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Everything posted by gmp

  1. Can't change project folder or wav file folder anymore If have a song started and I choose "Save as" and check the box "copy all audio with project" and then fill in a project path and audio path, it doesn't work. It keeps the original project path and audio path. I'm using 2019.03 This worked fine in the past, not sure when it changed. Can anyone else verify this and has it been already logged as a bug?
  2. I've tried Melodyne a few times and was really trying to transition to it, but I was not able to fine tune the pitch like V-Vocal has allowed me to. In V-Vocal I can move the pitch manually and also draw pitch lines to my ear's satisfaction. It also has the Formant feature which is great when you have to move a pitch a half step or more and notice it changing the sound of the voice. Formant allows you to correct this in a manual way giving you total control. I do love the Melodyne feature of tuning notes in a chord. I know there are a few die hard V-Vocal users who have expressed the same thing. This post is really for them, to bring more stability. Although I'm certainly open to any Melodyne users who want to explain how I can do what I want, especially ones that used to use V-Vocal and aware of it's strengths.
  3. Not that I'm aware of. I have a pretty tweaked system - only minimal stuff in Startup, Services disabled like Win Search, indexing, etc. In fact the more I think about it, if I leave the room for 30 min or a few hours, I always see the Dropout error message, even though there was no activity with CbB. This leaving the room dropout has been going on for many many months, but it hasn't affected me, since I'm gone. Yet it is irritating if I'm just playing the piano with the transport stopped and then it goes silent from a dropout.
  4. When I 1st installed CbB 2018.04, the very first version, I was very pleased that it was very stable and really worked well with V-Vocal. Few crashes and if it crashed I could just double click the CWP and be back up and running in about 10 sec. Far better than Sonar Platinum. Today I'm happy to say that 2019.03 using Win updates from 10/7/18 is by far the most stable version for V-Vocal, I've found so far. I just worked on 3 songs tuning vocals and did 51 V-Vocal clips whit only 1 crash and that was on a spot that had 2 clips and each clip had a gain envelope. When I tried it the 2nd time I bounced to clip both clips to eliminate the gain envelopes and it worked fine. It may be fine to update the latest Win updates, but for now I'm just going to stay with this version for at least another month or so before making any changes. I'm enjoying the stability.
  5. I don't have problems with dropouts during recording of audio or my soft synth Ivory piano, yet when the transport is stopped and I'm just playing the piano, I get dropouts often maybe every 5-10 min. I get a popup message saying "audio dropout" and the piano is silent. To get the piano to play again, I have to start the transport for a sec and hit stop, then the piano is back. I think you'd call this the piano is losing focus. Kind of like I switched the focus to another window, like Wordpad. This is very irritating, has anyone else experienced this or has a clue what's going on?
  6. I keep my C drive as lean as possible. It's 64 gigs and my compressed Acronis image is only 30 gigs. I have an SSD drive and it takes me 7 min to revert to an old image - total time and 7 min to save an image. I have an SSD samples HD, data HD, audio wav files HD, and a very large backup HD which I run every night to backup my DAW, plus 2 more computers. After that an online backup backs up my backup HD in case my house burns down or something. I also have a 2nd SATA HD that I swap the SATA cable to in order to boot to a different HD, in case something goes haywire. My docs and desktop are moved to my big data HD. I delete the "old windows" folder using "clean up system files by right clicking my C drive, that saves 15 gigs, I never need to roll back, since I always have image files instead. My setup would take a week to build back from scratch. Any of us can have a computer disaster no matter how careful we are, so it's good to have a good plan to get back up and running in short time.
  7. I definitely agree one image is not enough. I make an image anytime I change something on my C drive. I have so many image files, that at times I need to weed out the old ones. I average about 1 or 2 a month. Many times I've backtracked a few months and then built the C drive back up with the changes.
  8. This is why I have Win updates disabled and always make an image of my C drive before an update that I choose to get. If I have problems I'll revert back to my saved image. This issue may also be bypassed by making sure all HD's, etc are disconnected during the Win 10 install, so it's not expecting to see other drive letters.
  9. I know there's something unusual I think starting with Win 10, that you better remove all HD's from your system when first installing Win 10, because it add some code to the boot sector of all the HD's in the system and if you make changes it can cause boot problems, requiring you to run the recovery CD to fix it. This is especially important if you ever want to use dual boot or adding a different boot HD to your system.
  10. Craig, I agree with abacab if you have a Macrium image file you made, you can essentially go back in a time machine and restore your C drive to that state it was in when you created that image. It doesn't matter if you even use a different computer with a different HD you want to try or your current HD or a new SSD like you said. Just boot up Macrium in a CD drive, point to the image file and tell it to restore to a different HD not the boot drive in that computer. Then remove that HD and put it in your DAW and you'll be set. You can then build your boot drive from that starting place instead of an install from scratch. Unless something is wrong with your DAW's CD drive, there's no need to involve another computer. Hope things work out soon, man.
  11. I have Win updates disabled and only enable it when I want to update. I often make image files of my boot drive and I can restore those images either inside of Windows 10 or with a boot CD that has Acronis or Macrium. I also have a 2nd HD with a fairly current Win 10 image from a few months ago. When I want to use it I disconnect the main boot SATA cable and plug it in the alternate boot HD. A few years ago I took a lot of time researching hidden Win updates and found out how to stop them too. I few years ago in Dec using Sonar, there was a mysterious MS hidden update that messed up a lot of DAWs. Even reverting to image files only worked for about 30 min until MS applied the hidden update. Noel explained the whole fiasco, maybe some of you remember. This post is such a wake up call for all of us to have several tools in our toolbox, because this sort of thing can happen to any of us. To have to reinstall from scratch is so time consuming. I never trusted system restore points and the recovery CD enough to not have these other tools. Sometimes I feel like a survivalist, always devising means of surviving a disaster. Murphy's Law sure applies to computers.
  12. Above is my Monday post. I thought I had this problem solved, but I was wrong. Today on Saturday I posted this, which explains how and why this happened. It was caused by the new Breverb
  13. Watch out for the new Breverb (Nov 2018) it can cause a lot of headaches. Here's why: If you revert to an old image file before the time you installed 2018.11 or later and try to play a new song that had the new Breverb, CbB will crash, unless you use the new Breverb. You can't just copy the new Breverb to the VST folder. That will work, but after a while you'll start noticing this very loud clicking sound. The problem is you have to register the DLL, like we used to do a decade ago with other plugins. Yet don't bother manually registering it. Whenever you install any newer CbB from 2018.11 on CbB installs the new Breverb and registers the DLL. If you don't do this, Breverb is, I suppose, in the demo mode and the clicking is it trying to alert you to upgrade Breverb. I wish an error screen would have come up instead. There's no reason to use the paid Breverb version, the one CbB installs is fine If you want to retain old versions of CbB, you have to copy the Cakewalk Core folder and rename it. Then when you install the new version that has the new Breverb, you can still use the old CbB version. The loud clicking sound is very steady + fast like a digital metronome. It took me over a week of testing to track down this problem. I thought it must be a hardware problem, since it affected all my older image files. I even tried a different audio interface. I hope my post helps others out there who run into this and saves them the big headaches I had tracking this one down.
  14. After tons of testing finally realized that the unusual chirping was caused by my template. I had to go back to an earlier template and build it back up. This explains why reverting to an old image file didn't solve the problem. After that I thought it must be a hardware problem. I've had problems in the past with templates becoming corrupt but never anything this bizarre.
  15. Great tip. Do you know what's causing your buzz? Does it sound anything like these examples I've recorded? https://onedrive.live.com/?id=C256E2DAE26B22A5!105&cid=C256E2DAE26B22A5
  16. Turning off the audio engine is a lot better workaround than closing and reopening the file - thanks for the tip. Just so everyone can hear the sound here it is https://onedrive.live.com/?id=C256E2DAE26B22A5!105&cid=C256E2DAE26B22A5 NOTTINGHAM DANCIN' IN THE HALLWAY edited vocal.mp3 - This is the chirping metronome sound. This was unnerving since it ended up on an exported rough mix without me knowing about it or hearing a chirping sound CLICKING - DULL.mp3 - This one seemed to come from a Kontakt soft synth. Sometimes the soft synth sound would turn into static and later it would start the constant metronome with the dull sound I'm going to uninstall and reinstall Kontakt. I'm wondering if the dongle is malfunctioning and that sound is an error sound so no one can use Kontakt if they're not authorized. I do have a powered USB hub because I have several dongles (including Kontakt), 2 USB printers, etc. I'm wondering if it's a USB malfunction. I don't see how it could be RF interference or my cell phone. I haven't done anything different that I can think of. I've been using Cakewalk - Sonar since 1992 and CbB since it came out last April and have never had this strange constant metronome. I left a song up in CbB the other day and was fixing lunch downstairs and heard this weird sound and it was the chirping. It often happens when nothing is going on. Deleting Kontakt from the projects at least has greatly reduced it happening. A few days before it was happening about every 5 min.
  17. In the last week I started hearing a very loud chirping sound just show up intermittently. Many times while the transport is stopped, It sounds like digital 1 cycle sawtooth wave metronome, very staccato. it's 166 BPM 1/8 notes, It's constant and won't stop until I close the CbB CWP song file. I have this sound recorded if any one would like to hear it. It appears to be hardware related, because I can revert to an old image file months ago before I heard this sound and it appears there too. CbB has to be open for it to occur. Even Sonar Platinum does it. I thought it was my Ultralite AVB, but I turned it off and installed my old Layla 24 sound card and it happened with it also. I thought I had it solved by deleting all Kontakt soft synths from the synth rack, and that seemed to help quite a lot but then it came back today even with Kontakt gone. Yet is was better. I'm beginning to think it's possibly a computer error notification. It doesn't sound like the CbB metronome. Is there any kind of computer testing I can do that may show what this is? If anyone has any clues or experience with a sound like this. Where is it coming from: CbB, the computer, USB ports, bad SATA cable, high temperature or what? If anyone has an ideas, please chime in. I'm baffled.
  18. Years ago when HD space was far more expensive. I would send my guitarist an mp3 mix and he'd add guitars and send me his mp3's back. I always put the count off on my files and he'd add about a bar of my count off to the beginning of his fies. This way I could line it up easy. If he forgot to add the count off, I could always move his guitars 51 msec earlier to get rid of the lag time, which I think is actually about 26 msec each way so in my case it was doubled. In my case it was very predictable, yet Noel said it depends on the encoding how much delay there is. I'm curious if there are DAW's that have solved this. I'd be surprised, so please let us know if this is a fact or just something you heard.
  19. Hey Aether, I saw your post about Backblaze and decided to go with it. I'm very pleased, but I'm getting dropouts, even when I pause it, or choose quit and also disconnect from the internet. I'm wondering if you had any issues with it with dropouts while recording, even stripped down projects. I rarely can get to the end of a song without getting 1 dropout. I even reverted back to my Dec image file and only added Backblaze and it started again. I'd appreciate any thoughts you have on this - thanks Gerry Peters
  20. Some m4a files I import by dragging into CbB play just fine, yet others play about 3x faster. I can see on the screen it's about 1/3 the length it should be, so I guess it's 3x faster in speed and pitch. My workaround is to use Rapid Media Converter to convert it to a wav file and that imports just fine. This happens with all CbB version plus Sonar Platinum. Is there another way to import this or is this just a bug that needs to be fixed?
  21. Whenever I set up automation with my control surface, I only automate the volume of specific tracks that need changing during the mix. I right click each track 1 at a time and choose automation write enable. I'd like to be able to select several tracks and set automation write enable for volume for all the selected tracks at once. Now I can select several tracks and hold Control and hit the "W" and then those tracks are all set for full automation record. I don't like that because I get too many envelope lines and all I want is 1 envelope line - volume. You would think that you could select several tracks and then right click one of them and choose write enable and then all would be enabled, yet only 1 is enabled. Is there another way to do what I want or do I have to continue to select each track 1 at a time and right click and choose write enable.
  22. That's weird in itself. I've never gotten 1 email from anything to do with CbB. No notifications, nothing. I hope they fix this
  23. Is anyone receiving email notifications for posts? I haven't received even one. Last I heard some were receiving and some were not.
  24. The general forum has minutes or hours or days displayed on the far right making it easy to see when the last post was. This makes it easier to keep track of whether you've viewed the most recent post. I hope they add this feature to the Q&A forum
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