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Byron Dickens

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Everything posted by Byron Dickens

  1. I think that Michael Jackson was recorded with an SM7.
  2. You don't suppose it would be "Support Center," do you?
  3. You can't record a VSTi by clicking on the UI.
  4. Well, they have. You don't suppose that news and announcements could be in "News and Announcements" do you? Never mind that - as John has pointed out elsewhere - a simple internet search would turn up the answer. Including all the dozens of aforementioned threads that have been beaten to death.
  5. Because three times a week - sometimes twice in the same day - yet another person starts yet another thread on this exact same subject. And it always degenerates into useless speculations about pricing models and entitlement mentality crybabies bitching about the "lifetime updates" that they are "owed" That's why.
  6. Oh. My. God. Again? Haven't we done this 500,000 times already?
  7. Dear Jesus! You haven't seen any of the other 500,000 threads on this same thing?
  8. Thread drift. Related: YouTube removed a video of mine for "hate speech." The video accompanied a wholly instrumental piece of music. I posted an epic rant about it. Incidentally, the very same video passed muster on Vimeo. Vimeo has a "hate speech" policy nearly identical to YouTube's
  9. Yeah, well TV and radio commercials and print ads aren't so intrusive. They are passive and they come on after several songs in a row or between acts during the show. TV and radio commercials and print ads don't interrupt in the middle of a song. TV and radio commercials don't interrupt in the middle of someone speaking. TV and radio commercials and print ads don't pop up and cover what you are trying to watch or read . TV and radio commercials and print ads also don't spy on you; they don't follow you around or rely on the harvesting of your personal information and sharing of it with God knows who.
  10. Same here. Along with a couple of other things, I have an ad free browsing experience.
  11. Any DI box from a reputable manufacturer will do the job.
  12. STOP! STOP! You're not going to fix anything by taking random, drastic shots in the dark. You might even make things worse. Your problem is that you are trying to use garbage drivers known not to work with Cakewalk.
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