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Everything posted by GreenLight

  1. I'm curious - where did you (the Bakers) get the inspiration/idea to work on improving project load times? Was someone having issues or did someone have an "Heureka!" moment? ? The improvements sound impressive, great job!
  2. NICE! It's the small things that increase convenience, thank you. Will test it in the next release!
  3. I just tried it again and it actually worked well, with my NI Komplete Kontrol S49 mk1 over USB. ? Though I know it doesn't work always for me, but I'll remember the CTRL click trick for next time. Thanks Noel!
  4. @Anders Madsen I've many times wondered the same thing, but have adapted Byron Dickens' method to turn on my MIDI controller before starting Cakewalk, as it rarely (never?) works to do it afterwards. Hm, but maybe it actually used to work when I was using MIDI DIN, but not now when using MIDI over USB.... ?
  5. Impressive work in this thread, great job @Helene Kolpakova! I'm sorry if I don't understand the obvious from the above - but will the Synth Rack state now be remembered if it is floating? I always have to re-float it...
  6. Wow, cool that you made it an option, thanks! Though I worked several hours with the original 2022.09 today without any issues... I will continue testing tomorrow.
  7. Hm, I think it happened both when playing on the keyboard, a NI Komplete Kontrol S49 MK1 via USB MIDI, as well as when performing transport stops. But I'm not 100% on that... I've only had one session with 09 so far, so I will report back later this week after some more sessions. If I continue to get stuck notes, I'll do a rollback to 06 and see if it helps. I'm thankful for your diligence. I should have done a few more session before reporting to you guys, I don't want to cause you unnecessary work with too vague descriptions. ? I just wanted to see if I was alone or not... ?
  8. It did happen with no sustain pedal in use when I played synth parts with Diva as well. I will continue producing and report back, while also keeping in mind what you wrote above. Thanks!
  9. I think it was with u-He Diva, a Kontakt 6 piano library and... a third one I can't remember. It happened a handful of times during maybe 2-3 hours, and I reacted as it usually doesn't happen that often. If it happens again, I will pay closer attention and report back.
  10. >The MIDI All Notes Off message is no longer sent to VST plugins on transport stop. Since Cakewalk manages all MIDI note on's explicitly, >sending note off messages for just those notes, the All Notes Off message is no longer required. I updated to 2021.09 yesterday, and first of all - thanks for the bugfixes! ? After the update, in just a few hours I've been getting more hanging notes than usual with several of my VSTi:s... it feels like it ought to be directly related to the removed MIDI All Notes Off message? An idea – if permitted in this thread – would be to make an option under Preferences / Project / MIDI / like "Send MIDI All Notes Off message on transport stop". So that it could be user-enabled in circumstances that require it? EDIT: Even sustain pedal messages seem to be hanging... (Happened once so far.) Am I the only one experiencing this?
  11. It might not be the cause in this case, but there are reports of problems with unbinding shortcuts that are not related to Workspaces, see topic link below.
  12. Very well put! I thought about that as well – using the same shortcuts for different actions in different views – and how that could be really nice in some scenarios. For some time I've been using NUMPAD + and - for zoom in/out in Track View, which btw has been a great workflow enhancer for me. And then I thought it would be cool to use the same combo for zoom in/out in PRV as well... but maybe it's a bad example, since it has been very convenient to be able to zoom in/out in Track View even when working and having focus in PRV.
  13. Ok, my aim is always to try to write forum posts that have constructive content and that are useful and interesting for the topic at hand, but...
  14. I have now checked how my Cakewalk is configured: "Save Changes for Next Session" is checked under Preferences/Keyboard shortcuts. I don't think it's ever been unchecked. Workspaces are configured as seen below. Are you saying I should enable "Apply Workspace on Project Load" even though I'm not using workspaces? ?
  15. Thanks a lot for this, Superrabbit ?, very interesting. I have downloaded and installed them and will definitely try them for my next melodic techno track. The page on the B Rock website was very ambitious in its explanation of these. In summary, there are 32 different arp patterns and each of those is also available in 15 different variations, truncated to shorter lengths to make it very easy to achieve polyrhythms when layering them on top of each other or other sequences. Cool! It makes me think of the arp in U-He's Diva synth. It has a Restart parameter which lets you do the same thing, i.e. it allow you to restart the arp sequence earlier. Very useful for more organic patterns!
  16. Thanks for chiming in, Peter, interesting to know there's more with the same problem.
  17. It would be fantastic if the "Global" aspect/concept you describe could be indicated more clearly in the Preferences GUI. It is a bit confusing the way it's currently displayed. ?
  18. Appreciate your help, as always, Will! Will (pun not intended) check it out. ? (Note though that I'm not using workspaces nor screensets.)
  19. I have tried to find some pattern in the disappearing shortcuts, but have so far not succeeded. As a backup, I constantly export my binding setup as soon as I make any changes to my shortcuts. I try out new configurations pretty often, so I have a lot of backups. About the "unusualness" or "system-specificness" of this problem – all I can say is that I have reported in a bunch of very odd, and very difficult-to-reproduce Cakewalk bugs lately, that the Bakers have fixed swiftly and competently once I managed to reproduce them and report them. Some of the bugs to me literally years of enduring to get a repro on (I'm looking at you, "preview bus suddenly changing bug". The obscure bug existed for years, and it was very annoying for me! But victory to those who persist! ?) As I wrote elsewhere in this forum recently, I think the Keyboard shortcuts preferences part of Cakewalk could use a facelift (not least with the long delays in opening the window) a trip to the gym and makeover, if you so will. ?️‍♂️?
  20. I also have the problem of my own bindings occasionally randomly unbinding... it's very annoying. I am not using either Screensets or Workspaces. @Michal Ochedowski Did you isolate your shortcut unbinding problems to Workspaces?
  21. Thanks a lot, mate! Always appreciate your input, David. Pinging @msmcleod... Houston, we have a bug! ??
  22. That's a very interesting workaround, I will give it a try. Thanks for the tip! ?
  23. You describe Cakewalk's scaling problem with current hi-res/hi-DPI screens correctly. Unfortunately, it's difficult to find a good compromise with that screen size and resolution. There are some small mitigations that you can try with Windows' High DPI settings on the Cakewalk shortcut, I think they were described earlier in this thread. As I created this thread, I thought a lot of people would have problems with it, but surprisingly many don't. For example, the people responding in this thread are either using very large screens (32") or lower resolutions, creating situations where you don't need scaling. Then there are probably also those who don't care or notice if things are a bit blurry as well... Noel from Bandlab said a couple of years ago that they are aware of it: "This is a known issue and we have plans of gradually addressing it. Its not impossible but its a significant amount of work for the UI to fully handle DPI scaling in the app"
  24. I really appreciate all the work you put into this, and together we will improve Cakewalk, but I believe your findings will make a bigger impact if put more succinctly. Let's start with the the looping issues... first, are the two bullet points above talking about the same thing? I use looping all the time but cannot recall having problems with automation being ignored in a loop. (I mostly edit my automation on the main track, without expanding the automation lanes, but I wouldn't think that should make any difference.) Is the looping issue reproducible for you?
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