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Everything posted by gmp

  1. I'm planning on installing appears to be only for Command Center. I have the huge Dim Pro library on a separate HD and will try temporarily moving the Dim Pro library files off of my C drive and then see if it will let me point to my huge library.
  2. For years I've used Rapid Media Converter for converting audio and some video files. The newer version has too much malware, so I was wondering what converter you use? I prefer doing conversion in a separate program not CbB
  3. Command Center allowed me to reinstall and now it shows up in CbB as a 32 bit plugin. When I open the synth properties view for Dimension Pro in CbB it says it's version 1.2. The latest version is and I can't find it. When I log into my Legacy Cakewalk Sonar website account, it does show Dim Pro and I downloaded it, but my old personal notes say don't use or 1.5. Not sure why or if there's a problem with it. My old Win 10 computer shows Dim Pro 32 bit version 1.5. It’s possible this is version, I suppose. In Command center under Dim Pro, it says -=--=-===-= Current version latest version This product cannot be launched directly. -=--=-=-=-==-= If you click on the link for latest version in Command Center it takes you to this page https://legacy.cakewalk.com/Support/Knowledge-Base/2007013416/D-Pro-1-5-5-16-Installer-Update D-Pro Installer Update Last updated on 3/18/2016 The installer for Dimension Pro available through Cakewalk Command Center has been updated to version This update does not change the functionality of Dimension Pro, only the installer's behavior to support Cakewalk Command Center. This D-Pro installer update is not required if you already have D-Pro installed. Re-installing it will simply update your status in Cakewalk Command Center to indicate you are up to date with the most recent version. -=--=-=-=-=-=-=-= I found a file I downloaded 2/14/15 named DimensionProInstall.exe. A year earlier was 04_Dimension_Pro_1_5_Setup.exe. Possibly DimensionProInstall.exe is If anyone has any more info or knows how to download, let me know. Yet after reading that article it seems like should be ok
  4. I just downloaded it and will try it tomorrow. I see Dim Pro 1.2t and Sonar 8 content listed in Control panel programs. Maybe I should uninstall that first before command center install Thanks
  5. I just got a new WIN 11 computer and am trouble getting CbB to see Dimension Pro. It shows up only as a DX synth and says it's improperly installed, so it won't open. I can see it as a DXi in plugin manager. It's OK in 32 bit Platinum as a DXi and a VSTi. Both work. IN 64 bit Platinum is shows up only as a DX synth and says it's improperly installed. Since I couldn't install it using files I downloaded years ago, like the 1.2 and 1.5, so I installed it from my Sonar 8.0 DVD. It only had the 32 bit DX and VST versions. . I then tried to update it with the 1.2 and it worked. But the 1.5 files and they didn't work, saying it needed to have 1.2 or higher. But I had 1.2 ON my WIN 10 old computer it shows up as a 32 bit VST and no DXi. It works fine Any ideas?
  6. I solved it by right clicking on shell2VST and choosing compatibility - run as Win 98
  7. I have some Wave plugins 20 years old. Years ago I was able to install it on a Win 8 computer, which upgraded to Win 10. It worked fine. with shell2VST converting the DX FX to 32 bit VST. I just got a new computer with Win 11 Pro and tried some of the compatibility settings, but that didn't work either. I assume these plugins were Win 98. Any ideas?
  8. I rerouted Cakewalk content in Preferences/Folders. Now it works - thanks
  9. I created a custom theme quite some time ago and also version of CbB were using it. Now that I have a new computer it's not showing up under Preferences. Any ideas?
  10. I'll install both Platinum 32 bit or 64 bit. I have a lot of 32 bit projects, spanning some 30 years. On rare occasions I need to revisit them and some even have the old 32 bit DX that won't open in a 64 bit program
  11. I'm getting a new computer possibly next week and have been using Cakewalk actually since 1992, so I have accumulated a lot of plugins and soft synths. I still have all the old install CD's and install files. Which versions have the plugins and soft synths? Is there a list?
  12. No problems with authorization, every once and a while I have to log into bandlab
  13. V-Vocal was a Roland product when Roland owned cakewalk, so it hasn't been updated for a very long time. Did you find a way to update it or is this the last version we got from a Sonar version many years ago? A frozen synth is much like a disconnected synth, no more RAM involved, so V-Vocal won't crash in a project with a frozen synth or disconnected synth. Does V-Vocal crash with unfrozen or connected soft synths for you?
  14. What is v1.5.2.5 (2011)? I'm using CbB 2024.07. As long as I have no soft synths loaded it won't crash. Are you using soft synths. Ivory is pretty RAM intensive
  15. I'm getting a new computer from Jim Roseberry. I've been using V-Vocal for many years successfully as long as I disconnect all soft synths and close and reopen the file. With this new computer and WIN 11 Pro, has anyone been successful with it not crashing? I can get extra RAM if it will work
  16. >>The only version of CbB that will authorise will be the latest version of the day.>> I've been using 2023.09 up until a few weeks ago. I didn't have any problems with authorization. 2024 02 was problematic for me
  17. Before I update to a new version, from the beginning I always renamed Cakewalk Core with it's version number at the end of the name and then installed the new version. If I ever need to rollback I can simply change the name of Cakewalk core. scook found out that this can cause problems unless we put the correct CW130Auto.dll file into C:\Program Files\Cakewalk\Shared Utilities\ So I can do a Manuel rollback like this. I assume I still have to use the correct CW130Auto.dll. scook hasn't posted in about a year and Launchpad which did all this rollback stuff automatically, doesn't work with the new versions. It seems strange that cakewalk got rid of the rollbacks.
  18. If I need to rollback to a previous version, it used to be easy with Launchpad, which doesn't work with the newer versions. Do we still have the rollback to a previous version? I've never done it like that before. I just manually did what Launchpad does. You have to correctly put the CW130Auto.dll file into C:\Program Files\Cakewalk\Shared Utilities\. Is this even necessary with the newer versions?
  19. Every evening I run Vice Versa, which is a backup program that backups 3 of my computers to a 7T USB backup HD. Then after it's done I click on Backblaze, which is an online backup, in case something really crazy like a fire happens. Vice Versa also does something interesting, if I have a file like a CWP file that has the same name and I overwrite it, it will save the original file in a deleted files folder. This has come in handy a few times.
  20. It seems like scook the creator of CbB tools and Launchpad is no longer in this forum. From what I can see he left last summer. I've been using 2023 09 and recently updated to 2024 07, since I was having issues with 2024 02. Launchpad doesn't recognize 2023 09. I can manually do what launchpad does by copying the Cakewalk Core folder and fixing the C:\Program Files\Cakewalk\Shared Utilities\CW130Auto.dll Maybe there's an easier way to roll back to the previous version Any thoughts?
  21. I've been using Launchpad since it's been out and hadn't run into this problem before. When I open it I get this message Fatal error caught in destructor 2023.09 not known. 2023.09 is the version i'm currently using In this folder \CbB Tools2-0-10\CbB Tools\sub I see CW130Auto- Which is the version and build I'm currently using. 2024.02 was problematic so I didn't use that for very long, so I want to update to 2024.07 It seems that scook, the creator of launchpad, isn't in this forum since a year ago. Am I mistaken?
  22. I've been using Launchpad since it's been out and hadn't run into this problem before. When I open it I get this message Fatal error caught in destructor 2023.09 not known. 2023.09 is the version i'm currently using In this folder \CbB Tools2-0-10\CbB Tools\sub I see CW130Auto- Which is the version and build I'm currently using. 2024.02 was problematic so I didn't use that for very long, so I want to update to 2024.07
  23. Control bar was gone completely. I disabled many of the shortcuts like C, since I never want to hide it. In about a week when I'm back in town, I'll for sure report if I get that happening again
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