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Everything posted by Sheens

  1. Even here in Europe, hardly any discount on Adam speakers (usd 588 for 1 AX7 is the lowest I found). I got a subwoofer that was 15% off by the retailer, that's about the highest discount I've seen. You could search for a demo pair maybe, or a used pair. I have the TV7s too, been thinking about the new TV8s... good luck
  2. you chews (I'm staying in the 80's)
  3. done, will be uploaded soon
  4. hope we only have 'm here in Europe, so annoying Aarrrrgghhhhhh, today on the whole way to work I was behind one. probably an old one.....I get me coat
  5. Sheens


    for a working men, would be grate braked down in power cords
  6. tanks Bapu. me brother haves chicks (and pig for bacon) in garden. I sneak in to steel eggs.
  7. no your fred was so good somejuan copied...I woodn't dair mash
  8. Hi, anyone have an instruction for cooking eggs in Microwave ? The traditional way in boiling water for me beloved morning eggs sometimes is a pita. My Microwave adventures so far all failed.
  9. nice twins S.L.I.P. glad to see Hugh doin great
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