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Everything posted by Gswitz

  1. It is such a perfect spot. Access from front and back. In the hangout room. I'm going to try it. If gear dies I'll upgrade.
  2. I'm considering putting all my gear on its side. Anyone do this? Am I likely to overheat? Damage stuff? Or can I get away with it? This is a log pass through for the for place, so it has front and back access.
  3. Emulators are interesting but not equivalent to the real thing. Try ribbons! When it stops feeling fun, plug in, stand up, close eyes, play.
  4. Charles, you are choosing to display your birthday. I think this is not necessary. I would hide that bit if personally identifiable information.
  5. Clip gain is different from track gain. You cannot automate track gain. Some talented folks use clip gain to feed audio into compressors rather than automate faders on the other side of the compressor. The main reason I use track gain or bus gain is adjust the level without risking input clipping. For example, set guitar gain so it will not clip them turn up track gain so it is a little hotter going into thu. Really, the most common is turning down Bus gains so tracks don't clip busses as they merge together. Mixes often inch hotter and eventually clip a bus. Rather than run around notching tracks down, I reduce the bus gain 1db. No more clipping. Noel confirmed that this doesn't just hide a clip, it avoids it.
  6. My interface has a 'total reset' choice. I am not sure how many times that has repaired it from hopelessly damaged. I'm always sure I broke the hardware, some mic was so hot it melted something, then I reset and poof the transistors heal. It is magic!
  7. I went to moog fest a few years ago in North Carolina. I honestly mostly use pads under guitar. I love some of them. https://www.galbanum.com/products/piscis/ I enjoyed going through the syntorial lessons. https://www.syntorial.com/ I don't think I've finished all of them. My gr 20 has a decay midi value you can use to control synth things like a filter. It is kinda cool but I don't spend a lot of time with it. I'm ashamed to say, I use a lot of presets. Except when I don't.
  8. https://help.cakewalk.com/hc/en-us/articles/360034727773-Unable-to-Select-Audio-Device-Missing-Device Or ask scook?
  9. Dessing live helps the performance. I think things work best when the artist performs through the fx chain. It is not that hard to set up and it can change your performance some.
  10. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Semantic_Web https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/RDFa https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Web_Ontology_Language These things together enable us to use our computers better, imho.
  11. Play the one note trope followed by a BBBUUUUuuuuujjjjjjjjj.
  12. I should know this, but I do not... If you have a track with lots of take lanes and you apply a region effect, like Melodyne... does it take whatever is audible? If you change it, does Melodyne update? I have always worked with Melodyne by creating a separate track. Is that what others do? I guess I'm still kinda old school. I don't mind using the take lanes to just gather up a bunch of takes, but I usually split them out and do things manually afterwards. Am I alone in this? Everyone else go the fast comp down?
  13. I love using then with the ashtray on. If you have one, I recommend trying it.
  14. Fat Freddy of the Fabulous Furry Freaks?
  15. Once the gulf stream stops, I'm guessing the UK will cool right down.
  16. I can record with a laptop or my desktop. It's not the same as the daw, but kinda a fun challenge. I'm sorry for your troubs, btw. Buying parts that may or may not do the job is a gamble I don't love taking. I also hate reinstalling everything. I'm surprised sometimes at how little I've come to care about many of the things that are part of my install routine. But it is nice to have a computer that has everything you might want... including that cool 32 bit plugin from way back when.
  17. 20,000 hertz is one I like.
  18. I have people I care about with Dementia. I play lumosity with them. It's kinda just fun for me on my own, but a little fun for us together... something to talk about. Anyway, there is a game on there that gives you 2 finger rhythm patterns in 2 measures. Usually at about 90 BPM but it varies as you get to the harder levels. I don't know why I'm such a spaz, but some of them are really hard for me. I'm getting close to opening up all the levels. The patterns seem randomized but are level appropriate. You don't see the same exact pattern very often. It measures your accuracy on the beat and percentage of missed beats. It includes triplets etc, but not really flams. The durations are like 45 seconds maybe? You don't get a lot of time to get it right. So this brought me to a question... are there a lot of games like this? I really think it's cool practicing rhythms and getting rated on it. I enjoy it.
  19. I've got 13 more years until retirement (unless it comes unexpectedly). I understand the years go faster and faster. Sometimes, I have trouble imagining making it.
  20. Maybe. Good chefs do tend to have nicely stocked kitchens. No two the same.
  21. I'm a total mess. I've been sick for a month. 6 Covid tests. All Negative. Chest XRay... not TB, Cancer, Pneumonia. I'm sick and can't get well!!
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