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Thank you so much David for having a listen . . . I did sing it again this afternoon, and posted a newer mix, I think I got it clearer, and took Nigel's suggestion about trying some double tracking . . . but the ears are now dead from a long day's recording session, let me know what you think ?
@ant_in_wales . . . thanks for your comments. I think I get what you're saying about the chorus, maybe a bit understated, especially the first one shortened as it is. I'll think on that some . . . When you say . . . "Chorus too short. Finish with "Every end is a beginning. Except Death [silence]?" . . . well, we may differ philosophically . . .
@Bajan Blue @Wookiee @mark skinner @Douglas Kirby Hi all, thanks for the very helpful insights ! . . . as I suspected I will need to sing this again. I didn't use any magic tuning, but agreed there is a lot of processing junk on this . . . I used the autosnap feature, to bump up the tempo of the project about 5 bpm, so something happened in that process. I'm going to sing it again this afternoon at the new tempo, and hopefully get better results. Probably have to re-do the guitars at some point as well, but mostly the vocal. Nigel and Wookiee . . . glad you liked it, encourages me to keep going with it Mark and Douglas . . . I used to be a piano tuner, so have trouble singing real loose like a rolling stone . . . anyways, thanks again everyone, I'll post a new mix here in a few days.
New song idea, and a mix work in progress, trying to get the vocal clear and lyrics recognizable, let me know what you think . . . I'm at the point where I think I need to just sing it again, and hopefully pronounce clearer ? . . . but I'm not too sure . . .
Flagging High Peaks in a Mix [SOLVED QUICKLY]
noynekker replied to noynekker's topic in Cakewalk by BandLab
Thank you scook ! (as always) . . . you pointed me in the right direction, what I was looking for was right there called "Show Track Peak Markers" and Show Bus Peak Markers" -
Flagging High Peaks in a Mix . . . a long time ago, in a Cakewalk far away . . . wasn't there an indicator of where the higher peaks of an audio clip were, maybe it was on the Master Bus ? . . . it would place a tiny flag there during playback, but I can't recall what it was called . . . so I can't remember how to turn it back on. I'm working on a mix currently with some mystery red peaks, and I remembered this feature, and how useful it might be for this. Anyone remember this feature, and where it is . . . if it even still exists in Cakewalk by BandLab ?
AudioSnap ON, I thinks it's locked and loaded, so no go . . . but can't you select that clip, and do a "bounce to clips" to get back to free editing of the clip ?
Fun and catchy tune ! . . . kind if reminds me of The Proclaimers, a great Scottish band, but this sounds more English ? The intro really caught my attention, what a great start . . . then later in the song the sound got very full, you got those vocals right out front, and they sound really great and authentic . . . such a great listen guys.
Hey, it's like the Beatles but clearer ! What a great pop song this was, and your version is a seriously detailed recreation of all the parts I remember so well. Nicely recorded and mixed. Thanks for posting this, enjoyed it very much !
Gary, you've captured that big booming voice right upfront in this one . . . also the big and full sounding mix, sounds excellent on my system !
Mark, your voice is incredible in this one ! . . . so much character and expression, you obviously know this tune very well, and totally got inside it here. The instrument arrangement is very special also, I am transported to that jazz club ! . . . can almost smell the cigarettes, Lol Now, don't monkey with that mix too much, sounds very balanced and convincing, maybe you nailed first time ? I've only heard it on headphones so far, but will let you know how it translates to other systems.
Hi Jerry . . . I always save your posts for a Sunday night, when I can have a good listen. Some truly great orchestration and dynamics in this one. You really do show off what Cakewalk can do orchestrally, and I really enjoyed this piece !
Bjorn . . . really well put together, strong worldly music, transports to a different place, best enjoyed on headphones . . . and enjoy it I did !
Hi John . . . some great live sounding guitar and vocal work here, really likeable song idea . . . brought to mind Nitty Gritty Dirt Band, or The Band . . . just excellent stuff !
Hey Paul . . . you have really refined this mix in the right direction, I like how the opening vocal is more upfront and has more attitude ! Yes, you've brought out all the great parts of this song with more clarity and balance. There are some cool moments where the Bass guitar really growls out in the mix, very nice. I can also interpret the lyrics better this time around, and they are very well done, right on, it needs to be said !
Googled it . . . found a punk band that used it . . . are you saying you used to play in a punk band ? Now that's an Odd Bit of Fun. Hmmm, might need more clues.
Well, my booty don't shake like it used to . . . but my cerebellum was workin' and twerkin' to this one. Can you explain the phenomenon of panning the lead part and not having the volume of it dropping ? . . . is the 25/8 time signature a standard out there in the cosmos ? . . . seems we're all trapped here in 24/7. My only suggestion would be to call this one "Sequential Pulsars", maybe even "Pulsating Sequences" . . . but that's just my tiny internal marketing guy's idea. Great stuff Wookiee, enjoyed stopping by this one a lot !
Hi Paul . . . much better mix I think, way more punch in the bottom to my ears, sounds more like a live band. The vocal mix is better too, and I do love those vocals and harmonies ! I agree with antler that the drums sound squeezed a bit much (didn't they do that in the eighties ?) . . . if you could open them up a bit and keep that volume, it would help the overall mix concept. The lead guitar parts work very well, like you really leaned into it.
Bjorn . . . such a great listen and watch . . . seems to me a reminder of the beautiful things in our world, that those of us in the big city don't get to see enough. Makes me want to retire to the country, very relaxing.
Click-Select in time ruler (rant)
noynekker replied to Colin Nicholls's topic in Cakewalk by BandLab
@Colin Nicholls Colin . . . YES, this is a source of irritation for me as well . . . selecting by timeline is the most intuitive thing to do, but you have to be extremely accurate with where that mouse gets placed . . . which never works in quick style editing. I've also mapped your suggested keyboard shortcut, thanks for that ! . . . but found it's still annoying to have to do that all day long in my project editing sessions . . . Cakewalk, is there no way to turn this off ? ? -
Philip . . . a great song just got greater with this mix ! This song has something very special about it, I hope you know that. The vocal up front totally works for me, especially in the intro section, you dial in the first time listeners attention right away, they can't wait to see how it goes . . . I'll have to be careful not to use that cool acoustic guitar riff in my next song, Lol, it's just so catchy. It's perfect you get it 3 times in a 3.5 minute tune. Don't see it available on your bandcamp yet, but I look forward to buying this one . . .
Hi David . . . well, there's nothing baroque about this, sounds great to me ! (guess you've heard that one before ?) Nice smooth listen for a Sunday afternoon, goes with Pinot Noir very perfectly. What's that low instrument in the middle, bass clarinet ? . . . what a cool sound.
Now that's a great tune Douglas, and an accomplished mix, I just listened on headphones, and it really surrounds, everything smooth and clear . . . sounds like you really have some top notch equipment to do the job. Great Stuff as always !
Hey PavlovsCat . . . excellent rockin' version of this classic ! Really like the drums and the feel they have. It's great when a cover doesn't "copy" the original, and I so like the way you presented your version a lot. Well done on the vocals as well, a few timing change ups, and an interesting effect really worked for me, captured the period. Mix wise, it gets a bit thick in a few places, with so much sustain going on . . . but I wouldn't change a lot, maybe vocals up a hair in the first verse. Love that ending where it goes all helter skelter.
Hi Paul . . . this grimsby thing is turning into a really great tune ! I think it would be time well spent tweaking this mix, because this is a good one. The lead vocals and political attitude lyrics really work for me, and the guitar solo in the middle really caught my attention, also the instrumental part right after that with the bass guitar high end melody . . . has something special. You have such a great feel for the background harmony vocals, oohs and aahs here really work well. Overall mix wise I'm hearing mostly that the bottom end needs boosting . . . yes everything's clear, because of that, but so missing that low eighties punch you want.