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Everything posted by sjoens

  1. I got 335 & the list stopped at file names beginning with "j", so I had to go into Tools>Options>Indexes & click the Force Rebuild button. Something that I have to do occasionally with Everything. Now I get 978.
  2. The gif looks fine to me. It's an Inspector tab issue, not a track issue. Loading a default theme after loading an older custom theme won't reset it. What will is, loading the default theme, closing down & reopening with the default theme.
  3. Thanks MP. Exactly what I was looking for.? I tried to open one with a resource editor with no joy. I didn't know that many plugins have help files and my search app EVERYTHING couldn't find them using the chm extension. I hope the rest of you learned something. But in case not... 1. Some older help files won't open properly or at all in Windows 10. 2. I need a new hobby. ?
  4. I get why custom themes will do this, but why are my factory default Mercury & Tungsten still behaving this way? No custom theme loaded. CbB 2020.11. I'm sure there's a simple fix but loading the default themes should fix it. I've tried the Window>Arrange Icons menu trick.
  5. You can locate the presets folder on your backup and copy it over to the current folder.
  6. Anyone know of a good easy to use CHM editor? Be nice to convert some of them to "working" PDFs. If you can open the CHM file in Win10, you can Print to PDF but you loose hyperlinks. Using this method some CHMs open with missing data or not at all.
  7. As mentioned, PRV window colors can be edited in Preferences. There are 3 elements to the background, 1 each for the grid lines and Notes are affected by MIDI Track, x, xx, xx...Forground entries, tho some of the track numbers are incorrect. Colors set by your theme can be overridden in Preferences, if they're listed there. Reloading or changing a theme may reset the theme colors. Save the color set so it can be reused. Track View lower empty spaces have 4 elements, of which, only 3 can be changed - the Bus Clips Pane being the no-can-change culprit. I'd like to see them all changed by one color setting.
  8. Sorry, comment wasn't for you but for how I'd like to see them format the synth rack & all other track views over how it currently is. The Synth Rack has been changed several times & the current format is the most challenging to modify.
  9. pg 82. The un-selected Track Name background color appears to be 2C2C2C and does not have a corresponding Theme element. #ToDo: Confirm this. It's NOT Track View > Unfocused Track Background! c.f. Synth Rack un-selected name background color. But it should be, as everything else in PRV follows Track View. pg 88. As of version 2020.08, the docked Synth Rack does not use Synth Name Bezel theme element for displaying the synth name. Same issue as PRV. Currently no way to change either background. The Docked version is now half graphic & half color mask overlay making it look bad all the way around. I'd like to see 2 graphics - one Selected & one Un-Selected used in all views - and 1 color for the preset text.
  10. I've recreated the same PRV colors in both Mercury & Tungsten with the same results: Setting View>Show Clip Outlines does absolutely nothing in either theme. I believe it is disabled. Changing Track/Clip colors in the Inspector does not affect PRV Note colors or TV "Notes" view. They can be changed in Preferences as can the Note background colors. To change PRV Note color, go to MIDI Tracks x, xx, xx... Foreground in Preferences. This too is broken tho. My track 10, which is MIDI track 5, is affected by MIDI Tracks 9, 19, 29... Foreground. ? There is no REC-ARM color in T.E. To change, go to Record Preview Clip Background in Preferences. REC-ARM only affects Track View, not the PRV.
  11. Latest CbB. Melodyne 4 Editor. Funny I just tried it again in my latest project and it worked w/o creating a Region FX clip so the setting must have been percussive before.
  12. Multidock is actually visible even when empty, as a bar titled "MULTIDOCK". It can be displayed at the top or bottom of the Track View. Left and right sides are reserved for the Inspector and Browser views. However, the Browser can also be put into the Multidock window.
  13. In case no one mentioned it, the X series was available on disk as a "box" set option for $10 +/-. I have them tho X3 had no actual box.
  14. Thanks scook! I knew there was a simple solution.
  15. I'm using Garritan Pocket Orchestra .prog files with Dimension Pro. Some of the instruments are Solo or Legato and only play one note at a time (non polyphonic). Is there a way to adjust Dimension so they can play polyphonically (chords)?
  16. I started having the same issue myself but it only affects one track. PRV notes are all black even though the Clip & Inspector colors are green. Copy this clip to a new track and the notes are now all white in PRV regardless of Inspector & Clip colors. Only way I found to fix it is to change all MIDI track colors in Preferences. Clearly a PRV bug of some sort. I don't recall ever having this issue until recently so maybe related to a CbB update?
  17. The hard part is getting your system to recognize 2 "different" plugins with the same ID. ____________________________________________ (I don't always produce like it's 1999, but when I do, I use 32 bit plugins. I also use 32 bit Sonar.) - the most uninteresting man in daw world
  18. If I ever post a theme I'd expect it to be ravaged by scavengers. It's part of the game. AFAIK there's no copyright or wrong here. It's up to you. Acknowledgment is always nice tho.
  19. In TV change the clip display by choosing Clips or Notes Clips displays notes and Wheel cc's Notes allows editing of notes and displays notes with either Velocity cc's or both Velocity & Wheel cc's Because Velocity cc's are obnoxious white and overpower dark clips, it would be nice to have option of no cc's at all
  20. 1. Select the tracks in PRV's Track View 2. Swipe the keys to select all the notes 3. Adjust the cc data
  21. Trying TTS-1 and other VSTi's with cc11 but it seems to have no affect here at all.
  22. It seems to happen when I use the "D" key to go between Track & Console views. I couldn't focus any track until I double-clicked a track name, then clicked away from the name. Doesn't happen when both views are visible (1/2 screen each). Confirmed 5 times in CbB and Sonar Splat.
  23. That's Step Sequencer. It will remain grayed out until you insert a MIDI track. Event List (Alt+8) & Video (Alt+Shift+2) aren't even listed for some reason. I say this because everything is present in my Views menu when opening an Empty Project.
  24. sjoens

    Snap MIDI Note To Grid

    There are occasions when Cakewalk/Sonar will not respond to snap properly. I've had things snap to odd positions or not at all. A program reboot may help.
  25. For some reason, selecting the initial range in the Markers View displays the blue highlighted range in the Time Line but doesn't actually select anything. You have to manually select it in the Time Line itself. Once you've done that, you can select a new range in the Markers View. ? OR You can use the Arranger track to create a range of any desired length. Simply click on that "section" and it's selected.
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