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Everything posted by GreenLight

  1. Just to clarify: you don't need to press Ctrl to add nodes - you can just drag with the mouse (see description in the manual). But I'm not sure we were talking about the same thing, though... ☺️
  2. Heh, I'm sorry, I reacted to the words "How do I get it back... please! ?" in your post... and thought you needed a little pointer. But you did post a link to the solution on the row below... which confused me, but I thought you were confused. ? Anyway. ? By the way, how do you guys do your VST instrument automation? Are you all using Simple Instrument Tracks and were unaffected by this bug? Or do constantly just live with the Insert Synth popup dialog? Or do you always go to the Synth Rack and manually configure the automation track? Or do you just use MIDI CCs?
  3. I always support more bindable keyboard functions. Cakewalk needs to be THE DAW for keyboard shortcuts! (Interesting to note that this has been requested way back in 2007.) It's not a replacement but it's a bit related: I'm sure you know that it's possible to use the Smart tool to select a range and then drag the automation up/down?
  4. Brilliant request, I totally agree! ? Along similar lines, I've often thought it would be useful to be able to generate a "Plugin report" when working on a project, which would list all plugins and their versions that are in use.
  5. Wow, that was fast, thanks a lot! I accidentally discovered this bug together with the entire instrument automation feature! This will be something of a game-changer for me.
  6. Lovely, thank you! ? I can't believe I'm the first to report this... it must have been like this for ages. But I guess everyone else likes dialog boxes? Or as Kevin said, maybe most people use Simple Instrument Tracks nowadays? ?
  7. Pinging ? @msmcleod with a reproducible bug. Short story: in the Insert Synth dialog, the setting "Display Automation On" does not seem work if "Ask This Every Time" is unchecked (this presumes split instrument tracks). For more info, see above. Thanks! ?
  8. Thanks for the tip, @Kevin Perry. I haven't used simple instrument tracks that much to be honest, I think find that it gets too messy with all that mixed automation on a single track, plus some reduced flexibility. But maybe I should give them another try... But first: let's fix the bug with classic split instrument tracks.
  9. Fantastic, thank you Glenn! ??This has been driving me mad. Pinging @msmcleod for a reproducible bug, please see my first post (and the image in this post) and Glenn's a couple of posts up.
  10. Haha, same here, I have never touched "Display Automation On" before! Exactly, it refers to (or should refer to!) the entire Insert box, including the "Display Automation On" setting. But according to my tests, and kindly enough also test by @Glenn Stanton (see his post above) it actually seems to ignore the "Display Automation On" setting. I would assume it works that way on your system as well? And that's the reason why I have missed this totally basic VSTi automation feature for 20+ years, and have instead been fiddling with MIDI CC in all my projects... Ahh, I have to laugh instead of cry. ? (And that obliviousness is what made me wish for the ability to rename MIDI CC automation envelopes. It would still be useful at times, but it's no longer that urgent. )
  11. Are you sure it hangs on the load of project #2 - and not just after quitting project #1? I've had some buggy plugins cause Cakewalk to crash just after the project has been closed. I'm thinking it might be possible that there's a buggy VST in the first project... just an idea.
  12. Are you able to reproduce it consistently? That's the key to fixing it, but it's not always easy...
  13. Could anyone please confirm this bug on their system: if "Ask every time" is un-checked, then the setting to display automation on "First synth audio track" will not work? Thank you so much! ?
  14. Brilliant, thanks. AHA! ? Try un-checking "Ask This Every Time" and see what results you get... for me it works as in your video if I have it checked, but it stops working if it's unchecked.
  15. Thanks for reporting in, @scook! I figured it's probably just my system... So you automatically get the instrument automation set to the audio track for all synths you insert? If I insert any synth, here Arturia CS-80 V (v3.10.1) VST3 in a blank project, I get the above. What could be wrong, why doesn't it work here? I'm on latest CbB 2022 .11 build 021 on Win 10 Pro 21H2.
  16. Happy new year everyone! After using Cakewalk for 20+ years I found out I have been using synth (VSTi) automation all "wrong" these years!? ?‍♂️I've always just used MIDI CCs and the MIDI CC learning features of every VSTi synth... but it turns out, you can just select the parameters for a synth... IF some things are correctly configured. It's the IF that threw me... ? and maybe there's a bug? Read on... 1. If I manually select the synth track like below... 2. ...I get the synth parameter list in the Edit Filter (hooray! this is revolutionary... for me! ?? 3. THE WEIRD PART: But looking through the "Insert Soft Synth Options" in the synth rack, then the option "Display Automation On" has actually always been configured to "First Synth Audio Track". So, in theory, step #1 would always be performed automatically. But this has never worked for me (I would've found this long ago if it did), and still doesn't! I don't think my expectations are wrong, as the PDF manual states: "Any automation data you create for this synth is displayed by default on the Synth track for this synth." What gives? Does the above setting work automatically for you guys? Thanks for any input!
  17. This might actually be good, it keeps us on our toes when producing and mixing, it and forces us not to take things for granted all the time. I vote for an updated right click menu for the Track View: ? ...said with ❤️ (after I've nearly deleted all my effects).
  18. Thanks for a brilliant update! The new "Delete all" effects option is very useful, but I find it very unfortunate UX design and counter-intuitive that it's the new top option in the FX bin. What is the most common reason a user right clicks in an FX bin? The answer to that rhetorical question is arguably: to add an effect. Hence ought "Insert audio effect" be reinstated to its previous top position. Update: There is a dedicated thread about this very subject. Suggested new UX design for FX bin right click:
  19. Exactly... And when on that topic, could any tweaks be made to Duplicate Clip, to make it a little "smarter" about alignment? Half the time I have to nudge my duplicated stuff back by a whole measure. ?
  20. This would still be awesome! And I noticed a few similar requests have popped up recently:
  21. Ah, retrospective recording would be a really nice feature, indeed. I would think that it's not very taxing for modern computers to always buffer incoming MIDI?
  22. Ok, this is a seriously BRILLIANT idea @murat k.! ❤️ I don't know how often I do this manually, would be amazing to have a keyboard shortcut for this.
  23. Interesting, thanks for the info! Are there any specific things EA users should keep an eye out, with regards to this fix? Any risks of plugins loading incomplete settings or failure to load? Note, I'm not questioning anything, just showing my incompetence (and gratitude!). ?
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