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Everything posted by gmp

  1. I'm going to maintain my Logic theme myself. So here's what I'm doing: Open my Theme in theme editor. Double click on TungstenTheme.fth in Cakewalk Core to open a 2nd theme editor. It says untitled but I assume this is Tungsten. I looked at Morten's guide to the changes here https://discuss.cakewalk.com/index.php?/topic/13621-psa-theme-changes-updated-17-may-2021/ I see under "Inspectors" Clip tab as one of the changes. In the theme editor for Tungsten I see a folder on the left named Inspectors and see Clip tab, so I right clicked on it and hit copy. If I go back to the theme editor of my Logic theme and right click on Clip tab I can choose to remove or import but not paste. What's the best way to proceed forward? Or do I simply choose remove and assume that it will now be the default Clip tab without me having to import or paste it? I also tried the Views and selected Modified, Images, and Toggle filter (on), so I can see what images have been modified and need to be replaced with the default ones. Am I doing this right so far?
  2. Very good investigative work. You found the original post by the creator of the Logic Theme - RFLint. I even see my posts in the thread and how others were commenting on what a good theme it was
  3. Ok here are my theme files https://onedrive.live.com/?id=C256E2DAE26B22A5!105&cid=C256E2DAE26B22A5 logic GP 21 old.sth - I used this one since 2017 until 2021.04 and then saved it in the new Theme editor to this: logic GP 21.sth the oldest version or the themes I have is named: logical.sth I'm not sure why this name is slightly different from the old Sonar Themes website that I downloaded logic.sth But all 4 of these theme files are about the same size, so they must all be the same theme.
  4. Thanks Colin you link was very good and in it someone gave a download link to the old Sonar themes almost all were created by Elffin. I wonder if he's still around? I found the logic theme that I use in the downloads https://app.box.com/s/jcaqb2lpcpi9f16uq99b1zvo9fmatnje?page=1
  5. Is there a link we can click on that will take us to the new updated themes? Right now it seems you just have to go through all the posts in this Forum and find ones that say Themes and hope that the person actually gave a link to it. Does Cakewalk have a [public upload section for users to upload Presets, Themes, etc
  6. This overlay idea you have sounds promising. Keep us updated on your progress. Maybe Cakewalk can help you develop this, since it would be good for them to have a simpler solution to this problem
  7. Yes you are remembering the post. I do have some experience with tweaking themes, but this was back in 2017. scook told me to fix some elements but was very vague about exactly what to do. Even opening my Theme and saving it in the new Theme Editor was a quirky process and I was trying to help this other guy through it. So you're right I haven't made any tweaks to my Theme to fix this current problem. Like you I have zero experience designing themes, but I have made tweaks. I hope Cakewalk can give us better guidance, especially when we start running into more serious problems than just the ProChannel Inspector problem. Every time I made tweaks to my theme I renamed it, so i have 21 versions of it. That's a lot of work to redo.
  8. I'm using Logical.sth, which tried to copy what it looks like when using Logic as a DAW. I made lots of changes to it. I'm not sure what's involved in me making changes to update my customized Logic theme, but I'd like to know what's involved.
  9. I've been using a theme since 2017 and it's worked fine until 2021.04. I went ahead and installed the new theme editor and opened my Theme in it and then saved it. This was supposed to work, but doesn't. Currently the only problem is with ProChannel showing up correctly in Inspector. I'm just concerned that there will be more problems in the future. Has anyone found out a solution to this? I see many are posting new Themes and that's great. So maybe those persons can give some insight on this. Will there be a fix for my Theme or will I have to just scrap it and go to a new Theme? If so, i sure would be nice if the new Themes were all saved on a website where we could check them out. Instead of finding each individual post in this Forum. Many years ago when we were really into the Themes when they first came out around 2016 there was a website link like I described
  10. It's someone else's theme it may have been originally called logical.sth My alterations of it are named "Logic GP 21". I edited the theme 21 times and saved each version. It was the theme closest to what I wanted and then I tweaked it the rest of the way and have been using it since April 2017 For a while me and many of the forum members were really into Theme editing when it first came out. Most of us got what we wanted and just moved on I've been using it since April 2017 with no changes until I installed the new Theme Editor and loaded my custom Theme in that and then saved it. That fixed it good enough to stop the error message of Theme incompatibility.. I hope Cakewalk can come up with a solution that's understandable and not huge painstaking process.
  11. I opened my custom theme in Cakewalk Theme editor, the new Theme editor, that I installed from Bandlab Assistant when I made that other post. I saw Inspector in the folders on the left and selected it and saw the Arranger tab and Tempo tab icons that look exactly like the ones I see in the Inspector using 2021.04. So I would think because of this that my Theme is updated otherwise those new tabs wouldn't be there. So what am I supposed to change as far as images, there appear to be hundreds of them? Has there been a system outlined to explain to users like me how to do this? If not maybe they need to update the Theme Editor again so it takes care of these things
  12. Yes that was my post and what you said worked fine, so my theme is updated and has a new date on it. CbB stopped saying I had an outdated theme. So shouldn't it work with the Pro Channel Inspector?
  13. I changed to the Mercury theme, closed and reopened CbB and it worked. I then tried the cakewalk.ini entry EnablePluginMenuFix=1 I entered it correctly, then changed to my custom GP Logic 21 theme, closed and reopened CbB and still have the seam problem. I double checked the Preferences and they're done right. At least I have a workaround of undocking the Inspector. IS this something that will be fixed in a new version of CbB, or do I need to edit my theme and fix it? It's been right at 4 years since I messed with Themes. When I installed 2021.04 it said my Theme needed to be updated. I did that and it now has worked fine, but now I have this problem. If I need to update my Theme, any guidance would be appreciated. Any more suggestions?
  14. The addition of the arranger inspector Tempo inspector seemed to have affected whether we can see Pro Channel in Inspector. I have some Pro Channel EQ and FX on one of my busses by default and the only way I can view Pro Channel now is by undocking the Inspector. It seems part of the problem is not enough space at the top of the Inspector Show/Hide Arranger Inspector, etc. Because if I undock the Inspector, I can then see the Pro Channel tab at the top right. With it docked, you can't see that tab There's also a check box for Pro Channel - compact EQ module. That doesn't affect this problem. I did a search for Inspector and didn't find any other posts about this. So has this been reported yet?
  15. Who's post are you referring to?
  16. Hey Toy, I'm unsure from your post if this Tempo crash bug and quirky behavior you outlined was fixed in build 175 or is it still being worked on. I haven't been having any crashes with the tiny amount o tempo change work I do. I very rarely ever have more than 1 tempo in a song and never have a series of tempo changes like a ritard. The only problem, which is more of an inconvenience is that the default setting has changed in the tempo box and I have to retrain myself to remember that. It sounds like the whole Tempo box and Tempo view were broken and got buggy. I hope they fix the default behavior too, if they're still working on it. Let me know if the problem you wee having is fixed and if this is all again working the way it was for you.
  17. I'm using the latest build 175. Since 2021.04 the Tempo change box defaults have changed. I prefer the previous way it's been done for decades. First go to any bar from bar 2 on up and hit stop. Go to Project - insert tempo change. Hit the mouse on "click here to tap tempo". I do that then quickly start tapping the spacebar which is far more accurate. In the past the default selection was "Change the most recent tempo". Now the selection is "Insert a new tempo". If I leave the default like I used to and I hit Ok and go back to bar 1. The new tempo won't kick in until I get to the bar I was at when I did the tempo change. Most of the time when I need to change the tempo it's because I'm trying to match the tempo of a prerecorded rough demo track that I imported into CbB. Many times I go to near the middle of the track, since if the writer was playing with no click track they may speed up. So I listen there and then bring up the tempo change box and change the tempo. Since I'm not at bar 1 the tempo change is inserted at whatever bar I'm at. Whereas in the past I didn't have to change the selection to "Change the most recent tempo", I just hit ok. Are there any others out there like me that prefer the old default in this box? I don't change tempos every day otherwise I'd remember this change. I hope we can return to the old default selection. I've been using Cakewalk since 1992 and it's always been like this even back then - why change?
  18. gmp

    V-Vocal launch crashes CbB

    Good post, Terry. I did forget to say that I always work with small clips, one or two vocal phrases and I immediately "bounce to clip". Then move to the next spot. I, as a habit, only have 1 project open at a time. I assume most V-Vocal users are already doing this. I'm a pianist so my template always has Ivory, Superior Drums and Kontakt synths connected. So my RAM is about 3.5 gigs. About a month ago I did forget to close and reopen CbB and I got a crash right away - oops. My method has been working 100% for a year or 2.
  19. gmp

    V-Vocal launch crashes CbB

    You've come up with a good method, but you're right it's a lot of extra work. The method I've come up with is easier and I never get a V-Vocal crash. I do have Melodyne Assistant (found a great sale) and have learned how to use it, but prefer V-Vocal. You're right there is some conflict with the VSTi's that causes it to crash. Once you export the music only tracks Don't delete the soft synths, just disconnect each one. Then you can just import that music only track back into the same project and also not worry about bouncing the vocal tracks so that they're one seamless wav file. Maybe this works because I close CbB right before I start using V-Vocal and then I reopen it by double clicking the file. This seems to be the key. Don't ever try to go from one project to the next, you have to close CbB and then reopen it with the file you want to use V-Vocal on. Maybe deleting the VSTi"s does the same thing as closing CbB and reopening. No need to create a new fresh CWP or do any bouncing. Try it - it's easy and works, never a crash.
  20. I've used Kontakt for years with CbB and Sonar. I have 3 instances of Kontakt in the synth rack of my template, so every song has Kontakt. I only have 1 of those 3 connected in my template. The other 2 I need to choose "synth connected" to use them. For the last several months I've noticed that sometimes when I go to the Synth Rack open the Kontakt Synth properties, I get a message at the very top of the window saying "not responding" this lasts for about 10 sec and then it's ok. This only happens for 1 or the 3 instances of Kontakt in my synth rack and it's the one that is "synth connected" by default in my template. It is a multi with 3 synths I've tried reinstalling Kontakt to fix this to no avail. I'm not sure if this is related to the crashes, but I thought I'd post it in case it would be helpful. I'm not getting crashes.
  21. Glad I asked. That fixed it - thanks, man. You're the best
  22. You're so right. The update checker was wrong, so now I've updated t build 147 and it fixed the problem i had. So thanks again scook, you're on top of it What do you think of this error screen that came up about the automation version being build 144. Am I ok to use it like this?
  23. David, I checked out the post and I justed installed for the first time on Saturday, so I just double checked. Cakewalk update says I have the latest build. Apparently this timing issue is more widespread into other areas like what I've experienced. Should I email Cakewalk support with this bug? Or will this thread suffice?
  24. 16 msec delay in recoding audio 2021.04 has a problem with a 16 msec delay in recording that is only in this version of CbB. I have a midi track that triggers an 8th note high hat from an external AKAI sampler. I go to an audio track, arm it for record and hit record. The hat plays and the audio output of my analog mixer goes to the audio track in CbB.I stop it after a bar and then select the audio clip and then paste it 99x checking the box "align to measures. I now have an audio track that serves as an audio click track This has worked fine with all version of CbB except this one. What happens is after I record 1 bar and select the clip the start point of the click is not 01:01:000 (0 sec), it's now always 01:01:018 (16 msec). I just opened 2021.11 and did the same test and the clip starts at 01:01:000 (o sec). So there's a delay in recording the audio using 2021.04
  25. Hey Jackson, yes strange indeed. Like you, I spent a long time trying to figure this out and I hope this post saves others from the frustration we went through. I hope Cakewalk makes this easier in the future for long time users like us. Once would think the renamed file would work, but no, you can't trick it into thinking this is a different file. It's weird, no doubt. Glad it worked, man.
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