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Everything posted by Sheens

  1. anyone nose ah why James always adds 'ah' ? remembers me of Michael Jackson dah on each lyric line dah. grinds my gears ah
  2. guess I'm in the wrong fred, sorry
  3. Craig can you send him below vid ?
  4. any song with vocals by Maroon5 singer
  5. lol Kenny, this is me feeding my girlfriend. She's at a guys shed across the street at work, I feed her for 6 years now. She was sick when I first saw her, couldn't get her any help after trying at the Animal rescue organisation. By now she's blind, after several times being so sick I thought she wouldn't make it....last years she recovered and doing well.
  6. Shirley the waiting will be worth it. In the meantime here's a short preview of the new bass. 'pom pom pom' (copywrite Paulo)
  7. Well, at least they didn't send you a beard female.
  8. those were nice pigs/vids leds now it's nap time here.
  9. Brilliant vid !!! Lars getting belly rubbs
  10. I haves 83 plugins of which half I probably will never use. regret buying some Addictive Drums stuff and a mayger PITA to install. Oh almost forgot regret buying a complete analog pro level studio gear. There went a 2 years workpay down the toilet. who or what is a Bapu ?
  11. Shanye B, the Peavey Delta Blues 115 Tweed is a 15 inch combo
  12. loud amp with the sonah crash speakah !
  13. Sheens


    Today arrived a brand new (Jack and Danny) Jazz bass copy. Paid whopping 115,80 (incl. delivery). Sounds nice (not as good as my Squier VM PJ that I'll be selling). Main advantage the jack is on the front so don't have to plug in for 10 min like Jim. Any foughts ?
  14. Happy Birthday have a good one
  15. I'm now getting Amazon Prime for downloading guitar strings, thanks
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