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Byron Dickens

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Everything posted by Byron Dickens

  1. F--- 'em! Amplitube works just fine in CW. As does Guitar Rig, TH-U, Softube and pretty much every other amp sim. FYI Amplitube's Jimi Hendrix is very nice....
  2. They already have it: https://discuss.cakewalk.com/index.php?/forum/7-instruments-effects/
  3. Hell no! I've spent too much money on good cymbals to let them go to waste!
  4. Why are you so afraid of connecting to the Internet for a few minutes?
  5. Unless my smattering of German has failed me, your master bus is going to nowhere.
  6. Next is still in public beta so I don't know what else you'd call it
  7. Perhaps you shouldn't be beta testing if you don't know what you're doing or what exactly it is you are beta testing.
  8. Record it right in the first place and you don't have to fix it later.
  9. Hell, people post their phone numbers and email addresses!
  10. Believe me, you quite obviously do. Good luck with you and your attitude.
  11. I have an MXL R144, which is actually pretty good. It is one of those "bang for the buck" mics. It's no AEA R44, but its not $4000 either.
  12. Turn down the input gain and put a louder signal into it.
  13. Or take a peek at any of the 13,562 other threads on it....
  14. Interesting. They were the Soviet Union's answer to the toy Casios of the '80s.
  15. Dear Jesus! Didn't we just go through this **** earlier this morning?
  16. Not again! There's only about 500 threads on this.
  17. I much prefer the workflow and experience of mixing in Harrison Mixbus but editing (especially MIDI) is FAR better in Cakewalk.
  18. We need to get Quanell up in this MF! Organize some protests! Yeah, fight the power!
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