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Everything posted by gmp

  1. I got it done. The trick is to play the hat on quarter notes for the whole song and then bounce to clip so it's 1 big clip, make sure it starts at 0 sec. Then select only that clip and choose Fit Improvisation. You'll find there are tons of slight tempo changes in the Tempo view. Then I exported as a midi file, imported it into Finale and it was great. All the bars lined up. No need for me to split clips and manually line up anything or even quantize except the first downbeat at bar 1
  2. I have a midi piano part that was played without a click, but the timing is pretty steady, so if I match it with a tempo I can quantize it. I'd like to align it to the beats and bars and quantize it. As of now it's off with the internal metronome. So if I speed up the metronome to match the piano tempo, then it speeds up the piano too. If I could speed up the metronome without affecting the piano, then I can do what I need. Or I can play and record high hat click quarter notes. Can I tell CbB to use that as quarter notes when quantizing Is any of this possible? Any suggestions are welcome
  3. Super news! So glad you found the bug. I've been using this method for well over 10 years with never a hitch, Thanks for your sleuth work
  4. Export window bug Export window still has a bug that sometimes happens when I'm choosing my External Encoder preset custom Format I've named Mp3 VBR4 + Wav. It's supposed to create a wav file and an mp3 as the end product IN the External encoder configuration box I have mp3 as the file extension and a check by "Keep source file". I have 4 lame DLL files in C:\Program Files (x86)\Cakewalk\Shared Utilities. . The command line is lame -V4 --vbr-new -m j %I %O In the Export window under "Format" under "File type" is Mp3 VBR4 + Wav, which is my custom External Encoder preset. I also have MP3 VBR, which is the same except it doesn't keep the source file (wav file) When I choose this "MP3 VBR" in the Format box of the Export window, about 50% of the time it creates both wav and mp3, even though it's supposed to create only the mp3. The Export window has worked this way since this new one came out a few months ago. There was discussion about this and I thought it would be fixed. I realize this may be a low priority bug, so maybe I should find an alternate way of doing this using the Task feature in the Export window.
  5. Thanks, Noel, I appreciate your advice and explaining why it was happening.
  6. That's a time saver for a bunch of synths - thanks
  7. Can I Disconnect the Synth Rack all at once or do I have to individually disconnect each synth?
  8. I have an AUX track in my template, but in this particular song since I didn't need it I deleted this track along with many other tracks. Sometimes I change the output of the vocal track to S/PDIF, so that's why I didn't delete it. I always use only 1 template and just delete tracks I don't need depending on the song.
  9. I tried it with the update, and it still stops at 4:17
  10. Here's the test file https://onedrive.live.com/?id=C256E2DAE26B22A5!483&cid=C256E2DAE26B22A5
  11. Let me know if you still need a test project
  12. I'm using 2022.02 build 29, I'm getting an audio dropout every time at 4:17. It doesn't matte if I'm playing back or recording. I'm not sure how long this bug has been present since it's rare that I play a song for over 4 min without stopping. This only happens when you hit play at 0 sec and go to 4:17. I remember this was a bug many years ago, in fact I have my own documentation describing this bug on 9/28/19. The culprit is the same as it was back then. It's the Aux track. I have an Aux track set up as part of my normal template. IN this particular song, I deleted my Aux tracks in the Track pane, but I left the Bus output to the Aux Track in the Bus Pane. I also left 2 audio tracks in my project that had outputs going to this Bus. In the past when this happened the workaround was to archive these 2 vocal tracks. I just tried that and it worked - no dropout. I read my notes and the other fix is to turn the input echo "on" for the Aux Track in the track pane. In the past fixing this bug also fixed a strange but insignificant problem of seeing this Audio dropout message popup after leaving a song in playback and leaving the room and coming back to see this error message. Hopefully Noel will remember this bug because he did fix it and it had something to do with a buffer becoming full. Let me know if anyone needs more info
  13. Fantastic - far better than the Ntonyx 32 bit I was using - thanks
  14. I installed it and l added the DLL and it works very good in real time with the volume pedal. All the changes you're working on sound very good and useful. Thanks for all your help
  15. It sounds like your midi plugin will do what I want. Would you please verify this? This is what I need it to do Set up my analog external synth controlled by my midi volume pedal and have the volume pedal also control my soft synth and I can adjust the CC7 curve for the soft synth to match the volume pedal behavior of the analog synth. Can I make adjustments to the CC7 curve and hear the results in real time? This is how the 32 bit Ntonyx plugin worked.
  16. It doesn't appear to work in real time for setting the curve, but once it's set. I think it will work. I hope I can find one that you can set in real time, so I can hear the results as I adjust. WEBSITE SAYS THIS: The MFX works on real-time input from a keyboard, also. An important thing to remember when using the plugin during playback is that changes to the settings will not be heard immediately. This is because the MIDI data is streamed to the component about two measures ahead of the time it’s actually played.
  17. So in other words, I can set up my analog external synth controlled by my midi volume pedal and have the volume pedal also control my soft synth and I can adjust the CCMap for the soft synth to match the volume pedal behavior of the analog synth, right? I can make adjustments to the curve in the CCMap and hear the results in real time? This is how the 32 bit Ntonyx plugin worked. Have you used the CCMap?
  18. Using Paste, where the Paste window pops up, align to measures can be checked and it doesn't align. I have to redo it, experimenting with the check-box until I can finally get it to work. I think this bug has only occurred in 2021.11
  19. One of the synths is a hardware external synth and the other is a soft synth, but your method does work perfectly with 2 soft synths.
  20. My understanding is that the CCMap, doesn't work in real time. It alters the CC data after it's recorded. Whereas I want something to alter the data in real time coming from my midi volume pedal.
  21. I have 2 synths, but they react differently to the volume pedal. In other words if I have them perfectly balanced at a low volume pedal setting and then raise the volume with the pedal, 1 synth gets louder quicker throwing off the balance between the 2 synth sounds.. Ntonyx has a 32 bit mid plugin that work fines, but it won't work with 64 bit CbB. I can draw a curve that affects how the foot volume pedal tracks the midi controller #7. Any one know of any midi FX plugins
  22. I'm still getting this bug in the Export window. When I open it it defaults to my custom Eternal Encoder preset named "Wav+MP3" Which creates both a wav and mp3 in the export. Many times all I want is an mp3 so I change it to my custom "Mp3" preset. Half the time it creates both the wav and mp3 instead of only the mp3
  23. gmp

    V-Vocal launch crashes CbB

    I use V-Vocal all the time and if you use my method, outlined in one of these posts, you won't get a crash, unless one particular CWP is corrupted
  24. I'm still getting this bug in the Export window. When I open it it defaults to my custom Eternal Encoder preset named "Wav+MP3" Which creates both a wav and mp3 in the export. Many times all I want is an mp3 so I change it to my custom "Mp3" preset. Half the time it creates both the wav and mp3 instead of only the mp3
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