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Everything posted by PhonoBrainer

  1. Or this bass, the Musicman Bongo, mine's a darker blue, has deep HH balls, but when I play it sounds like poo.
  2. Neat! I like her voice and she does a good job. The melody has some nice unpredictable moments on top of that arrangement. Super listenable. Was that rabbit perchance from Caerbannog? I wouldn't risk a frontal assault - - - he's dynamite!!! cheers, -Tom
  3. I bet the sib. disappears at lower volumes, which is where most sensible folks listen, so crank it on up daddy-o! Love your tune.
  4. I worked with a bunch of people from Syria's capital. They were a bunch of Damascussars. No criticism is possible, only appreciation. I think it's great and fun as hell to listen to. cheers, -Tom
  5. Well I thought "Bruce Cockburn" . . . Way cool, Lynn. It's a pretty stellar mix and the many parts don't put a foot wrong anywhere. This is one sweet arrangement. I happened to have my system up loud on some decent monitors, and at big volume I was hearing ssssibilance on the vocal. I don't know if you could pick up Oaksound's Soothe plugin, it's an absolute marvel as a de-esser. Or, perhaps my monitors are just a bit more ess-ier than yours? Did you listen to a cranked up version on your end? I also got just a touch of crunchiness on that rhythm guitar in the choruses but I loved the chorusey effect on it. That bass you have so perfectly owns its spectrum, yet I can still hear the kick just fine. Did you duck them? Really awesome there. If Rush were from South Africa. !!! Great stuff. The depth of field is wonderful, especially with all of the parts just cooking along. Might be my favorite of yours, so far. cheers, -Tom
  6. Absolutely wonderful. Great combo of instruments. A very happy 5 minutes. Uplifiting!!! Mix wise, I was noticing the hi hat, and to some extent the cymbal, seem to cuttoff prematurely. Not much sustain on those, and that detracts (for me) just a bit from the organic quality your piece obviously has in spades. You might swap them with another sample, or take the gate off if their is one, or? I dunno, seriously 99% of everybody else is not going to notice that, probably. If they are live drums (they sound pretty live?) then I don't know how you fix that. Or if it even need fixing. This piece for me is a 9.9 out of 10. Really great! cheers, -Tom
  7. PhonoBrainer


    Very fun. 100% I thought "very cool video game" music. You might mix-wise safely boost up the kick drum, and the bass. What did you use for the spiral background? My quarter is on the table, next. Ha. Nobody does that anymore. cheers, -Tom
  8. Wow! About 20 seconds in, the fun begins. This is a really wonderful composition and obviously a lot of well-thought out parts dipping in and diving out. Certainly holds the interest. So the awesome parts all come to a blend that sounds . . . very much . . . as if they are all in a computer. Which of course they are. I get no larger sense of "performance space" in your piece. For a giggle, you might find a sound file of some concert hall or other space, just recorded dead air in that space, not sounds, just the sound of the space itself. Lay that "air" underneath your piece, and it might fill the quieter gaps in your piece with something from an actual space. It could add the realism. One such file came with my Impact SOundworks "The Pearl" piano. I'd be happy to email it to you if you pm me. Anyway, a really inventive piece, well done! cheers, -Tom
  9. I liked it, no surprise there! My headphone listen told me drums up, rhythm guitar down, and I noticed that the bass guit plays great stuff but right now seems to be claiming any and all parts of the mix below 600hz ish. Perhaps it was just headphones but you might get some bass out of there - where is your hpf on it, like 40hz? Perhaps higher would clear up those low frequency clouds. But if this is baked into an already-produced album, okey dokey. Still a good rocker. cheers, -Tom
  10. Or Pico de Gallo at the Last Supper.
  11. But the forklift clearly penetrated the styrofoam wall!?! What else is there to fathom? Pink Floyd gets a nice uptick in streams, hopefully. Good luck. Prolly not be as bad as predicted.
  12. Interesting tune! I like it. The vocals I think are especially well mixed. Do I hear a delay of the main vocal fading out into the right speaker? Whatever your lead processing is, super great. Very clear lead vocal. I might ask for just a bit more variety in the drum programming but it's a bit of an 80's throwback maybe? A couple of 80's electronic tom fills would sit nicely alongside that 2-and-4 80's snare, in the back half of the tune. What a niggle. Great mix on a very cool song. cheers, -Tom
  13. Van Morrison and Joe Walsh had a baby. very cool guitar leads, you be a talented player! -Tom
  14. Welp, I don't think you have a deess problem, I think you have a midrange piano problem. You might volume automate the piano mids down when she is singing. That is a show stopping vocal. On the piano solo, you can hear the midrange problem, and is the piano compressed a fair bit? You might back off on that to keep the piano more dynamic. Killer diller!!! Great performance, and the sparse mix is a great choice here. cheers, -Tom
  15. Some very thoughtful musical ideas, builds, and over all still very listenable. Mix thoughts? Maybe start with a listen to the hi-hats and cymbals. Super compressed and flangey. Not much headroom for dynamic playing. no soft, no loud, all just pretty up there. Next I hear how those hi hats are completely masking the snare. I think you want the snare as much as the hi hats, at least? You might try taking the compressor(s) off of the drums. See where that leads you? What compressors are you using? Your song is very much worth some mixing experimentation. Enjoy! -Tom
  16. Great lyrics. I'm with you. Greetings from Camp Hiawatha . . . . . . which has closed and been redeveloped as a Gamestop-anchored strip mall . . . . . . which itself has closed down . . . . . . so maybe y'all should have just gone outside and played more.
  17. I liked the song, was expecting prog, got prog, all good! Drums particularly. I really enjoyed the musical journey. The video is for me at its best towards the end, with visually ambient and abstract stuff. The beginning with the drag queen guy seemed to introduce a character study of some sort, which went absolutely nowhere. Or did it? Yeah, nowhere. I've made enough "video clip compilation" vids to have experienced the "road to nowhere" issue myself! The song is killer, just wondering if other listeners will feel differently about what they see vs. what they hear. Overall it's a good package, it gets you thinking, but for me the song is well out in front on this one. cheers, -Tom
  18. Thank you for letting go of the hi hat during the drum fill! As one would. Guitar tone is great, and does harken back to 1962 or some such. A cool rendition for sure. cheers, -Tom
  19. PhonoBrainer


    It starts very abruptly, you might add some space to the very front. I like your tunes. On this one I'm hearing some interesting percussion adds, some claps and such. I think something to look around for might be a different hi hat, which seems to be predictable and at the same volume every hit. The cymbal also has a mechanical quality. What are you using for drums? Don't get me wrong, these hi-hats and cymbals work in what I think your genre is, and basically are a part of your style. But if you are looking for a different sonic world, you might start experimenting with those. There are more organic possibilities. cheers Kakku, another happy winner! -Tom
  20. Hi Martin, if that be your name! I'd agree the left guitar is a bit too up front or loud, and it's way drier (less reverb) than the right side. Maybe a touch more reverb on the left, and not so hard panned left, might be worth a try. Care to post the lyrics? Curious! Nice vocals, nice melody for sure. Definitely could use more drum fills along the way. Fun to program in SD3! Most important, your performance conveys a real sense of energy. Very cool. cheers, -Tom
  21. In my experience pultecs are hard to judge, are very subjective to the ear. I have both s oftube and waves and would use them in that order. I also had acustica purple, thought it quite good, until it started not playing nicely with other plugins in my daw. Good luck!
  22. I could use an awesome pultec, but the softube ones I use aren't too bad. Hopefully Slate doesn't overpromise, overmarket, overhype, and then we all wait a year.
  23. I have this, and I think it's only going to sound good in a big busy mix. When you use these in any small combo, or God forbid, solo contexts, they to me sound really synthy and fake. The price is cheap, bUT maybe look at Vintage Horns 2, Hollywood Pop Brass, or there used to be one called I think Antique Brass. Another winner is 8dio's Euphonium. Best of luck, brass is the toughest nut to crack.
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