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Bill Phillips

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Everything posted by Bill Phillips

  1. I wonder if CSHumanize MidiFX Plugin would be helpful? I haven't used it but I did add it to my Cakewalk MIDI FX. I've only dabbled in MIDI so I can't really assess it's performance but thought it might be useful. Adding it to Cakewalk was pretty easy once I understood the process with a lot of help from @scook as detailed in the thread below.
  2. Thank you. That's it. Thanks again. I really appreciate the help in resolving this answering my questions.
  3. Thanks. That explains it. Do you see any problem with the results? The plugin is in the Cakewalk Shared MIDI Plugins folder, it shows up in the MIDI FX Browser and it loads. The only wrinkle is it shows up outside the folder in the browser. I looked the regsvr32 command up. It registers dlls. For other plugins Cakewalk appears to register them on startup during scan. Would it be a good idea for MIDI plugins to be registered the same way?
  4. Thanks. After correcting a couple of spelling errors the first regsvr32 command ran and reported that the dll had been unregistered. After several attempts, I could no longer find additional errors in the second regsvr32 command. See CMD screenshot. Let me know if you see my error. So, I decided to copy the install.bat to the Shared MIDI Plugins folder and ran it as administrator. That worked. Notice the plugin shows up in Plugin Manager. However, the plugin isn't in the Cakewalk folder in the MIDI FX Browser. It's just not in a folder. I don't know how to fix that. I'm not working on MIDI so I didn't test it but it loads in a MIDI FX Bin.
  5. What do I need to do for Cakewalk to be able to use this CSHumanize MIDI FX Plugin ? Expecting to get a chance to at least approve and hopefully change the install path, I ran the install.bat installer which didn't ask for permission or offer a chance to select a path but did register the plugin in my OneDrive Install folder [top folder in screenshot]. Note Filename shown in Plugin Manager [in screenshot]. I've since ran the uninstall .bat file and copied the plugin to the Shared MIDI Plugins folder [bottom folder in screenshot]. But Plugin Manager still shows it registered in the install folder and the MIDI FX Browser doesn't show it.
  6. When you say: "This is accomplished by deleting the softube folder that contains the new VST2 saturation knob." Is this done before the install? Also did you use the Softube installer? I have a number of Softube vsts & PC modules. Hopefully, I can use the installer and skip the vst2s.
  7. I think that's the solution I'm using, a really old VST version for use in PC, & up-to-date VST3 for FX Bin & Chains.
  8. Thanks. I've done that with Aux Tracks but not Buses. I'll try it. With Aux Tracks, I wasn't happy because some of the Patch Points broke. Right now Buses are looking like a better alternative than Aux Tracks for Track Template development.
  9. It looks like what I really need to do is think of the Track Template more like a Project Template since multiple tracks will output to Group Aux Tracks and have sends to FX Aux Tracks. So what I'd do is select all tracks in the project and create one Track Template for the whole project. But that will mean that I'll need to load the project sized Track Template before importing any audio. What I'd been trying to do was bring audio tracks into a blank project and do any edits and clip automation first, and then loading Track Templates one at a time, but that's not going to work with this one big Track Template. But it might work with Buses.
  10. Thanks. How do you "include the aux track in the selection"? I just right-click on a track and save it as a template. Also do you think that would work for a track whose output and 3-4 sends are to aux tracks? That's my situation, whole mix in aux tracks with only Master bus.
  11. Do you use Aux Tracks or Buses for Group and FX channels and why? Originally I used Buses modeling the hardware mix console layout because it was the only practical choice. When Aux Tracks became available and the patch point bugs worked out, I switched to Aux Tracks because I like having Group tracks adjacent to the source tracks and FX distributed across the console logically. But now I'm wanting to use more Track Templates and finding that Track Templates can create and populate buses for their outputs and sends, but not Aux Tracks. So far I haven't had too much luck using Project Templates. Adapting the templates I create usually seems like more work than starting from scratch for some reason. Thanks for your thoughts.
  12. Track Templates create Patch Points but not Aux Tracks those Patch Points reference. Having Track Templates able to create and populate Aux Tracks (including track and PC configuration) referenced by the Track Templates output and sends. This would create and populate Aux Tracks the way Buses are created and populated now. Add Bus Templates so that templates can be used to populate buses they way they are used for Tracks.
  13. I was searching on Track Template posts for another reason and I came across your post. By now you probably have the answer, but if not: You can already do what you're asking for. The switch the Browser to media mode, browse to Cakewalk Content/Cakewalk Core/Track Templates, pick a template and drop it in the Track Pane.
  14. The track envelopes can be copied and pasted in another track too. Not so for clip envelopes.
  15. Add the option to copy clip automation and paste it on another clip either in the same track or in a different track. Track automation can already be copied from one track to another. I often find myself wanting to copy and paste clip automation envelopes to another clip usually in another track. Example: I want to apply the same clip automation to two vocal tracks (one vocal, two mics). Manually drawing identical envelopes is currently the only choice.
  16. Thank you @scook for the confirmation. I was just trying a couple of more ideas. None work. I'll give up and submit it as a feature request.
  17. Thanks. Doesn't work. The clip automation goes with the clip when I drag the clip.
  18. Thanks. Nice comparison, except ProTools is missing and the video didn't address send panning. To me having stereo panning of sends is as important as for outputs. ProTools has separate pan knobs for the output and each send. That's what I'd like to see, though the dual function pan/width control would also work. As @msmcleod pointed out Channel Tools in Cakewalk when used as the last effect in a track can provide true stereo panning in a way similar to BitWig, but stereo panning for sends in Cakewalk is not possible.
  19. Without drawing two identical envelopes can I copy the clip gain envelope from one clip and paste it into another clip? I recall seeing that discussed here before but can't come up with a search string that finds it. I want to apply the same clip automation to two vocal tracks (one vocal, two mics). The clips all have an absolute time base. Things that haven't worked: I've tried copy and paste special but to copy or paste the envelope I must include the clip. I've copied and pasted the clip + envelope and deleted the clip but deleting the clip deletes the automation. What happens here is I get two takes, the original clip plus the pasted clip with an automation envelope. I've looked at assign and copy and assign the envelope but that only works on the clip with the automation and he only assign choice is pan.
  20. Wow! Thanks. I've been using an international date notation standard for decades and didn't know it.
  21. Maybe the request isn't clear. I'll say it again. We're asking for separate left and right pan pots for stereo channel outputs and sends with similar functionality to those in Protools. In any case, it sounds like we're going to need to live without them.? And, I'm ok with that.?
  22. Are you saying that you can't use your firewire interface with Windows 10? My firewire MOTO 828 mkII is working fine though I did need to replace my firewire card at some point.
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