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Everything posted by Sheens

  1. At the animal shelter there's 1 furry friend waiting to help you through this horrible time. I can emagine you don't feel like it....but get yourself together and hop over there to pickup your new buddy, BF
  2. you're too picky Craig not liking nose rings either but I'd stare drooling at the rest...(in dreams)
  3. Sorry, totally off topic but I liked this Italy visit video...never been there & never will but seems nice.
  4. Maybe if they can't login they cannot comment here....just my 2 cents 😝
  5. At least I now understand the face pulled in avator. Leaving it now before I get into trouble.
  6. Kenny, just between you and me.. I received a PM just to clarify he has no millions $ in the bank.
  7. Shane, no need to brag about your bankaccount & garden hose length...
  8. My ex-wife was so attractive she had the men standing in line.....she told me many times.
  9. Awesome you persuaded David Bowie and Milo's sister for the experiment. Not sure who else was involved......that face looks familiar...
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