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Everything posted by sjoens

  1. ... which links to another issue The PRV has an issue following the TV/CV graphically. The other issues come up when multiple MIDI tracks drive one synth. So Simple Instrument (combined MIDI/Synth) tracks may behave differently from separate MIDI/Synth tracks. Tho confusing at first, they seem to be operating as designed for discernable reasons. The exception would be Muting a Synth in TV, which doesn't Mute it's Synth Rack equivalent. But it might be a 'mute' point by now.
  2. When both MIDI and Synth tracks are displayed in PRV, invoking Mute or Solo acts oddly or completely different that Track View behavior. Actual: Activating a MIDI track M or S button does not activate the corresponding Synth's button until the mouse hovers over it. Then it's activated without actually clicking it. Expected: Activating it should activate the other, as it does in Track View. EDIT: This may only be a graphical issue.
  3. Thanks. Didn't think to try the 10-key +/-. The others are set to other functions and instinct was to use arrow keys which don't work. I still like the wheel hover & scroll idea best tho.
  4. sjoens

    Mixdown Pan Is Off

    The mixer is the interface. I will try to locate a 2nd interface to compare.
  5. sjoens

    Mixdown Pan Is Off

    Not sure what's happening here, but in this project when A/B ing the project compared to the recorded mix, Pan is off. 1. CbB MIDI tracks sent to outboard synths 2. Outboard synths sent to L/R Mixer/Interface channels 3. Mixer/Interface mains sent to CbB mixdown track 4. Playing project thru mixer, Pan sounds correct 5. Record mix thru Mixer/Interface to stereo track - R meter exceeds L by 2-4dB - R wave looks fatter than L 6. Playing recorded mix track thru mixer, Pan sounds offset to right - R meter exceeds L by 2-4dB CbB Panning Law set to default 0dB. All Mixer/Interface Pans set to C. I have to adjust the Mixer/Interface's Pan to the Left @10 o'c to match the project's output. The Mixer/Interface has 2 USB stereo output channels. Both produce same results. Bad mixer?
  6. sjoens


    1) Freezing (not bouncing) creates audio from the vsti virtually disabling it from the cpu. Also preserves audio in the event vsti fails to work. You can then bounce it if desired. Find out more in the User's Guide available at the top of this website. 2) No 3) No
  7. Claim: I have all 3. Evidence: http://forum.cakewalk.com/m/tm.aspx?m=2157793&p=1 Warning: link exceeds 5yr limit. SPlat disk was offered without a box.
  8. Cake knowledge is timeless! I adhere to a 5 yr limit, tho.
  9. As discussed in another thread, the Quick Group function was changed but the manual wasn't. BTW, I am well known for being stupid but no one knows why. ?
  10. Both ways were available. Box set was additional $$.
  11. Bug??? When closing the Articulation window with OK or Cancel, Cakewalk disappears to the background and I'm immediately sent to another open program forcing me to navigate back to Cakewalk.
  12. Using the PRV Controller Pane or a 2nd controller pane or another TV Header lane would be cool. Currently the B/P buttons don't change leaving you scratching your head when ICR sets in.... or is that CRI?! Oddly, setting Controller type in Event List seems to have no affect on my synth. It plays correctly no matter which one is selected. FWIW I always wondered why the "Insert" commands were split between the Insert Menu and the Project Menu.
  13. It would be cool to mouse hover and scroll over the Inspector's Bank/Patch buttons to change them instead of as an option to opening a list.... like Inspector's MIDI Key+ works.
  14. I realize this probably isn't a real bug but in a text box characters should type as typed, like in Note Pad, no?! FWIW, you can see it being typed correctly and then it changes when you hit ENTER.
  15. sjoens

    Pics of My Gear

    Hi. If you have a question, your title should be more specific like: "Is this mic any good?" You might also consider reducing your pics to 1MB or so and posting them within the same thread instead of creating a new one for each pic. You can also post about gear here & here. Hope this helps.
  16. The ampersand character "&" has to be typed twice to display properly in the Inspector's Track Description text box. "&" becomes "_" "&&" becomes "&" "&&&' becomes "&_" with no space before the next letter "&&&&" becomes "&&" All other characters seem to display correctly.
  17. Check the note's length/duration in the Event Inspector. They can touch back to back but even the smallest overlap can cause this.
  18. I've logged in to BandLab several times over the years, so the part about "Cakewalk will stay permanently activated" confuses me. It sounds like it should only need to be reactivated if your system is offline for 6 months... "If your system is offline, however, the activation lease will last for up to 6 months, after which you will need to reactivate Cakewalk." I'm online everyday.
  19. Today I got the red flag again. I get it about once a year or so. Logging into the forums doesn't count, I guess. How long does activation last? Under normal conditions, if you are signed in to BandLab and your system is online, no further user intervention is required and Cakewalk will stay permanently activated. If your system is offline, however, the activation lease will last for up to 6 months, after which you will need to reactivate Cakewalk. When this happens, you will get a message informing you that Cakewalk needs to be activated. Activation can also be needed under rare cases if you make major changes to your system like installing a new OS, changing the motherboard, etc. Re-activation will normally occur automatically and seamlessly when you launch Cakewalk if it's needed. However, if you don't have an active internet connection, you will need to enable it or follow the offline activation steps.
  20. Boy am I confused. How does that "save" anything? All it does is put a short clip meant to be looped into the track. And aren't the patterns already "saved" in the folders? Boy am I confused.
  21. sjoens

    Audio clip tempo?

    ... then right-click and Bounce to Clip(s) to finalize the process.
  22. Interface will be grayed out if drivers are installed but hardware is not hooked up, turned on, or selected. It seems even the same interface will invoke the "Missing Audio Outputs" window if it's Friendly Names are changed.
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