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Everything posted by PhonoBrainer

  1. Super nice on the volume swells. You have excellent feel of when to play, and when not to. Cool beans! cheers, -Tom
  2. Those two should meet. They have so much pretending in common.
  3. What are those vegetables doing touching the the becan?
  4. No but seriously. Larry is the nicest king of Dealdom.
  5. . . . but this one has Musicality!
  6. I might buy it when the sale comes 'round again.
  7. Something to ponder while you aren't making music
  8. Thanks for that, Grem. Forzo sounds big and cinematic, sounds great but I have Cinebrass already and I'm shooting for tight jazz funk. Obliged nonetheless.
  9. How much without the surveillance device?
  10. 100% full speed ahead on this. The kick drum has a pattern that does not quite fit the groove. The groove is exemplified by congas, hi hats, and bass - make the kick sit with those and you are golden in the groove department. Vocals are processed nicely, and a good performance to boot. Your mud factor I think is in the kick drum. Even when the "breakdown" happens towards the end, if you drop the kick out, does it help your mix clarity? I will keep my slightly less furry ears out for the remix cheers, -Tom
  11. I just hope I can use my new personal voucher with my new Activity Acorns. (It's not a negative complaint if it hasn't happened yet)
  12. I like the fun behind this effort. Didn't think I would hear this today! Got any more - how about a breakdown on H.R. Puffinstuff? cheers, -Tom
  13. Second mix, much better! Is your drum kit a loop? Can you give the whole kit less reverb? the drummer is buried towards the back of the parking garage, but everyone else is up front, drier. Do you also have any reverb on the bass guitar/synth? that might be something to cut as well - those two steps might clarify the nether regions a bit further. I like the Kakku Style! Looks good capitalized. cheers, -Tom
  14. Fun! But, the beater on the kick, the upper eq range of the kick, it really pops out all throughout the song, and for me it's masking some of the other really cool elements in the mix. All ears are different, though, and the world needs kick drum. That aside, what a fantastic rocker's stew with a really great guitar lead tone, and those chugging rhythm guitar parts are cool too. Vocal performance is I think your best yet. cheers, -Tom
  15. Something tells me his original vocal recording chain wasn't particularly stellar, but you have brought it forward and shined it up nicely. It's a great vocal performance and a decent song as well. Mixed like the champ that you are. Well done. -Tom
  16. I enjoyed it as well, that's a mesmerizing guitar lead. And your video serves it up nicely. I like the full stop towards the end, fade to black, and then it modulates and continues. Cool. cheers. -Tom
  17. Great tune, very mellow but kind of stirring. You might make the piano louder when it's in there, as now it takes a back seat to the orchestration. cheers, -Tom
  18. I will confess to an eye-roll when I hear this song, it's the one "latin" piece that everyone in the bar knows and claims. YMMV Holy jesus that is some mighty fine noodlin' there, Kenny! It redeems the piece, and then some!!! -Tom
  19. It's pretty groovy! Nice mix, I can hear everything pretty cleanly. In the intro, the flute instrument might be just a bit overbaked with compression? It's a little crispy, I can hear the saturation pretty heavily. That might be just what you were after. Personal choices being what they are, I would have preferred a fade out ending, as opposed to just dumping us out at the end of a synth patch feature. I'd also like to know what it's about! I really like hearing songs like this from other cultures . . . cheers, -Tom
  20. Strawberry is one you could bypass if you were getting Dracus.
  21. @Tiger The Frog just wondering what you make of eastwest Hollywood pop brass. One could join the creative cloud for 20 bucks a month and access it and a crapton of other libraries. Have you heard those pop brass ensembles?
  22. Thanks @Bob Oister I appreciate the feedback, glad you found it interesting and thanks for the positive vibes.
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