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Everything posted by gmp

  1. I've been using the External Encoder in Sonar and CbB for about 15 years. Worked perfect every time, except with the new version of CbB 2021.09 I haven't gotten any response in the 2021.09 Feedback post, so I wanted to know if anyone else uses it. I've been creating VBR 4 mp3's which is the variable rate encoding and produces a very high quality mp3. But actually the most important use of the external Encoder is that I can create a wav file and then right away it creates an mp3 - all in one process. Quite a convenience and time saver. I hope they can fix the bug in 2021.09, but in the mean time, I'd appreciate anyone who's uses that External Encoder to at least chime in and let me know if you're having problems too
  2. I tried the command line with quotes and it still didn't work. What do you mean by Spaces in your filename. The output mp3 file created does always have spaces and that's never been a problem. For an experiment I tried a simple output mp3 file name with no spaces and got the same error message. Keep in mind I've been using the same mp3 External Encoder presets for about 15 years with perfect results until this new 2021.09 version.
  3. Thanks, I also prefer it in the FX bin so I can see it easier. I never like leaving the Inspector open, I like seeing as much Track Pane and Clips Pane as I can even with a big monitor. I'll go back to using CA2A
  4. It appears both were patterned off the same analog compressor. If anyone has an opinion on which one is better as far as it's strength as a compressor, please chime in I like having the CA2A in the FX bin of my vocal tracks. For me it's easier than having it in Inspector/Pro Channel.
  5. The External Encoder configuration utility is not working right in 2021.09 new export window. I have the External Encoder setup to create an mp3 or an mp3 and also a wav file at the same time. The mp3 is a variable rate mp3 called VBR 4. In the Export window under Format/File Type I can see my custom choices - VBR 4 and also VBR 4 + Wav. Sometimes I can get the VBR 4 to export correctly, other times I get an error message: Warning the External Encoder returned an error code and the file may have encoded properly With this error no file is created. If I choose VBR 4 + Wav under format/file, no wav file is created, once an mp3 did get created, other times I got the error code. Here are the settings for creating an mp3 and a wav file at the same time. I put this in the External Encoder configuration utility window MP3 VBR4 + Wav - file name Extension - mp3 keep source file - checked PATH: C:\Program Files (x86)\Cakewalk\Shared Utilities COMMAND LINE: lame -V4 --vbr-new -m j %I %O I also copied the 3 Lame files to the 64 bit folder C:\Program Files\Cakewalk\Shared Utilities and used that as the Path. That didn't work either. The 3 files in the Shared Folder are lame.css lame.exe lame.dll All this has worked for about 10-15 years just fine
  6. Through this process I found another nice feature. Once you set a track's height, you can simply double click the waveform icon in the Track pane for that track and it will maximize the track, but when you double click on it again it returns to the exact size you left it. This doesn't require you to check"Lock Height"
  7. More handy tricks - thanks. For us long time users, many times we can miss little improvements with the newer releases and get locked into our old way of doing things. It's nice to find new better ways to do things
  8. The controls are exactly the same in the compressors CA2A and PC2A. In fact, even the graphics are almost exact. Is there really a difference in quality and sound? Curious to know other's opinions
  9. Here's my post from the other thread I think this will solve my problem. I went ahead and changed my template so that Lock Height is already selected on tracks I want it. You can still change the height of a track and then that's the new locked height. When you lock the height of a track, its height does not change when you use a Zoom or Fit command and those are the commands that was affecting my work flow.
  10. I think this will solve my problem. I went ahead and changed my template so that Lock Height is already selected on tracks I want it. You can still change the height of a track and then that's the new locked height. When you lock the height of a track, its height does not change when you use a Zoom or Fit command and those are the commands that was affecting my work flow. Thanks for the help,
  11. Very good suggestion. I'll check this out. I'm not sure if screensets and workspace will even be needed, if I do this for the main vocal track.
  12. So then if I so all this and want to maximize a vocal track and zoom in to delete a noise. Do I have to turn off "Lock track height"? And then turn it back on? Does "Lock track height" affect all my tracks with the same height?
  13. I'm referring to the vertical size of the tracks in the left Track Pane. I like my vocal track larger so I can see the waveform really well in the Clip pane to the right. It's also good to have the harmony vocals and guitar fill tracks larger. This is very helpful when writing volume automation. Have you found a way to do this with Screensets?
  14. I'm referring to the vertical size of the tracks in the left Track Pane. I like my vocal track larger so I can see the waveform really well in the Clip pane to the right. It's also good to have the harmony vocals and guitar fill tracks larger. This is very helpful when writing volume automation. If you find a way to do this, let me know
  15. I put this post in the feedback forum, since it appears thee's no way to do this currently
  16. Many times when I'm doing a mix, which I do with the track and clip pane in view. I set the size of the vocal track bigger than other tracks and have things like guitar fills, piano fills, backup vocals a little smaller in track size. I have a zoom level that's good for seeing everything set also. Then I find I need to work on a track, like if I hear a noise on the vocal. I then maximize it so I can see the waveform good, I may greatly zoom in. Once it's fixed I'd like to return to the view I had previously. Sometimes hitting the U key will return to the previous view, yet if it's a zoom or more complicated then I have to go back and resize the tracks. I tried to solve this with Screensets and Workflow view to no avail. Maybe this feature could be added to one of those
  17. Workspace to None did it. I tried Screensets and also Workspaces. I see no way to save the size of the tracks in the Track Pane. I'd like the size of the vocal track, guitar fills,+ backup vocals larger. It seems neither of these will save the size. maybe I'm missing something. Any solutions to this?
  18. I'll give Screensets a try, it's been years since I have. Strangely when I right click the control bar and choose "Modules" I don't see Screensets in the list like I used to. Any idea why it's not showing up? Can screensets be globally disabled?
  19. Many times when I'm doing a mix, which I do with the track and clip pane in view. I set the size of the vocal track bigger than other tracks and have things like guitar fills, piano fills, backup vocals a little smaller in track size. I have a zoom level that's good for seeing everything set also. Then I find I need to work on a track, like if I hear a noise on the vocal. I then maximize it so I can see the waveform good, I may greatly zoom in. Once it's fixed I'd like to return to the view I had previously. Sometimes hitting the U key will return to the previous view, yet if it's a zoom or more complicated then I have to go back and resize the tracks. What's the best way for me to save this view in this particular song once I have it the way I like it and then how can I return to that view. I think a long time ago I tried to solve this with Screensets and Worflow view, but I have a feeling things have changed and I can do this I hope Any suggestions?
  20. I wasn't aware of Google Translate. I just tried it on the Russian text - so quick and easy. Great tool
  21. Hopefully this will be fixed in a new version, where if you select tempo in the copy Special, it will indeed copy the tempo track + envelope. Since I almost never have more than 1 tempo is a song this is no big problem for me.
  22. I had a Sonar project from 2008 and copied it all into CbB, but the tempo wouldn't copy. Tried it 2x. Someone else, replying to my thread in Feedback 2021.06, was successful. If you're using the latest version go ahead and post in the Feedback 2021.06 Maybe they'll fix it
  23. I have an AVB Ultralite. In 2015 got it , a new computer, running Win 8, which was new for me going from Win 7. it took me about a year before I had a stable system. I ended up sending the first one back after almost a year. They were very good about sending another one even though I was a little over a year. A power surge took out the LAN. MOTU is more Mac centered, but they finally got it together and it's been super, no issues for 5 years. The mixer and routing are complex and confusing, but extremely powerful
  24. I did something similar. Platinum song was created in 2008 I did open it in CbB, created new project. I selected only the first 6 tracks in the old CWP careful to use Copy Special and check the boxes. Went to new CWP and pasted - same result no tempo change copied over. I looked at the Inspector Tempo Track and it only has the tempo BPM that was in my template, not the one from the old CWP. I just tried the whole procedure again with the same result I never start from scratch with a new project. I use templates. I did for Platinum and also for CbB.
  25. I've been using Cakewalk since 1992 and learned it best to have safeguards set up when updating to a new version or a new Win version. I keep my C drive lean with only Apps and OS and make image files of my C drive with Acronis or Macrium Free. Countless times over the years I've had a good stable system and an upgrade caused problems. Most of the times when that happened I just reverted my C drive back to a previous state where everything worked great. Whenever I install a new update, I also turn back on my Win Updates and manually update all Win updates. I then make an image file of that. What's really nice about CbB is that you can save your Cakewalk Core folder and rename it Cakewalk Core 2100.06 and then update CbB. Then if you suspect a bug you can just run the previous version and compare the 2 versions. Because of a change a few months ago it's best to use scook's Launchpad to run a previous version. You can also make a copy of CbB in Launchpad before updating. Recently there have been very good improvements to the rollback feature where you can rollback to the previous version without making backups and such. Many bugs only affect some users because of the way we all use CbB differently and have different configurations. So I've been updating as soon as a new one is available, since I've been enjoying really good stability for a long time. In general it's best to have the latest CbB and Win 10, because eventually you'll run into problems with an outdated system. I know some have carried it to extremes with still running Win 7 and Sonar. It does make life simpler to have a stable predictable system, yet with the safeguards I outlined you can guard against disasters like we all experience at times in computer-land.
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