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Everything posted by mettelus
Music Software Deals is a good one, especially if you are tracking something specifically that you want to know when it goes on sale. It will drill down into quite a few sites to find prices for you, but doesn't have the interactive feedback on user experiences like this forum.
I remember when Deals used to be a good place...
mettelus replied to GTsongwriter's topic in The Coffee House
No one can quite predict that one, but things that point out the degradation of things tend to tick off the powers that be. Nowadays you can log in once every couple of days and be in and out in under 5 minutes it seems. My personal favorite IBTL -
That is a good find. I admit I totally blew off ever delving into some of the nuances that got added into Melodyne, but some of what he is doing in this video is very similar to what Scaler EQ focuses on. There are definitely differences between the two, and I am assuming this is geared more towards post-production only. Ironically, my biggest "complaint" going from 3 Editor to 5 Studio was it takes 5-6 times longer to open an entire score (commercial master) so I always hoped for a "bypass" option for the added "note manipulations" I never seem to touch.
A couple other required traits are the empathy to detect that someone is in distress and actively engaging them to ask, "Are you okay?" Both are becoming more uncommon than not unfortunately 😕
The download link is at the bottom of this page. Need to be logged in to download it.
Those acoustic tiles have no real weight to them, so industrial attachment might be overkill. Depending on coverage, the edges might need to be beveled on the tiles to allow the door to flex properly at the top curvature when opening. I saw part of a video once with a guy thin-setting tiles (full size tiles) to a ceiling... I couldn't help but think, "Good grief, that is a disaster in the making..." Time will destroy all things, but gravity will always work... I cannot see dropping 400 pounds of porcelain on your head being to code, but "the stupid shall be punished." At least a foam tile falling on your head isn't going to kill you.
How Does One Get The Aria Player to Work in Cakewalk
mettelus replied to Tiffany Prochera's topic in Instruments & Effects
Another quick thing that came to mind... make sure you have "Input Echo" on for the track you are working with. That "should" default to being active when the track is selected, but that also needs to be on as well. -
Well crap... ceilings too??
How Does One Get The Aria Player to Work in Cakewalk
mettelus replied to Tiffany Prochera's topic in Instruments & Effects
Be sure the channels on your hardware and routing internal to Cakewalk match. Aria will load up to 16 instruments and often uses all 16 as you load them. Those can be set within the Aria GUI, but if it plays your issue seems more a channel mismatch/routing issue. Quick start would be to set your keyboard to OMNI, as well as the input in Cakewalk to the Aria player, then adjust from there as needed. -
Are you using the outputs is recordings or for reference? VLC Media Player will also do batch conversions, but I believe the mp3 offload is locked to 128kbps. If pulling from online, the 4K Video Downloader has more options, but the free version is limited to 30 downloads per day.
That feature I have only seen in wav editors, but others might have more ideas to help you. I use an old copy of Audition for this, and once setting remove silence thresholds it will offload samples as individual files (but you need to rename them). After saying that, an option for you may be similar... Project->"Save As..." allows saving one file per clip, so that will achieve the offload, but not sure if clip names will save (?), so the renaming process is likely as well. Best of luck.
The "1000's dB" caught my eye here. That will definitely smoke commercial hardware (why a limiter on the output buss is always advised) One of the most powerful (intentional) sonic transmissions is active SONAR, which can reach nearly 300 dB and will instantly kill animal life within close proximity. That kind of power is not a concern for going deaf... it is for being lethal.
Are the VOLUME and GAIN controls in DB?
mettelus replied to HappyRon Hill's topic in Cakewalk by BandLab
Yes to the dB part, but please see the Signal Flow Diagram. Gain is a "pre-processing" adjustment, whereas "volume" is typically an output control. Depending on the track type and contents, what they are doing can be entirely different; so no to the 1:1 correlation. -
Dimension Pro not showing up on WIN 11 computer
mettelus replied to gmp's topic in Cakewalk by BandLab
No worries there. DP is one of the few programs that has pointers directly in the registry (for a folder you may want to move). I am always hesitant to tell folks to squirrel through their registry "by default." -
Dimension Pro not showing up on WIN 11 computer
mettelus replied to gmp's topic in Cakewalk by BandLab
To help clarify the above, I wanted to add a "practical" example of how I use/setup junctions. Ample Sound puts their samples in your documents folder by default, and are rather massive. The directory those are installed in by default is "C:\Users\[username]\Documents\Ample Sound" To do this quickly, I will "Edit" an existing bat file with NotePad (and then rename it to "mklink Ample Sound.bat" in this case), and have two instances of Windows Explorer open. You can also initially create a text file, and rename it when done as per the above post as well. In the one Windows Explorer for the junction... Drill into the folder I want to move (and make into a junction), then copy the text from the address bar at the top of Windows explorer (in this case "C:\Users\[username]\Documents\Ample Sound"). Paste that address into the txt/bat file on the left side, so I now have mklink /j "C:\Users\[username]\Documents\Ample Sound" in NotePad. Back in Windows Explorer, go up one folder level, highlight the "Ample Sound" directory and hit CTRL-X (to cut/move it). In the other Window Explorer window for the target, find where you want to place that cut directory. In my case that was in F:\Ample Sound. For this just go to the F drive and paste the directory. By doing this it has moved the initial directory (which must not exist for a junction to be created), and put my samples where I want them. Again, I drill into that moved folder so I can copy the address from the top of Windows Explorer (in this case is "F:\Ample Sound"). Paste that address into NotePad on the right side, so I now have mklink /j "C:\Users\[username]\Documents\Ample Sound" "F:\Ample Sound" as the first line in NotePad. Finally, in NotePad, leave the "pause" in as the second line, save and close. If you save as a txt file, rename it to a .bat file. The final batch file content prior to running will look like: mklink /j "C:\Users\[username]\Documents\Ample Sound" "F:\Ample Sound" pause As the setup was done with the moving, double-clicking the batch file will create the junction (again, if this is in system directories, you would need to right-click the batch file and "Run as Administrator"). BIG PICTURE: When created, what that junction does is create a pointer from the junction to the target... e.g., in this case, if as I drill into my Documents folder, the "Ample Sound" directory will have a little arrow on the icon, and when I open that, it will "appear" to Windows Explorer that I am still drilling deeper into my Documents folder (even in the address bar), but as soon as I opened the "Documents\Ample Sound" directory, it actually shifted to "F:\Ample Sound." The above example is also why I move the directory I want as the target, so the names match (just in case I need to find things later), and also so that the "junction" can be created (it will not create if a directory is already in that location). To Windows, a junction "looks" like a simple directory, but hops to another location seamlessly. -
Dimension Pro not showing up on WIN 11 computer
mettelus replied to gmp's topic in Cakewalk by BandLab
I never made a junction to the Program directory, since that is small (~30MB) and easily copied. The Multisamples folder is the big one, and is in your main Cakewalk directory ([where you installed to]\Cakewalk\Dimension Pro\Multisamples). As far as junctions, the easiest method is to create a batch file using NotePad. The format is akin to this (bold text is the content): mklink /j "F:\Cakewalk\Dimension Pro\Multisamples" "F:\Cakewalk Content\Dimension Pro\Multisamples" pause In the above example, the "F:\Cakewalk\Dimension Pro\Multisamples" is the junction, and must not exist when the batch file is run in order for the junction to be created. The "F:\Cakewalk Content\Dimension Pro\Multisamples" is the target (pre-existing directory). Once created, a junction will look almost like a subdirectory, but have a small arrow in the lower left corner. To your example above, your batch file would look like this: mklink /j "C:\ProgramData\Cakewalk\Dimension Pro\Programs" "D:\Dimension Pro\Programs\00 GP2" pause Again, the "C:\ProgramData\Cakewalk\Dimension Pro\Programs" folder must not exist (safest to move it if it is there) before running. Save the NotePad file with a descriptive name (e.g., DimPro Programs Junction.txt), then close NotePad and rename that saved file to DimPro Programs Junction.bat (change the .txt to .bat). For system directories you need to right click the batch file and "Run as Administrator." The "pause" at the end keeps the window open so you can read what it did (hitting any key will exit it). The reason I use batch files is you have a record of what you did, and can use it as a template to make more (or edit it if needed later on). To modify an existing batch file, right click on it and select "Edit" (NOT "Open"... "Open" runs it). -
AD2 has a more complex map, but in the AD2 options (IIRC is the ? in the upper right of the GUI, going off memory here), there is an option to use the common GM map. That should resolve it. Just be sure you also have AD2 loaded with a kit in a traditional manner. Another option (more convoluted) is in the PRV, you can run the mouse up and down the keys on the left to find things. To move pieces to the correct kit piece, you can click a key (MIDI note) on the left to highlight all notes on that kit piece then Shift-drag (to preserve timing) that selection to the proper kit piece (each piece should each fire as you move that row so you can here what piece you are currently on).
Dimension Pro not showing up on WIN 11 computer
mettelus replied to gmp's topic in Cakewalk by BandLab
Yes, I used a simple junction to point to my Multisamples directory on another drive. You probably need to hit F5 on the DP browser when first opened to refresh the program list. Is the (64-bit) 1.5 version running/registered for you now? -
In addition to the above, volume automation is all you would need. When set to -inf, that is "mute." Keep things simple and just work with automated volume. @57Gregy's recommendation is even simpler (no need to mute things that are not there).
Dimension Pro not showing up on WIN 11 computer
mettelus replied to gmp's topic in Cakewalk by BandLab
After looking this up again, there did seem to be a conflict with installing DimPro 1.5 over the version included with SONAR 8.5. This link walks through the clean uninstall of that older version (some regedit work to this). You may want to go that route, then walk through an install of whichever 1.5 version you prefer. Quick side note to the above... the MASSIVE amount of the DimPro download is the Multisamples directory (roughly 3GB). Prior to doing the above uninstall, I would copy that entire Multisamples folder to a safe place. The actual DimPro application is only ~30MB (no samples included). If you have a(ny) CCC download already, you can use 7-zip (or similar) to extract that app installer from the 3GB download (is the top-level file), run that installer, then move the Multisamples folder back. You will also need to hit F5 to refresh the browser directory so it can see the programs to complete. There were issues over the years of some samples/programs being bad, so having a backup of a properly reconstructed Multisamples folder is highly advised. -
Dimension Pro not showing up on WIN 11 computer
mettelus replied to gmp's topic in Cakewalk by BandLab
Try simply installing the CCC version over what you have first. Most installers verify files as they go, so it should make the installation "whole" as it goes. -
How to freeze/bounce individual tracks in a soft synth
mettelus replied to GBTBassist's topic in Instruments & Effects
+1 to this, definitely check it out to convince yourself. You can test it by loading as many Kontakt instances as you have instruments (sans loading the samples) and see what the Windows Performance Monitor is telling you for having multiple (empty) instances of Kontakt enabled. -
OBS Studio is a free option to get loopback capability at a system level. It is a bit of a pain to get familiar with at first, but it does expose audio/video feeds to other apps. Or you can capture system audio/video with it and import that into a DAW/video editor for post-processing (that option may be simpler for you, depending on what your needs are). Quick edit: Also depending on your source, there are apps to simply download media from urls (e.g., YouTube) and bypass the "real-time" recording. Again, that depends on what exactly you want the audio from.
Dimension Pro not showing up on WIN 11 computer
mettelus replied to gmp's topic in Cakewalk by BandLab
Have you tried installing it via the Cakewalk Command Center? For legacy products that you registered, that is probably the easiest way to install those legacy apps. -
I had this happen and think the "solution" was an odd one. I needed to have both Native Access and the iZotope Product Portal logged into for the issue to reset for me. It seems those two apps are linked in some fashion, so the Product Portal alone wasn't resolving it. This was shortly after the merger, but may still apply in your case.