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Doug Rintoul

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Everything posted by Doug Rintoul

  1. Here is something interesting. I opted to purchase Win 10 Home (after buying a copy of Pro) from PCWorld. When I pressed By Now, it offered to sell me Pro for $34.99 rather than $39.99. I wish now that I had not purchased Pro already.
  2. I think he did that on purpose. Click bait and all. It worked on me, just to see the responses.
  3. Actually, Tassman 4 can still be purchased here: https://www.applied-acoustics.com/cart/add/2246/(note direct link to a cart with Tassman in it). It is being sold as is for $99. So I guess the above deal is not so bad, considering it includes Tassman and 4 other older synths.
  4. Note that this is for really old software. String Studio is now at VS-3, Lounge Lizard is at EP-4, Strum Acoustic is at GS-2, and, Ultra Analog is at VA-3. So the software in this bundle is at least one version, if not 2 versions behind the current version. Might be useful for an upgrade path or something.
  5. Maybe I have tunnel vision but I could not see any VST/AU at the links you gave us, only Kontakt instruments.
  6. I am trying to download the DVD portion of the magazine from here http://www.bit.ly/BeatDL174. It is asking for the second word of the big headline on page 64. The English version has Psytrance but I suspect that the German edition of the word is required. Can you give the me the second word of the big headline on page 64 of your German magazine? Nevermind. The third word actually worked.
  7. This is great. Comes with a free copy of Waves Element 2. I was just about to buy the magazine when I saw this. Thanks!
  8. Looks like the current samples are all approximately 9.32 seconds long, PCM S24 LE, Stereo, 48000 Hz, 32 bits per sample. Looks like 103 BPM is pretty standard and 4 bars per file.
  9. I really like Rigid Audio stuff. The instruments are usually fun to play with; some more inspired than others. I always ignore the high list price. But definitely worth it at this price. I have all of his stuff. Don't think I have paid much more than $6 for any one instrument. I know some people have been burned in the past when he was doing high priced preorders and then selling at bargain basement prices a couple of months after release. But he is not doing that now and even offering a 14 day money back guarentee if not satisfied. Hard to lose much at this price.
  10. Purchased. When I used the Buy Now (not PayPal), it was $4.20. And I was still able to use PayPal to pay. I didn't even use the coupon code (though it looks like I still could have). I almost feel guilty for paying so little.
  11. Actually, the oneshots are there in the World Pack Instruments.
  12. I have the Celtic Kontakt library from Zero-G and it seems most of the samples from that are in this sample pack. All that seems to be missing are a bunch of one shots. And the Kontakt instrument files of course. Also note that the expanded pack takes up over 10 GB because the acidized loops are "duplicated" in the garageband loops.
  13. If you add the plugin to your cart, a SPRING2020 coupon is automatically added as well which takes off an additional $2.02.
  14. It is the "Hyper-Intro Price" of €19 that is two day. The regular intro price of €39 lasts until May 24. BTW, you can get another $2 off at Audiodeluxe.
  15. People who say you can have too many 'verbs are just spouting noun-sense, in my opinion.
  16. I am trying to register, but there does not seem to be a way to do that. Site says you can do it from the login menu but that does not seem to be the case.
  17. Thanks! Where did these coupons originate from?
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