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Doug Rintoul

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Everything posted by Doug Rintoul

  1. Okay! So why not participate? I am going to sign my mother up, and my brother, and my dog, and my neighbour's cat. Shoot, I'll sign up my whole block.
  2. You still have to buy one item though, right? The cheapest being TinyBox at $19. So even at 40% off that would be at most $11.40.
  3. Actually, while the above can occur for automounted USB drives, you can permanently mount a drive pretty much anywhere in the file system. At least you can in Linux. Not sure about Macs. With Macs, however, if the drive is labeled, then it will automatically mount under /Volumes/{label} where {label} is drive label. I never did much like Windows drive letters. It was still better then the VMS abomination if anyone still remembers and worked with that.
  4. You can do it on a Mac as well with ln -s. On my Mac I have a Data drive which is mounted on /Volumes/Data. From the terminal I could create a link by doing something like the following: ln -s "/Volume/Data/Native Instruments" "/Users/doug/Native Instruments" Then anything that was dumped into "/Users/doug/Native Instruments" would actually go into "/Volume/Data/Native Instruments"
  5. You should talk to them. I have found AAS one of the most responsive developers. I had gotten a number of duplicate expansion packs via HumbleBundles, etc. and they were willing to trade some of the duplicates for ones I did not already have.
  6. I am surprised that AAS is offering you Objeq Delay if you already own it.
  7. This completes my AAS collection as far as instruments go. Still don't have all the presets but I have more than enough to keep me busy.
  8. Not for me. There are ways around this by setting up linked folders.
  9. Just picked up Chromaphone 3, Lounge Lizard EP-4, Multiphonics CV-1, and String Studio VS-3, all for 132 Canadian Loonies. That is $33 per synth including the new CV-1!
  10. Why do I all of a sudden have Zepplin running through my head right now?
  11. Got mine half an hour ago too! There is singing and dancing in the streets, all over the world.
  12. This year, they are doing a maximum discount of 60%. Last year, it topped out at 50%.
  13. You might want to change the link to https://www.orangetreesamples.com/group-buy. You link requires a person to be logged in to OTS.
  14. Just listened to the promo for their Vocalator Pro plugin. For some reason, I become suspicious when marketers start throwing around phrases like "revolutionary" and "game changing", and "the future of vocal production is here".
  15. Just picked this up for $6. It looks like this plugin has some relation to MeldaProductions. My order information came from MeldaProductions, and the activation screen looked very Melda like. The settings for each of the plugins look like the Melda UI as well.
  16. Curses UJAM and PB. How dare you give away something I paid good money for two months ago? This is actually a fun little tool. I really have no qualms about paying $9 for it when it was released.
  17. Yes, I know that you weren't calling me anything. I said that kind of jokingly?. I actually agree with some of your points which is why I suggested people like me contribute to companies like Aria Sounds resting on their laurels.
  18. From my perspective it depends. I am willing to pay for a product if it does what I need it to do and meets my expectations. To be perfectly honest, I can count on my one hand, the number of times I have contacted support for any product and received a satisfactory solution. So I guess I am more than a little jaded. I have received more support from community efforts like this forum than from any official company support. Now I guess you could say that people like me contribute to companies like Aria Sounds providing poor/non-existent support. Oh well. Call me a reprobate. if you want to.
  19. Doug Rintoul


    Here is a plugin that lists support for Windows XP ?
  20. Okay. I am back. Phew. Still okay with my card.
  21. Just checked my updates and there was another seemingly larger cumulative update for 21H1. It is KB5004476. I have an Nvidia card. Maybe this update will screw up my machine. Machine is restarting. Be back in five minutes, or maybe never depending on the outcome.
  22. Being a glutton for punishment, I decided to try the update. Everything worked fine at this end. It didn't take that long to do the update either. What graphics card do you have cclarry?
  23. Hmm. Works fine for me in Studio One 5.
  24. Funny how each of us have our developers that we just can't stand and we post our negative opinions each time there is a deal highlighting the developer. I am just as guilty as the rest. For me it is StageCraft. I will never buy anything from them no matter how good their new releases might be. For many others, it is PA or Waves. I actually like the Aurora Choirs, especially the sopranos. I did buy it for what it was, knowing that if there was issues, I would not get much support. This thread from 2017 seems to indicate that Aria was more responsive back then to issues: https://vi-control.net/community/threads/aurora-choirs-by-aria-sounds.63813/
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