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Everything posted by noynekker

  1. Hey ! FreeEarCandy . . . well, since it's free, may as well go and enjoy it . . . and I did very much ! Thanks for posting here, I can only pay with my compliments. Very well done !
  2. Hey Jesse . . . never sure if I totally understand it, but musically and lyrically, I'm an appreciator of this one ! Well done.
  3. Thanks for your comment Steve ! . . . actually, my main mix challenge here was no drum kit, I usually have a drum kit, but it was not suggested here, trying to get it sounding loud enough on a streaming platform without squashing the natural acoustics of it all.
  4. Hi Dean . . . thank you for your ideas ! The piano part was mostly mixed to help define the chord changes and tonality, especially in the bridge modulation section, and agreed there are places where it could be mixed back to bring the guitar to more prominence. Glad you picked up on the emotion, sometimes you never know how that will come across . . . thank you for lending your ears !
  5. Hey Paul . . . great to hear you're still rocking the air waves here ! Sounds like this will be another good song by the end of your process. I really hear some very clever lyric phrases throughout this, though, I can't totally discern all of the lyric quite yet., but get your sense of social commentary. 3:47 . . . still time to fit in a solo guitar ? I'll be listening in here.
  6. noynekker


    Hi Steve . . . was just tunneled and workin' on a tune, so may have missed the original buzz on this one, but I heard it real tonight ! . . . just great stuff, c/w crisp recording. Lyrics sound very reflective, maybe a bit confessional, and your video moments add some great emotional touches to the overall of it . . . really enjoyed this one sir ! Bruce
  7. Hi Tom . . . Too much fun ! I remember hearing this one before . . . the video you've done really paints it up as you listen along. I love the smorgasbord of old technology, and the wistful storytelling, lots of amazing dreamlike detail to look at . . . very excellent work ! ! . . . and cudos to your son for his great vocal track !
  8. Hi Tim, thanks for listening, Mark really knows how to capture his guitars in his recordings, sure makes the mixing easier . . . (the lyrics are posted on the SC page, but I guess you don't see them from the internal links here)
  9. Glad you liked it Tom, and always good to know the mix translates to other ears . . . thanks you so much !
  10. Thank you Tom . . . yes, not a ton of collabs here, but lots of great tunes getting posted every day.
  11. Thank you so much for having a listen Nigel, and I'm all in for a better 2023 !
  12. Happy New Year Cakewalkers ! . . . here's a new original, and it got way more than "With a Little Help from my Friends" . . . fellow forum member Mark Alan Skinner, who modestly claims to just play second fiddle on this one , but the acoustic guitars, harmony vocals, some lyrics, and that amazing Cello creation are all him ! I really enjoyed working on this with Mark, hope you enjoy listening.
  13. My Console view on second (right) monitor . . . is usually dragged over to the right side monitor from a docked Console view . . . but I also tried dragging Console view over not from a docked position, just a floating window, but got the same result.
  14. Thanks for confirming Superabbit . . . my workaround Ctrl+TAB to toggle through, and bring back open plugin windows works for now, maybe @Noel Borthwick could shine some light on this . . . if it is something that can be adjusted in Cakewalk, or perhaps a limitation of the way Windows does dual monitors ?
  15. I have tried the Console view on Monitor 2 docked and dragged from Monitor 1, as well as Console view on Monitor 2 as a whole new window, and it makes no difference.
  16. Yes, I think that may be the case . . . but two monitors are pretty normal these days, there should be something to compensate for this in the software programming, I don't think Cakewalk has adjusted for this yet.
  17. FYI, the setting "Recycle Plugins" unchecked in preferences does exactly that, they are all launched as "pinned" When I looked at this further, the real issue here for me is that on my second Console monitor, they are indeed remaining open (pinned), but they disappear from view when opening the next plugin . . . they go behind the main window. A workaround I found is to use Ctrl+TAB to toggle through the pinned plugins, which brings them back in front of the main window. I think when you launch plugins, they should all remain in view, unless you minimize them, where they minimize bottom left, in front of the main windows, but are still visible, even though minimized. Perhaps this is a Windows thing, because it treats the right side monitor as secondary to the program running on the main monitor. Still, I have used other DAWS where all plugins remain visible on both monitors until they are closed.
  18. Very Interesting piece here Lynn ! a fiesta for the ears once again . . . no, it doesn't have that sing a long chorus others have mentioned, for me more of a philosophical journey. Your Soundclick page calls it "Alternate Rock (Indie)", but I hear it as a very jazz based idea, as it certainly morphs through different tempo and tonal allusions, and lyrical feelings. I knew from that first thick discord that I was in for something different. Enjoyed it very much, and huge respect for the recording / mix, to capture this idea !
  19. A bit of a frustration for me . . . when I try to open multiple plugin windows on my second monitor, it doesn't work . . . launching the next plugin just closes the previous plugin. I have the setting "Recycle Plugins" unchecked in preferences, and it works correctly on my main monitor. (I have Track view on main (left) monitor, and Console view on second (right) monitor) So, if I try to launch multiple plugins on my Console view second (right) monitor, plugins just close the previous one ? Please tell me there is a button to fix this somewhere ?
  20. Pretty cool, some nostalgia I missed . . . but luvin' it now ! Thanks for posting it Ed
  21. Interesting project ! I can hear this is a well conceived piece of music, from that melody and chord structure . . . really enjoyed how you interpret from the original composition here with the electric guitar doing the melody all through. The video is also perfect to go along with this, in that it is understated . . . a standing picture with slow movements. Great stuff. Thanks for posting here.
  22. noynekker


    Wookiee . . . lit up my headphones most effectively, and the interface to my brain was seamless . . . starts with a swish, nice triumphant ending, bubbling with intricate LFOness all along the way. Most enjoyable, and relaxing end to my day here, thanks.
  23. Real quality feel to this one, so well played and conceived . . . enjoyed it very much, just don't make it another 40 years to play together again !
  24. Another very cool song from you Philip . . . this one travels along with a smooth delivery. It's very "close up" and personal, the way you recorded it, which really works well for the song and lyric idea, though, the acoustic string slide noise would drive most audio engineers crazy . . . did you have the mic very near the fretboard to get this authentic sound ? I don't mind it so much, because that's what guitars sound like when you're right close to it . . . maybe do a club version in the future ? Anyways, glad you posted here, I'm a fan of what you do.
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