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Everything posted by locrian

  1. locrian


    Glad to hear that you didn't miss the 'point'. ?
  2. PA, just give us realistic prices and stop playing your psyops games.
  3. locrian

    Musio 1 for $299

    I'm new to Musio and Cinesamples. Does the $299 lifetime Musio 1 subscription really allow you to use all existing instruments in the $5,999 Everything Bundle forever? That sems too good to be true...
  4. Can it be installed on (and used from) an external USB drive instead of your system drive?
  5. Info: https://bedroomproducersblog.com/2023/10/11/crowbait-gnomedistort/ D/L: https://github.com/crowbait/GnomeDistort
  6. Info: https://bedroomproducersblog.com/2023/10/02/chord-switch-noizplay/ D/L: https://www.kvraudio.com/product/chord-switch-by-noizplay
  7. Okay, I see it now. Thanks for the insight.
  8. Hmm. I looked in both %APPDATA\Local and %APPDATA\Roaming but did not find the files you described. I also checked the IK Multimedia folder in Roaming and the Temp folder in Local but didn't find them there either. FYI, I did do a 'refresh' everytime before looking b/c I know MS is too damn lazy to do a screen refresh for me. Also, I should mention that I uninstalled Tonex a few days ago b/c I never used it and wanted my 4GB+ of storage back. The standalone version of AmpliTube I used in the test is 5.7.1 (23108).
  9. Just curious, which IKM files do you think have incorrect extensions?
  10. Okay, that was quick. I don't have Windows Defender installed on my system (Win10). I looked in Windows Security > Virus and Threat Protection and nothing (Microsoft-based) is there. So, in lieu of running a Defender scan, I'll just delete the IKM PM and hope for the best.
  11. Thanks, Simon! I'll report back after I'm done...
  12. IKM products are like that hot stock you bought thinking you were going to get rich, yet it keeps decreasing in value. Your better judgment tells you to sell it, but you continue to hold on thinking it will go back up. But it never does. ?
  13. Actually I haven't used any IKM software for quite a while but thought I'd update what I had and give them another try. Well, IKM never fails to disappoint me. So your suggestion may be the best advice of all.
  14. Uh oh, I updated from 1.0.6 to 1.0.8 a few days ago. Any suggestions for the safest course of action given my ignorance and stupidity (for trusting IKM)?
  15. Do we need to "claim" each of the 12 individual intruments separately, or just get a serial number for the entire collection? If we need to claim each instrument individually, is there a time limit to do so?
  16. I wonder if Asknet Solutions gave Steinberg any notification before entering into self-administered insolvency. They must have been aware of the financial conditions that led them to take this action.
  17. Info: https://bedroomproducersblog.com/2023/09/29/nel-vibrato/ D/L: https://github.com/Mrugalla/NEL-19#nel---vst3---64bit---windows-only
  18. How does one access the "online portal view"?
  19. Info: https://bedroomproducersblog.com/2023/09/25/socalabs-wavetable/ Download: https://socalabs.com/synths/Wavetable/
  20. Info: https://bedroomproducersblog.com/2023/09/16/free-vocal-pop-stories/ D/L: https://www.functionloops.com/vocal-pop-stories.html Billie Eilish inspired sample pack! Loaded with loops, one shot samples and MIDI files, for maximum flexibility. Pack is full of spooky, mysterious and sinister sounds. If you are inspired by Billie Eilish sounds, then stop looking around, you won't find anything like this fresh collection, guaranteed. Dark lyrics, infectious rhythms & dissonant harmonies - this hybrid blend, incorporates elements of indie pop, electronica, rnb, trap and beyond. Vocals will fit great for almost ANY musical genre, 100% royalty free.
  21. The upgrade from Shimmer Shake Strike version 1 to version 2 (with the Expansion) is $57.98. Is that a sale price or the usual price?
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