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Everything posted by gmp

  1. In the Workspace window I chose "save workspace" Maybe that will fix it. Nothing happened when I hit C, maybe I have that shortcut disabled. What does it do? I also went back to my template and unchecked Views / Control bar and then rechecked it and reselected my custom Workspace and resaved my Template. Lets see if those things make it work
  2. This bug has been around a while, but since I just resumed using Workspaces, I hope it can be fixed. Sometimes when I open a CWP file, the Control bar is gone. The workaround is for me to click on the little arrow on the right side of Workspaces and select my custom workspace. The Control bar then shows back up. I have a custom Workspace in my Template, so every song I do has this. In the workspace window I have checked "Apply workspace on project load". Under "Views" I have Control bar checked in my template and when I open my template it's fine, the Control bar is there. But when I save a new song and later open it, sometimes the Control bar is not there. When I open CbB I have it always load my Template. I can't find a recipe to make this happen, it's erratic. Has anyone else noticed this?
  3. Thank you msmcleod for the detailed explanation. I've been using Cakewalk since 1992, so no doubt I'll be happy to buy the paid version of Sonar and by what you said I feel confident I won't run into any problems.
  4. So once they go to the paid version of CbB, and once we pay them, will we be able to activate old versions again?
  5. Whenever I install a new CbB I always save the installation file and as soon as I install it, I also then do all the Win 10 updates, then I save an Acronis image file. This way I can revert my C HD to that version. I wonder how long an activation lasts and why Banklab is doing this. It's fairly rare but sometimes there's a show stopper bug that forces me to use an older version. I also use Launchpad, but I did forget to use it to save all the info for 2022.11 before installing. After I installed 2023.09 I realized I forgot this and went ahead and copied Cakewalk Core for 2022.11 on my backup HD back to the Cakewalk folder, renaming it to "Cakewalk Core 2022 11" I also have the CW130Auto.dll file from the 2022.11. So I can manually do what launch pad does and open 2022.11 from the Cakewalk.exe in the "Cakewalk Core 2022 11" folder My big question is what does the future hold. Is Bandlab going to let us use an old version of CbB? I heard someone mention that CbB will soon be a paid version. maybe once I've paid, I can revert to an old version. If anyone knows the answers to any of these questions, please chime in
  6. I see in 2023.09 there's no rollback installer available for the 2023.09 release. Occasionally I find a bug in a new release that makes it necessary for me to use the previous version. In this case 2022.11. I see there's some activation issue that may prevent this. What options are there for this?
  7. You nailed it. When Workspaces first were introduced, I set up some of my own, but ended up just using the same one in my template and then really forgot about them until you reminded me. I'm pretty sure they didn't have as many features years ago. This looks like it'll solve my problem. Thanks for your great help and advise.
  8. I never have liked using Screensets and have tried all sorts of ways to disable them. I have my Keyboard shortcuts set up where if I hit any Screenset shortcut key like 1-9, it opens Smart Tool, which I have permanently open any way, so it does nothing. This works right after I import my custom keyboard Shortcuts, but once I close the CWP and reopen it, Screensets are back. It seems they are hotwired as a keyboard shortcut. Any clues how to fix this or is it a bug?
  9. Here's an easier way that never crashes. Disconnect all soft synths, save and close CbB and reopen. Use V-vocal. Or if you need to hear the soft synths you can either export an audio mix of the music track and import it back in or bounce all the soft synths
  10. I checked it and it is 4 Gigs of RAM. I wasn't planning on running CbB, just a standalone Keyscape for an electric piano sound. I wouldn't record it in the laptop, only playback in the studio, like a live gig. If needed, I could do a fresh install of WIN 11 to get rid of any extra background programs and things in the Startup in Task Manager
  11. I have a fairly old laptop. It's not too old because MS upgraded WIN 10 to WIN 11. It's probably 4 GIGS of RAM. I'm wondering if it's good enough to trigger a soft synth, one at a time, for a live session. Probably KeyScape. I do have an very good MOTU AVB Ultralite USB audio/midi interface that I can use. I can use the soft synths as standalones. I never done this before, so any advise is appreciated.
  12. I installed it. Is the comments section the best place to add the ISRC code? What do you do?
  13. Did you specifically ask for this feature? If so, thanks. Sound Forge is the only program I've found to embed an ISRC code into a wav or mp3, although I imagine there are others. I have CD Architect which can embed into songs for the CD and that's helpful.
  14. Since the days of Sonar I've always used Sound Forge to embed an ISRC code into a wav or mp3. Can I do this in CbB?
  15. Noel, I compared the ID's and there's only 1 number difference and I looked more closely at the Waves EQ and 1 was mono and 1 was stereo, both were 32 bit. . So now it makes sense. You're right it works as expected
  16. I opened an old Sonar 32 bit CWP and selected all the tracks with an old 32 bit Waves EQ and while holding down the Control key, right clicked one of them and chose "replace audio FX". I then chose Sonitus EQ. About half of the tracks correctly replaced the EQ. All the ones that didn't had only 1 FX in the FX bin - Waves EQ. Any track that had more than 1 FX in the FX bin did replace the FX correctly. I then selected all the tracks that didn't do this correctly and chose Replace audio FX, this worked for the remainder of the tracks. Has anyone else noticed this?
  17. 2022.11 was working pretty well, until yesterday. The display wasn't scrolling like it usually does when you hit play. It behaved just like the Scroll Lock key was on. If I hit W (rewind) or move 1 bar ahead a few times, the display was stuck and didn't scroll. I rebooted the computer and it still did it. Has anyone else noticed this happening? Since I was in the middle of an important project with a client, I ended up reverting back to 2022.06 and it works fine. Is it safe to go back to 2022.11?
  18. scook really knows all about this and hopefully will chime in. If I recall it started in Sonar 8.5 and continues in several of the X versions. So if you have any of these versions you can install only the plugins you want instead of the whole program. If you used it in the past then you should be fine. You can also do a search for V-vocal in this forum we had a lengthy discussion and scook filled in some blanks for a lot of us
  19. gmp

    V-Vocal launch crashes CbB

    Will Bypass All FX - button turns off Soft Synths? If so where is this button? I've always disconnected all my soft synths 1 at a time, save the CWP, then close CbB and double click the CbB file to reopen. That works every time
  20. I still use V-Vocal very often with CbB. It never crashes, because I disconnect all soft synths first then close and reopen the project by double clicking on the CWP file. I work in short clips and choose "bounce to clip" to render each clip after tuning. It's best not to open a project with un-rendered V-Vocal clips, although sometimes I have done this ok.
  21. Thanks for the useful info. I'll be leaving Windows Insider Program for stability purposes like you suggested
  22. I asked the question in tenforms.com and now know why MS is doing this. - for the kick back from OEM's. And because of this, I'd be surprised if they let me upgrade to Win 11. Actually, I have no compelling reason to upgrade, I just figured in time I'd need to. I use my main computer to record audio for my recording studio, so it's vitally important to have a problem free computer. I'm a strong believer in Murphy's Law, so I often make image files of my boot drive any time I update CbB and do the Win updates. I never let Win 10 update without me initiating it. Sometimes because of some weird MS bug, I have to revert back to an earlier image. Or even if I installed Win 11, I could easily revert back to win 10. For now I'll stay with Win 10 and keep life simple
  23. I went to Updates and security on my DAW and MS asked me to let them see optional info for my computer. "To manage the Windows insider program settings for your service and all it to stay in the Windows insider program you'll need to turn on optional diagnostic data." I did this and got a message saying my computer did not meet the minimum requirements for Win 11. This is the way it was when WIN 11 first came out and I was told that eventually MS will fix Win 11 so older computers can upgrade. Any other thoughts on this will be appreciated
  24. I know a few months back, people were advising to avoid WIN 11 with CbB. I know my DAW was not compatible, being 6 years old. Has MS fixed those issues yet?
  25. That's what I do also, except to a drum loop which is easy to feel the groove. But this was a project where the pianist didn't want to do that and then later wanted sheet music for her piano part. Once I figured out Finale was really quirky about doing this kind of process from a midi file. I tried Fit Improvisation and after a while worked out a good method.
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