have belittle and insulted people right, left and center. And saying "well they did it first" is childish and will not improve your standing in the community.
  3. I bought this two days ago and I have already composed a potential Oscar winning soundtrack sure to take the world by storm. Seriously, these are really good.
  4. Agree 100%. I am all for competition and the more the better because we will all benefit in the end. What I am not for is people asserting that their gluphorkan of choice is so much better than yours, you may as well go home and die because what you are using now is so obsolete. What was that about a sale again?
  5. I've read that if you disable four cores, you can overclock them higher and get even better single core performance because less heat is being generated.
  6. Three topics you should never bring up at Thanksgiving dinners, politics, religion, and Apple verses PC.
  7. You are funny, I know how to search just fine thank you. I think maybe my Google is still broken, because using the search parameters you gave me, I found only three videos that actually addressed the 8gb issue, not the dozens you claim to have found. Two of the three videos I found concluded that you should go for 16 GB (even the one you linked to), even though 8GB will run okay for run of the mill projects. You must really like abuse to antagonize people the way you do.
  8. If you are going to get Liquid Music anyway, don't bother with Liquid Rhythm from JRR. The Liquid Music & Liquid Rhythm bundle is currently $99 on the WaveDNA site.
  9. Well, I am trying to find those many many videos and reviews you keep talking about. Maybe my Google is broken. The power/performance ratio is impressive, but from what I've read the M1 more on par with Intel/AMD and is actually worse when Rosetta is factored in. It certainly does not make Intel/AMD processors appear stone age.
  10. Colour me skeptical, but I find it hard to believe you were able to do all this on an 8 GB M1. 20 Kontakt instances on top of over 100 tracks? Pictures or it didn't happen. When Fleer gets his M1, he will be able to confirm your findings.
  11. Come on man! Jim posted a screen shot of his memory usage. It was definitely on a MAC. He even specified it was a M1 Mac Mini running OSX Big Sur v11.3. It did have 16 GB of memory, not 8. Jim didn't say that one instance of grandeur would use 8 GB of ram. But loading Grandeur with whatever else was running at the time, seemed to put it over 8 GB. Now the M1 may be an impressive processor, especially considering it's low power, but nothing I have seen so far indicates that it leaves Intel or AMD processors in the dust.
  12. Addiction has the dubious distinction of being my first buyers regret synth even though I only threw 10 bucks at it. If only I had listened to my dear ol' dad and invested that $10 in pork belly futures. I be rich, rich, rich today.
  13. Too bad. I needed Terrie to complete my collection. $28 is still more that 50% off regular price but I think I will wait.
  14. They never were offered for free. I cross-graded Phoenix-Mirage when it was released, but had to pay $5/ea for the cross-grade. I didn't bother with Terracotta. I was actually surprised that Artic Strings-Mirage was free for Kontakt users. However I am not sure I like the Mirage interface over the Kontakt interface.
  15. I have all four, but I want to buy them all again just to get in on the "no brainer good deal".
  16. (Hope I don't get ninja'd on this one) Get ASCEND for $74.50 (reg. $149), for the first time ever, during our Summer Sale. Plus, get an additional 10% off your order when you buy three or more products (Mosaic Pluck not included). All offers end June 30. https://heavyocity.com/product/ascend
  18. And if you live in Canada like I do, you get to pay the same price in Canadian $s. So I can get it for $51.45 (with tax) which works out to about $43 USD.
  19. I am in too! Been a long time since I seen the sights of jolly ol' England.
  20. Ya, I know I could have just gone to the web site to check it out; the name just hit my funny bone. I think it would have made more sense to call it "Billy Decker's Bus Glue" though.
  21. I wanna know, what is a "Bus Glue Billy Decker". Do I want/need one? My GAS wants to know. Sounds like someone just threw a bunch of words together.
  22. T&S have allow me to swap in the past as well. Too bad I already have everything Ethera. On the other hand, I am not unhappy I have everything Ethera.
  23. Right. That is what I actually did. Didn't realize that there were two different downloaders. I did not have to give up any information. You can also download the new Conduct installer from here https://continuata.com/download-app, without having to create an account or sign in. You can then paste the code and download your library. Not sure what all the library-login stuff is about.
  24. Via a single key you paste into Zero-G/T&S's downloader Conduct. IIRC you can also get direct links to the downloads and thus bypass the downloader. Just in case you were thinking of selling them, the files are watermarked.
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