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Everything posted by GreenLight

  1. Fantastic, thanks for listening. ? Really looking forward to this usability enhancement!
  2. Whoa, cool! How did you bring 5 500 recordings together?! What kind of monster-setup do you have?
  3. Neither are mine... and never will be, but I don't define success in music by that. It sounds like a cliche, but the goal is the process!
  4. Might be worth trying to bump this again, just for fun. ? A sentence or two about what you use Cakewalk for... I suspect there will be a huge range of use cases here!
  5. So after some more testing: Last used Export path is not remembered between sessions Last used Export preset is not remembered between sessions I would vote for both of the above to be remembered on a per-project basis between sessions. What do you guys think? Anyone else has a workflow that would benefit from that? My use case is that I constantly export new versions of a project using the same preset to the same project-specific directory (but one that is not in the .cwp project directory).
  6. It would be really convenient if the Rename Clip command would support the renaming of multiple selected clips. More batches to the people! ?
  7. I always export all my tracks to folders named E:\Exports\<SongName>\. With the new tags system I could get this fully automated if I could use tags in the Export Location box... like "E:\Exports\{notesname}\". Would you please consider implementing that enhancement? Another solution would be if the previously used path in Location Box could be constantly remembered on a per-project basis... that would also be golden for my workflow. Update: Tags in Export Location is probably not a usable idea after all, since the path is not remembered between sessions, nor is it saved as part of a preset (which is good). So it would therefore be very convenient if the path was actually remembered between sessions on a per-project basis. Then it would be a "set it once per project - and then forget"-parameter. (And it wouldn't interfere with those who use the default value of %PROJECTFOLDER%\Audio Export.)
  8. Great solution, thanks a lot Noel! ?
  9. It would be awesome to have an "Export/Import" settings feature... It would also be a good way to backup a "last known good configuration".
  10. If you have "Bounce buffer size" set to "Playback", I believe the export speed is supposed to be the same as before. If that's what you meant? ?
  11. I am so sorry to rant about the Export Completed dialog, just one final piece of input/question from me to the Bakers: Would you please consider making it possible to dismiss it via a keyboard shortcut? (Say, pressing "Esc" would be logical, but I'll take anything if I don't have to use the mouse...) Thanks for a fantastic DAW! ❤️ ?
  12. I sent you a PM. I saw you wondering about where to find PM's earlier: look at the very top right, click on the envelope icon.
  13. At least on my system, the box is actually very, very persistent. It's on top of all other applications as well, not just Cakewalk... and it stays even if I minimize Cakewalk. I reckon our dear export dialog box has gotten a bit of hubris... it's either that, or it's hunting me! ? ? So, anyway I understand your reasons and they don't contradict my opinion. Do you & Noel get where I, Max, Keni, etc are coming from, when we don't like extra clicks?
  14. I of course agree with #1, and I understand #2, although I don't need the file link myself, as I use a file manager (Total Commander). Both would still be fulfilled – and me and Max (and a few others I've seen) would be happy to have one mouse click less – if it persisted until the user clicks anywhere in Cakewalk. How about that idea... not too bad, eh?
  15. To @Noel Borthwick and @msmcleod - True, it's dismissed when the export dialog is opened. To be honest, the "multiple export scenario" was just an offhand remark, it is not common in my personal workflow. Just as @Max Arwood said: for "[our] work flow it is more likely you would do something else after you finish an export other than reopening [the Export Dialog] it again." This is a very interesting case of strong diametrical opinions on a very small detail. ? But the devil's always in the details, right... My case against it: A persistent dialog just adds an unnecessary mouse click to dismiss. Mouse clicks should be considered "expensive" and adding new ones should be very carefully considered, especially in DAW usage where heavy usage and RSI is pretty common. (Minor extra: it's not consistent, as no other toast dialogs are persistent.) What's your case for it – why do you find it important to have it persist?
  16. Okay, I just got an idea ?for the "export completed" toast: Make it also go away when the user clicks anywhere in Cakewalk (i.e. when you continue working in the application). The concept of a persistent toast is good for when you leave the computer, so you're reminded about what you just did and that it's done. But when you continue working it's obviously not needed anymore. I am already getting tired of it myself, but for people with use cases where you regularly export a lot of stems or tracks, it would be very convenient to not have to target that 10x10 pixel box for each and every export... ?
  17. Happily, just a few posts above, Noel said they will work on improving the keyboard usability aspects of the Bounce/Export dialogs. ? I wish keyboard usability would be a top priority for all software developers. If an extra mouse click is required for something, it should be carefully considered... ? (Hey, I'm looking at you, "Export Completed" toast... ?)
  18. Thanks, I would really appreciate it! I am a huge keyboard shortcut user, so I would really appreciate some more keyboard love for Cakewalk. The most important aspects would probably be the possibility to jump with a visually indicated focus "caret" (box) between different fields with Tab (and Shift + Tab). And switching track in the Destination box easily with Up/Down would also be high on my list... Thanks for all your hard work! ❤️
  19. Some requests to speed up keyboard workflow and usability for the Bounce to Track(s) dialog box: It should accept the "Enter" key as OK (as the old box...) It would be great if focus could be on Destination when the dialog opens (as the old box...) Underline specific characters for quick ALT + character focus jump Have a focus highlight that jumps around when you jump focus with TAB See GUI mockup below: Pretty please...? An example of my fast keyboard workflow with the old box: Press (my personal customized shortcut) CTRL + T for Bounce to Track Press Arrow up/down to select destination track Press Enter to start bounce To get a really polished application, I think we need a little more attention on small (but important) usability things, like keyboard shortcuts, dialog box focus and underlined shortcuts (for fast usage with the ALT key).
  20. Ah, the bug requires a very specific circumstance: it only occurs if the track in question is below a folder track, and that folder track itself is the first track in the project. (Compare the order of my tracks in the video compared to yours in your image.) I clarified the folder track "requirement" in the original post, thanks for pointing that out! ? About your second issue - yeah, I think I've had that too... let's see if we can figure out any repro and/or consistency to it... ?
  21. Will try this, thanks @Bristol_Jonesey! I'll give staff a few days to see and reply here, then I'll email this bug report to support@cakewalk.com to make sure they notice it.
  22. Thanks for the Sitala tip, looks simple and fast but powerful! ...but let's just for a second entertain an alternative future. Imagine the sweet and fast workflow of dragging a sample from the browser to, say, an audio track and voila - suddenly you have an instrument track with Sitala (or something similar) that has your sample loaded. One drag & drop and you'd be off sequencing audio samples - 808s, cowbells or even slap basses, whichever floats your boat... Update: This has been discussed a few times earlier:
  23. Thanks a lot @billp and @Klaus! Another workaround in addition to yours, Klaus: once the nodes have been created, one can switch to the Move tool to drag the section all the way up. Let's hope the Bakers see this thread.
  24. Hi all! Can someone please help me reproduce this bug? I have been running into it for a long time, but just now I figured out how to reproduce it. Cakewalk version This bug is reproducible with Cakewalk 2021.12 (Build 102). (Updated Jan 9, 2022) Short version: Using the region selection with the smart tool, one cannot drag automation to the maximum if the track in question is a) below a folder track and b) that folder track is the very first track in the project. Steps to repro: Start with a blank project Insert a track folder at the top Insert an audio track below (but MIDI tracks have same bug) Enable automation for, say, volume, and make it a flat line at the bottom Using the smart tool, drag a range in the track and then position it near the top of the track Try to drag the automation range to the maximum Video demonstration In the video, I first demonstrate that dragging works OK with the track folder below. Then I place a folder track above, whereby I no longer can drag the automation to its maximum:
  25. There was a heated ?discussion about this detail in the Early Access... so you are not alone in this request.
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