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Everything posted by Bill Phillips
Thanks! Me too, since PCs first came available! But I don't see anyone else doing it, untill now!
Thanks, but I don't think Channel Tools is a realistic substitute for Protools separate left/right pan controls. Channel Tools on the source track would affect all sends and the output. Channel Tools on the receiving track would affect all inputs. Protools separate left/right pan controls allow each send and the output of source trackes to be panned differently, and allow each input to receiving tracks to be panned differently.
I didn't do that, but if it removed the 27 files it had identified for removal it would have removed all but four of the 13 files I'd originally loaded. It could be that the Clean Audio Utility is far down the Bakers list of bugs. ?
Thanks for the explanation. I used Save As to verify that only the original loaded files were the 13 I'd originally loaded using the Media Browser. So I deleted the other 18, I think duplicate, tracks which didn't seem to have any impact on the project performance. I'm going to keep the Audio folder open in Explorer to get a better idea when new files are created. The Clean Audio Utility doesn't seem to identify the correct files. In my case all the files created by Cakewalk and all but 4 of the files I'd loaded would have been deleted. The Play button doesn't work either. I'm guessing it hasn't been maintained as Cakewalk has evolved.
Nope. Clean Audio is wrong. Completely wrong. The Associated Audio Files for each track are the ones I loaded using the Media Browser. That works with the expected result. The 13 audio files that I'd loaded using the Media Browser were copied into the new project.
These tracks were recorded some time ago in another project. I loaded the audio files into an empty project using the media browser. There's 11 tracks. Two tracks have two takes. So there are 13 files. The other 18 files are not associated with any tracks and were added by Cakewalk or maybe Melodyne when I dragged one clip to the time line to create a tempo track.
Where the 18 additional audio files in the project I just created come from? And is it ok to delete them? The additional files are the ones shown in Explorer with one and two digit sequence numbers and shown as selected in the second screenshot. I noticed that they were all created over about five minutes about 45 minutes after I finished loading the audio files. See second screenshot. Could that have been when I dragged the acoustic guitar DI clip to the timeline to create the tempo track? If Melodyne did create them, why? Are they at all useful? I just created this project, starting with the empty project template dragging audio files in using the media browser. I have 11 track. Two have two takes. So that's 13 files all with three digit (i.e. 242) sequence numbers in their file names. I have slip edited and dragged clips to start at 1:01 and I've dragged the acoustic guitar DI clip to the time line to create a tempo track. I haven't bounced anything to clips or tracks. Then I opened the audio folder (lower left) and was surprised to find 31 not 13 files as shown in Explorer at lower left of the first screenshot. Not knowing why I had the 18 additional clips, I opened Clean Audio Folder, which I don't think I've ever used, hoping it would show the 18 additional files as no longer used. No such luck. It shows 27 files are no longer used. That would leave only 4 of the 13 files I loaded. The top three clips in the Clean Audio dialog are also the top three files shown in File explorer. The one with the (242) sequence number is the one I dragged in from the browser and the one shown in track 9 of Cakewalk on the right side of the first screenshot. I also went through all 11 tracks and verified that the files I drug in are the only ones listed as "Associated Audio Files." If I were to "Delete All" in the Clean Audio Folder dialog all but 4 of the audio files I want would be gone, but I'm not going to do that. I tried to play the additional clips (the ones with one and two digit sequence numbers) in the Clean Audio Folder dialog but the play function didn't work. The Clean Audio Folder looks to be pretty much useless and dangerous. Am I wrong?
It looks like it's been a while since the first sentence at the top of the main page has been updated. "MIDI stands for Musical Instrument Digital Interface and has been the rage among electronic musicians throughout its six year existence."
I see. For me on my 3840x1600 monitor most things are as small as I want them. Though some plugin UIs are not as wide as the plugin header bar which leaves a block of empty space under the right side of the bar. It would be nice if the plugin header shrunk to fit the plugin UI.
Isn't it scalable now? Dragging sides, top, bottom or corners will shrink or expand the Cakewalk window. That's pretty much the same as the browser and other apps.
I've definitely saw those when they were introduced but can't remember when that was. ? And the picture resolution isn't high enough for me determine whether the displays are character or pixel based. So I'm guessing late 80's or early 90's.
I'm no expert at comping but thought I might be able to assist given no one else has responded. What I would do I use the browser to load the first take into 12 drum tracks. Then I'd add two additional take lanes for each track. Then I'd load the tracks one at a time into the correct take lane. There's probably better ways but I think this one will work. To load each take with the Now time at Home, I think you can select the track and the intended take lane and double click the intended clip.
What can I do when Reset category is grayed out and isn't an option? I'm coming across a number of instances where Reset category is grayed out and I can't relegate them to the uncategorized folder. Is it possible that I've overflowed the uncharacterized folder?
Thanks. I may try that if the trackball doesn't workout.
What is the keyboard shortcut that "fits the project horizontally without expanding track height?" I can't find it in the documentation or in Keyboard Shortcuts.
Thanks. The review was informative. Do you use the rollermouse? I think I'm going to give a trackball a try. Hopefully I'll like it more than you do.
Thanks for the additional options. They all seem to have advantages. I still think I will give the Kensington Expert Trackball you first suggested a try.
Thanks. Maybe I'll try this. Considerably less expensive ($86 including a wrist pad) and probably easier to use than the RollerMouse. I remember seeing lots of these on Computer Aided Design (CAD) designer's desks. And they could quickly and accurately make precision moves all day every day without moving their hand or wrist except to spin the scroll ring. Are you aware of any issues with the wireless version or of any useful accessories? Thanks again.
Thank you. Very helpful. I hadn't considered the non-intuitive motion (rolling/sliding) required to draw a curve. That could be difficult to learn. And precision and accuracy could suffer. So far I don't draw many curves but I often do move automation nodes horizontally and vertically at the same time which might suffer those precision and accuracy problems. Thanks again.
I'm looking for a replacement for my mouse and the RollerMouse looks interesting. It's totally different than a mouse and keeps both hands on the keyboard; and it has 7 fully configurable and easily accessible buttons. It's also expensive. So finding satisfied users who use it the way I will can make it easier for me to make the move. My biggest issue is with the mouse's left-click button, particularly for click-and-drag. What I'm dragging often drops or my click becomes a double-click while I'm holding the button down. Also I have various types of risk and hand pains that are aggravated by mouse use.
I have both and still prefer CueMix to Mix Control. +1 I have the 8228 mkII. The last driver update was in 2015. They've had several Mac driver updates for the same interface in 2021.
troubleshooting Duplicate Tracks Not Identical [SOLVED]
Bill Phillips replied to Bill Phillips's question in Q&A
Thanks . Nothing. Yes. All true. I hadn't thought of setting the Pre-Master interleave to mono which wouldn't work for me since all the buses and send FX need to be stereo in this mix. Your interleave comment reminded me of what I'd done wrong. I want the duplicate tracks panned hard L/R. But, for the null test to make sure that they are identical, I need to pan them both back to the center. Once I did that just now, they cancel and I hear nothing meaning they are identical. I want them to stay identical through the track FX. So I also make sure that the track FX are all mono and identical as well. That's working too. The send FX are stereo and do introduce some variation which is fine. Thanks again. -
I need help diagnosing duplicate tracks panned L/R that don't cancel when the phase of one is switched. I've got duplicate acoustic guitar tracks panned L/R with identical FX. I was using the ME50 pedal output but decided that the pedal was introducing too much resonance and switched to the guitar DI which was routed to both my audio interface and the ME50 using a DI box. While I was using the ME50 track, I switched the phase switch on one of the tracks from time to time to be sure that all the FX were identical and the sound from the two tracks canceled. I used the browser to bring the DI clip into the AG L track as Take2, slip edited the beginning to match the beginning of the ME50 track, checked it and bounced it to clips. Comping was not enabled, but to do the editing and move the clip, I used the edit and move tools because the smart tool didn't work in the take lane. Once I was happy with the AG L track, I duplicated the AG L track, deleted the existing AG R track, renamed the duplicate track AG R and moved the Pan from L to R. I then disabled all sends and PC, routed the outputs directly to the PreMaster Bus and routed the PreMaster bus to my interfaces Mains Out. I also added a Ozone Imager 2 plugin in the PreMaster FX Rack to display the combined output. As expected the L/R tracks combined in the middle and the Imager displayed a vertical line. But when I flipped the phase on one of the tracks, the Imager showed a horizontal line which was expected but what I heard was a thinner acoustic guitar panned hard L/R. I've checked everything I can think of but haven't found the problem. I made two GIFs (A) shows the console view details and (B) shows the track view details. In (A) the routing should be clear, the PC is shown off and sends are off. In (B) the track peak markers line up, the clip names are shown and the take lanes are shown. The Ozone Imager 2 is shown in bot views. PS: Looking at the Imager displays. The one i (A) clearly shows the vertical line, the one in (B) doesn't but they are both vertical anytime the bot phase switches are off. Neither shows the horizontal line which is straight across the horizontal axis but that's what's displayed when on phase switch is on.
That's not clipping. Clipper plugins produce harmonic distortion emulating analog clipping. Here's a free version. Early in the demo video you can see the clipping effect it's emulating. There's also a drum loop example toward the end of the video. https://www.kvraudio.com/product/free-clip-by-venn-audio
I believe it's always true that over driving converters (output > 0 dBFS) produces undesired results except when harsh digital distortion is desired. The clipping you're referring to might be provided by "clipper" or "soft clipper" plugins that add harmonic distortion in the signal processing chain inside the DAW.