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Everything posted by Keni

  1. I just tried something that seems to have worked but it will take some more times trying this to verify. Normally the fastest latency I run here is 128 but I had it raised to 512 to deal with the use of Amp5 in this situation. I just lowered the latency back to 128 and Amp5 froze fine this time?
  2. OK... This is really crazy... I just opened the same song to work. I unfroze the guitar track and ctl-drag copied the clip (8bar) on it. Then went to re-freeze and once again CbB is crashing from Amplitube 5. I'm gonna go back re-launch CbB, Open the same song file, replace Amp5 with Amp 4 and begin the replacement process I posted in my previous message about this issue (above) I know I'll get it to freeze again after enough changes between plugins as I did before. .. or at least I believe I will. This is frustrating. I avoided both Amp4 and Amp5 continuing to use Amp3 being so much more resource efficient and still decent sounding. Then I moved up to my new DAW with win10 (I was on win9.1 on my previous DAW), I discovered I can't get Amp3 authorized here. Another calamity of the changeover to Microsoft control of signing ID and all it's issues. So I switched to Amp4 and all is well except that I lose a few amp models that for whatever reason(s) didn't make the transition over from Amp3 so I began to think, I might as well move up to Amp5 where I have more available than Amp4.... which brought me here today. I do like the sound I'm getting from Amp5 better than the closest I've come to same setup in Amp4 but at least it freezes ok. Is anyone else experiencing freeze issues with Amplitube 5? Keni Oh yeah, things are stranger yet... I did my best to repro the successful procedure I used earlier and it disn't work, so I though about it and remembered an error that happened while doing the successful event. That was accidentally, I loaded both Amp4 & Amp5 into the fx bin before realizing it and then deleted Amp4 to fianlly get a successful freeze of Amp5.... And that now worked twice as a work around here it is boiled down Work my part enjoying Amp5, then (this will require a bit more experimentation to see what I can .successfully trim out of it) Place Amp4 into the FX rack with it and then see if removing Amp4 then allows Amp5 to freeze. If not, the longer and now twice successful method was to replace Amp5 with Amp4, Freeze, unfreeze, replace Amp4 with Amp5 and finally get Amp5 frozen! <sheesh!> Am I the only hangout using Amplitube 5? ...or at least trying to?
  3. After crashing twice in a row attempting to freeze a track, opening CbB took near 30 seconds as opposed to the usual 3-5 or even long taking 10.... I was ready to relax about it and simply wait it out seeing 10 seconds appeared the longest, but this time 30? I don't understand but right now I've gotta figure out why it's repeatedly crashing instantly hitting the freeze button. I will begin by removing one little used but now thinking that's on a send buss? More investigation needed. This is a simple 8-bar mono guitar (DI) running through Amplitube 5 I've never had this happen before. Cake drops like a hot rock. No crash warning etc, jut gone! Only unusual plugin is in the fx bin of a bus to which this track is sending. That's first to be removed in this experiment... OK... This one is a surprise. Turns out it's Amplitube 5 that crashes attempting to freeze. New here. Going to substitute Amplitube 4 and see... OK... Back to the drawing board. No answers. I rebooted, loaded CbB and song, once again attempting to freeze Amp5 and it crashed... Re-opened CbB and song, replaced Amp5 with Amp4 and the track freezes fine... Replaced Amp4 back up to Amp5 and guess what? The track froze correctly! ...those little gremlins are getting tricky! Keni
  4. Thanks Tom... Possibly. This is my only machine running this update of CbB... My other machine is far behind (good self-reminder to update it already?) and my other machines far too old.... It's not the end of the world if it's as simple as waiting the extra few seconds to load, it's more knowing it's ok, be patient and wait.... That's hard! ? As I said previously, when it actually did lock up my machine a couple of times (previous release) that brought me to even pay much attention to this possible issue. Thankfully it has not done that with the latest/final update... OK. I'm off too bootup my older win8.1 system and update CbB there too! Keni ...Ha! That was painless. win8.1 DAW, I updated both the program and the offline help then needed to signin to Bandlab which of course I expected having not done so on that machine in quite some time, but it activated instantly with my signin... Excellent!
  5. Thanks t... It's not so much the length of time it's the suspense of "has something locked up/gone wrong" that quickly becomes a concern... ? In the previous release I actually got forced to Task Mgr to stop then restart CbB. That hasn’t happened with this release, but it’s recent in mind, so when it takes a full 10 seconds or more for the empty program to open, I grow concerned.
  6. I was about to post a similar response. ..and remember that all modifier combinations are available to be used including ctrl-alt-shift, so performing a drag operation during such an execution may be necessary... yes?
  7. Sorry I can't help with the SoundID issue, but this other issue is still on my mind... The Opening of the program itself. No song file. Sometimes it opens normally and sometimes it takes longer.... and sometimes it takes much longer? Nothing else is running on my DAW any differently at any of these times. I set everything to manual everywhere. So this is a thought.... Might it have to do with verifying activation etc.? That would quickly supply a reason for the varying lengths of time as the internet through speeds vary constantly.. If this is the case, can't the program finish opening with it's current status and have that verified after it's open? It would go a long way to comfortable launches. So far my Windows 10 experience still pales to how much more cleanly and easily my win8.1 system still runs, but this stuff makes it feel like 3 steps forward, two steps back...? I know this CbB issueproably has nothing to do with that, but I'm on a roll...
  8. Exactly... It's on going, but becoming a paid version. I think of it simply as the next major update as compared with simply bug fixes as this last update is. They froze the feature set etc so all new features will appear in Sonar. I'm guessing there's other new things. More than the big issue of the vector graphics change, but they are in the upcoming version (Sonar, not CbB).
  9. Thanks. I kind of guessed that but thought I'd ask...
  10. Will it run in the free version of Kontakt?
  11. Very true, except these things need fixing going forward into Sonar. I think it's possible that many of these fixes may be applied to both programs? For us, it's unknown the extent of differences. For example, I doubt they're gonna re-write the audio engine in this changeover. There may be some surprises, but the only thing I/We know for sure is that the gfx portion of the UI has been altered to be vextor based gfx.... Everything else (afaik) is the continuation of Cake/Son
  12. Thanks Jonathan! Once again you are quick to the rescue! I'm off to do it the long way! ? OK... Update finally installed.... this was a rough one though.... Not only wouldn't the updater respond, but after downloading the installer from the web page as suggested, when I ran it, nothing happened for near 5 minutes when I went to inspect. Seeing only a taskbar icon with nothing happening, I then opened Task Manager to end the process and try again but when I was about to proceed it notified me that setup was running, so I chanced a bit more wait and finally the installer ran. Changes in the install windows had me a bit uncertain of how to proceed without possibly wrecking my established setup (I hate having to rebuild that!) but finally it is installed and appears working. Now gonna check for whether it has left me "signed in to Bandlab") as expected etc... Not trying to be a pest, but... Please get Sonar out soon so we can escape all this (almost) pointless issues with a software that's ending... Thanks for everyone's hard work. It looks as though you Bakers really put a hard push into getting as many fixes as possible into this final release.... Many Kudos! Keni
  13. Ouch! I responded without noticing the new update! Still trying to get it but I keep receiving the error message: validateUpdateResponse: client request failed (0) Overloaded server? or..... Sheesh! Still the same.... I keep trying. Including closing and re-opening CbB but I continue to get this response.... I'll wait longer.... What else is there to do? ...and 45 minutes (or so) later, still the same. Frustrating!
  14. Interesting... Not the case here. It consistently takes it's time loading with spinner than ever before. This is a relatively new Computer build and essentially does nothing but Cakewalk/Sonar and related internet. I did not have this lag prior to this update. 2022.09 was much faster opening...
  15. I have always avoided using that kind of stuff while recording outside of Dolby/DBX noise reduction back in the day. The chances of losing some stuff while recording has always out weighed the noise issue. Safer to remove it later. Luckily, these days, tech has evolved to a relatively decent level. Far fewer noise problems than in the past. ...but when it perks up it's scratchy little head we have bluenoise to help!
  16. Not to worry... We all suffer the issues of typos! ? This is true for all forms of art. It is very rooted in the actual living experience of the times it was created and trying to feel that is truly difficult if it hasn't been experienced. So as for scientific examinings, again we face the changing/evolving of technologies. So many people still vie for vinyl... Me? I've got a fairly large vinyl collection which I never listen to or plan to. I grew up with 78's before LP was invented! ? I have all the pops and crackles and skipping etc. that vinyl suffers as well as understanding the RIAA curve and it's reasons for existing as well as the horror it places on quality reproduction.... Not a great technology but I was thrilled with it when it was all there was. Each medium has it's good/bad aspects. Early CD tech suffered when they thought to get away with a single DAC converting the audio and the incredible loss of depth that resulted... But it was overcome and continues to improve. Maybe one day we'll have "natural" digital recording where it's analog-style continuous? Who knows? I just hope that in your musings you find the good in things always!
  17. For me, being old enough to remember these artists first appearances and seeing most of them live... Some of the appreciation of these is understanding the times and what existed before. The Beatles performed with no monitors through most of the band's live performances! Things were different on many levels! BTW, Not "defending" something that needs no defending. I can’t count how many songs/artists I dissed over the years only to find hindsight provided a very different perspective. So many styles/genres which each contain interesting elements even if I’m not attracted to such styles. Time changes everything! I've managed to love all of these in their' time and continue to find and enjoy new artists and things. They are each additional, not replacing and uniquely tied with the times they flourish. Sometimes I find myself seeking to remember/imagine the mindset of my avatar in those times/places. Some of which I did live through. Sheesh! Drum hardware became more solid and stopped shaking all over the sad flexing risers! Ha! Now everyone accepts stomp boxes. They all bitched at me for all the gadgets and wires... are things better now? I don’t believe so. Only different. Much has improved, but so have our expectations increased.
  18. Just to note... Though it's no longer getting locked up or crashing at startup, the opening time is considerably longer than ever before, No project, just the program itself
  19. Then why leave it in the UI? Bad decision in my opinion... I guess this is a reason some might op to upgrade to the full la2a collection. It's cheap enough if this is important to you?
  20. Interesting... That's strange. Why put it there if it's not gonna work? Maybe a bug?
  21. Yeah, I noticed the latency as well as flanging or phase shifting that sometimes occurs. I only use it much as you describe. Remove the noise and get rid of it! I do sometimes duplicate the track, archive and hide one copy, then apply the noise reduction and remove it from the active track/copy...
  22. Yup. Got it. They are "comparable". I like different qualities of each but they are very similar. Note that the UAD free release (called La2a Tube Compressor) is the same algorithm as the la2a Silver from the UAD La2a Collection, but sounds different than the silver anyway. I’m still very satisfied with the Ca2a most of the time, but glad to have the choices!
  23. I've gotta go back and read the thread through... Not that it matters to me personally, but I like to know things... I have had the CA2 since it was originally released and use it a lot... It is excellent ac is the PC75 I recently acquired the UAD 1176 collection and the Free UAD La2a Tube Compressor which are excellent as well. Just as with hardware I've owned, they're all similar, but different, so knowing/choosing your gear is a matter of taste. I have others as well, but these two sets are my go to most of the time for these devices. The CA2 has been invaluable to me so I hope more people get to appreciate it!
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