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Everything posted by PhonoBrainer

  1. Shine On you Crazy Diamond. I like how your own rhythms and nuances sneak in. The original version is embedded in my dna, down to the last tom hit. Vocals are outstanding!!!!! You might make the lead vocal a tad louder perhaps. Mix is a thing of beauty.
  2. Hey what did you have wrapped around those feeders, and why?
  3. I can verify you can fit all the gear for a seven piece band, including drums, FOH mixer, and complete PA, in the back of a 1966 Ford F150 with a steel camper shell. I also attest that you will get 6 miles per gallon. Color = primer gray.
  4. The deal this relates to is the "bundle" of all Pettinhouse kontakts. $119 for everything. Anyway, in downloading "ClassicGuitar2" I found a "letter to pirates" text file, it's pretty awesome. Has anyone seen it? I'll very likely post it but I'm not sure I should. Check your recent Pettinhouse extractions, it might be there. It says it was written in 2019. Any thots?
  5. Ha! First time I've heard this, nice one Mom!
  6. I didn't read the article, but I personally agree with the headline. That song's an earworm but it's trying to be an anthem for something and it doesn't measure up. I lived in SF for years and wow the balls to claim "we built this city" . . . anyway, it's just a song. It sold a jillion copies and infected the radio for years. Well done Starship.
  7. Neat!!! Congrats. You might want an area rug for the floor under your chair, and on the walls, some tacky moving blankets or shag carpeting or better yet some egg crate foam . . . unless you have a girlfriend. Then you just mix with headphones. cheers, -Tom
  8. Yes, nice indeed, and it occurs to me that a certain Netflix show's popularity forces comparisons upon this genre, pretty much forever. I shall not name the show in act of protest, because the '80's were there first. It's basically cultural appropriation at work. I liked the tones you chose all the way through. I might call it a bit busy in melody for the "ambient" tag but who cares. It's a fun journey indeed. cheers, -Tom
  9. Love it. The trumpet might be a bit louder in the mix during the lead. Love the guitar funk stuff panned wide. Love those friggin cheese 90's keyboards. Love the panning and separation. Drums I think are in the perfect spot and are well played/programmed. Great fills and punches on those drums. The little keyboard noodle at the end might come up just a hair. This really hits the spot for me this morning, one of the best things I've heard in a while. Thanks for that! Now you just need David Sanborn on sax. cheers, -Tom
  10. Pete Best probably has no regrets, either.
  11. Nice tone . . . although I appreciate the "live" feel, it sounds like a mic-recorded amp with the mic a fair bit away. Or the whole setup is in the back of the room. Any way to bring the guitar more forward in the mix would be a benefit I think. It's a cool jam for sure. And the pyrotechnics at the end were nifty! cheers, -Tom
  12. Vocals are great. The arrangement is pretty cool, and I agree more variation in the drum programming. Just take the hi hat out every so often? Something like that every once in a while. In the first minute of the song, it's a whole minute of vocal verses. I wonder if sparseness might be a benefit? Sing a verse, have a verse of instrumental groove, then back to singing a verse. Just a thought. cool stuff. cheers, -Tom
  13. that transmogrified guitar was transfixing. I love me some peanut butter toast with coffee in the morning, but I don't have the pyrex plate. The Catsup thing was funny. I enjoyed the listen and the adventure. cheers, -Tom
  14. your style on this put me in mind of Bill Kirchen, who is one of my all-time favorites. Really nice guitar work as usual. One thing maybe to look at is the bgv's, they bring a little mud into the house when they pop up. I don't know how much extra reverb you are giving the bgv's? Most reverbs have a "low cut" filter thingy, maybe raise that up above 800hz or so? Is that some reverb mud on the bgv's, or ? I like the bgv parts though. cheers, -Tom
  15. What's your temperature and humidity? Hopefully survivable!
  16. PhonoBrainer


    Real horns, backed by guitar? Great parts. I want my 90's back. cool tune dude. cheers, -Tom
  17. Wow. The vocal delivery was so authentic and emotional, without being sappy. The video supported everything. And the string parts were really strong. Nice job! -Tom
  18. The lead is sweet. I appreciated the timing of everything, it's pretty tight. Whatever that lead guitar processing chain is, it's a keeper. cheers, -Tom
  19. Lyrics sure work and it's a catchy song. I'd vote for less reverb on the snare, and a little louder kick/snare. Your hi hat seems about right. And other than the intro, for your panned acoustic arpeggios, they could come down just a bit in volume. Have fun with it, it's a nice one. cheers, -Tom
  20. Your link gives us "no such song, sorry" so it's Canadian at least.
  21. Is this a different singer, or are you adjusting your delivery? Anyway, nice song with a nice melody hook. The harmonica is a nice touch. I listened on headphones, and maybe found the upper mids on the vocal and the harmonica poking through just a bit sharply in the mix. It's a good mix in the main. My headphones were at a healthy volume, as it happens. What do you get when you listen to it with loudish headphones, do you notice any stridency? Just a thought, might be my hearing and my head. good tune, feels like this would go over well at some outdoor festival where they are all sitting on blankets and in lawn chairs on a sunny hillside. Nice and mellow. Can't escape a Bob Dylan reference here, but at least I saved it for the last paragraph. cheers, -Tom
  22. Super nice on the volume swells. You have excellent feel of when to play, and when not to. Cool beans! cheers, -Tom
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