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Everything posted by noynekker

  1. Antler . . . very well done ! Convincing, in that it stays in your face the whole time, hopefully those judges will see it like that. ( The video is very attracting as well)
  2. Wow great pro recording ! Sounds like pretty classy Pop / R&B through the first part, I should say I'm not much into the video, these kids these days, maybe it's older me . . . but wowsers ! . . . when that lead guitar and sassy vocal kick in later, just won me over right there . . . maybe old Dad had some influence there ? Great stuff, lots of fun, I was very entertained, mostly sonically.
  3. yes, too bad, same here, wants me to register on Spotify . . . I just want to hear it, the title sounds interesting . . .
  4. Hey Gary . . . both mixes capture the power and beauty of this piece. I am moved by it very deeply either way. Super clearness in all the instruments. The AAMS (2nd) mix (on my close headphone listens) seems to make the lead vocal have slightly less edge, a bit rounder, smoother. Gary, the vocal performance is among the most expressive, emotionally, that I have heard in a long time online here no matter how you mix it. I hope many more will get to listen to this. The fidelity of the recording is of a very high standard here.
  5. Yes . . . he did return once to explain his frustrations with modern audio technology, why are we still talking about him like he's still here ? We're just here to help, right ?
  6. I just click my mouse wheel, and it brings up the Tool Hud . . . "H" for me is Hide Tracks
  7. @sjoens @User 905133 @Heinz Hupfer Hey everybody, thanks for the great tips and insights ! . . . I simply got into some bad PRV editing habits recently . . . I knew about the Smart Tool, but didn't really know about how to create and edit notes properly until I played around with it more . . . YES, that does what I want, the real trick of discovery for me was to double click to create the notes, then the other 3 edit tools are right there depending where you put the mouse, nice, I get it now. For many years I did most drawing of notes in the Staff View, but the bakers changed some things, and I could never adapt to them. Seems that the draw tool is more useful for macro note creation using pattern and line settings . . . so much more to discover, as I move from Staff to PRV for inputting notes. Thanks again for your responses.
  8. I'm trying to change the default workflow for drawing midi notes in PRV view, is there a way to do this ? Where I am trapped is: Draw some midi notes in PRV view . . . hover the mouse on the notes, I get the glue tool, right click on the notes I get the erase tool . . . both seemingly useless to what I always want to do next . . . EDIT LENGTH, AND MOVE THE NOTES ! Yes, with a few mouse clicks I can go to the Smart Tool to do it . . . but I'm wondering about the logic of why the draw tool goes to "glue" or "erase" after inserting new notes ?
  9. Bjorn . . . very interesting 5 minutes I just spent, a lot of thought went into this piece, lots of great imagery to follow along with your spacy synth collection. The narrative in your video is very insightful, and kept my interest along the way . . . of course I've heard all these theories before, but your spin on it (set to music) was really well done I thought. I watched an episode of NOVA this last weekend about black holes, the centers of galaxies, and it kind of wrecks the brain when trying to grasp what they are finding out about our universe in recent years.
  10. Fascinating piece Treesha . . . kind of a hurricane parody musically, but lyrically, it sounds like the real hurricane is at your door, but you've seen it all before, so no big worries . . . at least that's what I got from it . Nice clear mix, hurricanes are very NOW topically, at least where I live. Hope you're safe and keeping dry ?
  11. Thanksgiving for Cakewalk, yup
  12. CoolEdit 2000 ? . . . I still dust it off and use it occasionally 21 years back, not a multi-track DAW by comparison . . . but glad you got your music done with nice results. (remember what those beatles did on 4 track tape, wow, what they could have done with free cakewalk would be off the charts)
  13. noynekker


    David, David, David . . . some magnificent macabre here ! Yes, I've heard this piece here before (I remember googling Abdabs) Glad to see you've taken it to another level with video and a cool drum groove. The video really shows your creative talents, and that androgynous happy face thing is particularly scary. Yeah, the mix is very clear and to the point . . . I'm likin' it a lot, very well done !
  14. Yoskid . . . you've responded to a 2 year old thread, and we will certainly need more details to offer help. Something changed between yesterday and today in your computer environment to cause this, can you give us more clues ?
  15. Hey Paul . . . another good one in the works for you here. Really enjoyed the vocals, lyrics, and especially that moody clean guitar in the intro part. Your overall mix so far is pretty clear, though, I really think a much rounder kick drum sound would suit this one, mostly in the intro part, high tac beater really stands out there. It seems like it's trying to sync with the bass guitar part, but bass is mixed quite low in comparison. You mention not being happy with your guitar solo, I thought melodically it works quite well, and maybe it will grow on you as the mix fills in around it more ? Had a few listens, you know I'm always a fanboy of your voice ! . . . and your guitar skills are no slouch either, I'll circle back in a bit as this one develops . . .
  16. Mark . . . lots of fun and challenge for the listener's brain to chase along with all the riffs, amazing how you get them all to work together ! . . . really like those stops, gives it time to breathe, then moves on again, drums are there for support, but take a back seat overall . . . sounds really well thought out, but with talent like that, maybe you just wing it ? Singing guitars is the best I can describe it.
  17. Bjorn . . . enjoyable ethereal piece! Monolithic . . . makes your mind wonder about the possibilities. Really like your synth choices here, it suits the video content, and really helps transport the listening experience to another place.
  18. Very inventive arrangement Lynn, lots of fun stuff flying by in the mix . . . great lead vocals, and background vocals ! It presents as R&B, but you've added some unique twists to make it a little different than the standard.
  19. Kevin . . . some pretty great guitar melodic work here, like the long echo effect with slight distortion, so smooooth ! Great vocals / Lyrics, maybe more mids + volume for my ears ? Since you invited some critiques ("Still, please feel free to criticize as you see fit.") . . . my main thing is the high end of the snare, long decay, endless and relentless, choice could have been better there ? Everything else, the feel, the vibe is so much there . . . had a few listens and really enjoyed this one overall, great artistry !
  20. @whoisp Hey . . . amazing and powerful song ! . . . with a great video, really kept my interest as I watched along. The vocal is very strong, performance and lyric work so well together, crispy mix, lots to like here. I especially like the concept and hook line "Set Your Troubles Free" . . . we can all relate, hence the mass appeal this song can have. Hope it does well for you !
  21. Hey Douglas . . . very cool song, and it sounds like you've done something different here, different than your usual, changed up the songwriting . . . your vocals are always great, but in this one the drums, the beat, the song . . . evolved to something else.
  22. RDB . . . well done !, nice collection of urban video images, lots of interesting things to watch while enjoying the mellow vibe of your ambient music, I found it very relaxing on my Saturday night, just what I needed . . . thanks for posting here.
  23. @Douglas Kirby . . . thanks for listening, and these great comments . . . yes, more of a rocking chair rocker, compared to your stuff
  24. Great pop song brothers, liking the vocals and lyrics a lot, this was the music that even the clumsy (like me) could dance to back in the day I was thinking as I was listening how that smashing omnipresent long tailed snare sound ruled the 90's . . . and it made me wonder if you've ever tried a version of this with a tighter reverberant snare ? It's such a well crafted song idea, but seems very tied to the 90's by that snare sound. Don't get me wrong, if that's what you were going for, you nailed it ! . . . but still I wonder.
  25. Douglas . . . right on rocker, smooth and pro clear recording . . . really enjoyed this one !
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