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Everything posted by locrian

  1. Review: https://bedroomproducersblog.com/2023/11/16/psycho-circuitry-minivca/ D/L: https://psychocircuitry.com/mini-vca.html MiniVCA+ is peak based VCA style compressor, featuring 3 feed-forward VCA action modes to enhance your audio. A robust harmonics section that goes from subtle to extreme! 3 Harmonics modes, 2 switchable output transformer simulations, auto-release adapted for each action mode, soft knee option, external sidechain and high-pass filter, it has you covered. Newly redesigned oversampling system offering up to x16 rate, and a new channel mode setting to force mono operation or go into dual mono operation.
  2. Review: https://bedroomproducersblog.com/2023/11/16/bad-humors-sequencer/ D/L: https://github.com/niflheimmer/badhumors The purpose of this plugin is to give you some creative effects to use in one place, or to spice up your rhythm with some glitchiness. The effect plugin syncs with your DAW to let you sequence 4 effects, from 1 to 16 steps. The steps have one length that you can designate from one whole note to one 32nd note, based on your BPM. The effects can be combined together and are chained left-to-right (or top-to-bottom). Note: You will need to install CSound to run this plugin.
  3. Review: https://bedroomproducersblog.com/2023/11/15/ys-tape-delay-lofi/ D/L: Links are below the YT video ...
  4. Does 1.0.10 fix the issue introduced in 1.0.09 where you had to be logged in to the PM to use your products?
  5. Review: https://bedroomproducersblog.com/2023/11/12/goodhertz-loudness/ D/L: https://goodhertz.com/loudness/ (Note: currently the plugin is only a release candidate.)
  6. It's not just our computers. It's virtually every aspect of our lives. And it's getting worse. There's considerable financial incentive for companies to do this to us.
  7. A versatile instrument dedicated to sample mangling and granular kind effects. It can record or load a mono WAV file and process it through two different but complementary tools: the Vaporizer and the Crumblizer. The Crumblizer can produce extremely short shards to extremely dense textures through evolving rythmic cells. The Vaporizer is more adapted to particle clouds and trajectories. All sounds are spatialized with the same powerfull 24 points Spatial Shaper and Animator as the other SpatStruments. What distinguishes it more is its Gesturizer Pad and gesture Sampler which gives a new level of spatial sound design. https://www.audiopluginsforfree.com/spatstrument-gr24/
  8. locrian

    BFD3 $49

    I wonder if this pricing means that BFD4's release is imminent.
  9. https://vi-control.net/community/threads/kontakt-updates-current-version-7-7-0.95552/post-5438490
  10. The default view: With the bottom panel collapsed:
  11. Apparently the “New Instruments for you” are ads in the browser that can't be hidden. https://vi-control.net/community/threads/kontakt-updates-current-version-7-7-0.95552/post-5437251
  12. ReverbShaper unlocks the hidden rhythm of reverb, putting your sounds inside amazing spaces that move, groove and flow along with your music. Imagine chopped reverb tails infusing your music with rhythmic space. EDM synths wrapped in vast pumping halls. Trap melodies transformed into vivid groove atmospheres. Vocals suspended in mid-air with stunning ambient sustain. Precision ducking and shaping like you've never seen. And much more. Running inside Cableguys' ShaperBox 3 effects plugin, use ReverbShaper on its own or with other Shapers — they all work in exactly the same way, stacking up to create elaborate, multilayered effects that'll make your productions stand out. https://www.cableguys.com/reverbshaper It's on sale now for $19 for previous ShaperBox owners and free if you purchased it after September 1, 2023. The regular price is $39.
  13. I received the following after signing-up in Firefox. It's confusing that it says to come back on BF to request the plugin after I just did.
  14. It's not just visually-impaired people. I have 20/20 vision and find the new GUI to be a *huge* downgrade b/c everything now is so uniform that I can't find anything w/o stopping to look for it. And the colors/fonts are so damn bright that they all bleed together to form a phantasmagorical haze that would only have been welcomed in the '60s!
  15. Review: https://bedroomproducersblog.com/2023/11/02/air-music-tech-bassline/ D/L: https://www.airmusictech.com/black-friday.html
  16. RLC-79 (Rms Limiter/Compressor from 1979) is a program dependent "true RMS" compressor with straightforward operation and a simple interface. It's unique character lends itself well to a variety of percussive material (kick drums, toms, bass guitar and more). D/L: https://psychocircuitry.com/plugins.html Review: https://bedroomproducersblog.com/2023/11/01/psycho-circuitry-rlc-79/
  17. So, "Analog Lab Pro" is the new name for the old "Analog Lab"?
  18. I clicked it and it took me straight to my account where PSP stepDelay was waiting for me.
  19. Sounds like whale songs. Cool!
  20. locrian


    This thread originally was for the Steinberg store code I was giving away. But the person who initially claimed it later gave it back, so I updated the title to reflect this change. However the updated thread did not rise to the top and so I created a new one and changed this one's title to the now infamous "." to avoid confusion with the new one. Typically I would have just left the old one in place, but the code was only good for two days so I wanted to make sure folks saw it before it expired.
  21. locrian


    Well played, sir! I suspect this isn't going to be the final witticism given the characteristically cadential collective cognitive capacity of our composite colloquial community.
  22. Initially I read the price as $49.99. These single-function plugins costs as much as most DAWs. Wow! They must truly be game-changing, revolutionary, ground-breaking, monumental *and* earth-shattering.
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