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Bill Phillips

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Everything posted by Bill Phillips

  1. I don't think there is an exact one. I have SoundToys 5 and they are not available in VST3 format. I installed the VST2 64-bit plugins in a VST2 64-bit\SoundToys folder on a separate recording content drive but you should be able to put them anywhere that's on a VST scan path and has 1GB of free space. The only thing the installer places at the install path are the DLLs. All 21 DLLs occupy less than 1GB.
  2. Thank you all for your continued work improving and expanding CbB!
  3. Thanks for the insights. I reviewed documentation on key bindings. Most keys have single key shortcuts though many of those are view specific. The smart tool related single key shortcuts are particularly ominous, though I'm sure very helpful when doing a lot of editing. I'm currently waiting for prices to drop to get a 38" curved monitor and hope to keep a small track view display always visible so that I can see any accidental editing I do.
  4. Thanks. The version upgrade did it for me. I had version 2.5 I think. What concerns me most is what was going on in Track View even though it was not visible. Is that expected behavior? To me it's scary and totally unexpected. I found it by playing the loop while looking at Console view and hearing nothing. I used D to go to Track View and found the portions of all tracks in the looped portion missing. I checked Undo History and only found a few Nudges. However, since I was making plugin changes I may have saved during that process possibly removing the clip cut operations it that's what happened. I've had similar things happen before. The problem is I'm not aware I'm editing clips which makes it hard for me to determine how it happened. I just reviewed the project audio folder. There are no apparent changes to the clips in size and length, though all show that they were created today at 11:41 AM which could be the result of reverting to an earlier auto-saved version.
  5. I believe that I was using the numeric keypad to make an entry into a free Eventide ULTRACHANNEL EQ Frequency which was not accepting them. I tried switching to the number row at the top of the keyboard which made a screenset change to Track View which showed that a gap the size of the loop I was playing had opened in all tracks as if I'd deleted the looped section of all tracks. I looked at the change history and saw about a dozen nudge commnads which didn't seem like it could have deleted a number of measures sense the nudges were all in frames and milliseconds. I was able to revert to an earlier auto-saved version to recover but I don't see how this could have happened. And it's happened before under different circumstances. Has anyone else had similar experiences or can anyone suggest what might have happened? Keep in mind I was not even looking at track view. Unfortunately I was so worried about recovering that I didn't take any screenshots.
  6. Thanks. Very helpful. That was all news to me. I thought the H key opened the Track Manager for the current view (Console or Track). Wrong! I also didn't realize that screensets stored track visibility. Wrong again! Screensets are very handy to me because they appear to store all options in all the dropdown menus across the top of each view which I tweak on every project. Being able to load them in a screenset will be a big help. Is their scope that broad? I'm hoping I soon feel like I've got a handle on screenset and can move on Workspaces.
  7. I may have found a new problem with the Track Manager in EA2 (2021.04 Build 125), though the problem could be caused by my inability to deal with the interaction between Screensets, Workspaces and Track Display setting which I have left Custom. In the gif below, I: Start in Track View (Screenset 3) and verify that Workspace is set to None, then de-select some tracks in the Track Manager which removes the tracks from view. I then switch to Console View (Screenset 2) and then de-select the same tracks in Track Manager which doesn't remove the tracks. Notice that the keep track/console states in sync box is not ticked. However the de-selected tracks are not removed from Console View. I then open Track Manager again and verify that the de-selected tracks are still de-selected. I then switch back to Track View (Screenset 3) which shows that the previously de-selected tracks have reappeared. Given my past screw ups using Screensets, Workspaces and the Track Control button, I suspect I've done something wrong, but I don't know what.
  8. I really like the waveform outlines! To me it adds clarity and definition. Thanks!
  9. See screenshot. There's a mp4 attachment at the bottom of the Cakewalk Discuss Digest I received at 3:40am EDT. Why's it there? Is it malware?
  10. Wow, thanks. Can't wait! I didn't even mention the tempo changes but yes there are lots of really small tempo changes done by Melodyne.
  11. Yeah, it sure looks that way but there's only one clip. See attached screen shot.
  12. I'm visually editing clip gain for a vocal clip and I've come across a section where the waveform appears to not be scaling as the clip gain is adjusted and I'm wondering why that is. The attached gif seems to show when clip gain is adjusted for a narrow waveform selection that the waveform is not scaled as the clip gain is changed. For a broader selection portions of the waveform are scaled but the core area that was included in the smaller selection does not appear to be scaled. I've also attached a second example where the left side of the waveform is not responding to the clip gain adjustment and the right (lower gain) side is. I'm using Version 2021.04 (Build 111, 64 bit).
  13. Here's the clip waveform scaling documentation.
  14. Thank you. Now I need to write this down somewhere.
  15. Where can this be found in the documentation? It would be nice if it was in the startup section. I also think that holding CTRL key will run CbB as administrator. I can never remember these options or what they do, but the only way I can find the answers is to search the forum.
  16. I haven't used this because, it appears to affect the track output and all sends. I usually only want to do this on one or two sends. Even the split mono tracks is a problem because I want to apply stereo FX to the stereo channel.
  17. What I do is avoid it unless it makes a big difference. When it seems to make a significant difference, I do as you suggest.
  18. I would love to be able to pan left/right track output and send levels independently as if they were dual mono channels. I have work arounds but it would be a lot easier if there were separate pan controls. I apologize if I've submitted this before. I'm constantly running into situations were I'd like to have separate pan controls.
  19. I would like to be able to lock Track Input Gain controls so that they couldn't be adjusted again until unlocked. I use Input Gain controls for gain staging when I start a mix and don't intentionally touch them again. However, I can't avoid my cursor finding its way over them multiple times during a mix. So, I do sometimes adjust them by mistake and never remember they'd been before I bumped them. That leaves me fiddling with them for some time trying to get the track level and sound back to where it was. Input Gain affects everything downstream and changing by mistake affects any dynamic controls on the track.
  20. @DeeringAmps I'm not proposing collaboration on a song project. I'm proposing collaboration on implementing a Cakewalk version of the Decerator template using a combination of standard Cakewalk and free plugins. I've just about got a rough draft of the template and pile of plugins to evaluate. I'm getting ready to load tracks and begin auditioning plugins. I was wondering if there are others doing the same thing that might want to trade notes and share ideas & findings.
  21. Is anyone developing/using a mixing/mastering template based on Billy Decker's book? If so, I'd be interested in collaborating with you on building and using the template. I'm working my way through this short but seemingly action packed book in the hope of finally being able to finish a mix after 20 years. The book is amazingly filled with insights into the Deckerator mixing approach and precise plugin settings which I value, though I haven't tried to put them in practice yet and I expect the plugin settings will need to be validated/tweaked for each mix. However it's also amazingly sparse on other details like whether sends are pre or post fader. I'm going with prefader for now but suspect I'll end up with a mix of pre and post. My goal is to develop a template using a combo of Cakewalk included and free plugins that my daughter can use to mix her own music. At this point I don't think I have enough time left to ever complete any of the in-progress mixes of her songs that I'm working on. If you're not familiar with the book or the Deckerator mixing approach. He talked about it in detail in this interview.
  22. Thanks. I'd never noticed that. I was trying to have all the sends for a particular bus on the same row and was inserting inserts to "none" as spacers. Not a big deal. In my case the sends are to aux tracks and sends are not ordered in aux track order. Also not a big deal. I'm fine with the existing behavior.
  23. Not sure this is a bug but it looks like one to me. I tried to line up sends for this template using the "None" send name from the dropdown for tracks without a send to one the send effects. I only have three (Verb, Delay and Phas). So I wanted the Verb on the top row, Delay on the second row and Phas on the third row. I thought having "None" as an option would allow me to do that. But as the attached GIF shows, that doesn't work. Looks like Cakewalk has a mind of it's own on which sends can be named "None." for the track in the GIF, Cakewalk wants the top send to be the "None" send and the second one to be the "I Verb" send. Similar things happen in the other tracks. FWIW, if this isn't the place to report bugs, I searched around and couldn't find a different place. Consider adding it to one of the forum header dropdowns. I think that would help me.
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