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Everything posted by PhonoBrainer

  1. True, and yes, a serious wondering. Of course the effect of magnetic fields might vary due to 1. Length of time of exposure, and 2, proximity. Or not at all. Thanks for the research, nice to know that. I hope the Mayo research . . . holds.
  2. Ah then that makes perfect sense. I too have older projects from that decade where my ears and brain wistfully cling to the cheese! What to do? Make nachos! Heck of a good song, regardless of decade.
  3. Preface: I have no research nor any bona fide information at all to support this wondering. Having seen the godlike and taken-too-soon Mr. Peart in picture after picture wearing headphones, which are pretty much decent-sized magnets in proximity to the brain . . . and extrapolating a rock n roll lifetime's use of headphones. . . was wondering if those magnetic fields could extend into brain tissue and disrupt cell replication at a DNA level. Crazy? Stupid? Does anyone have any facts or near facts to support or debunk this idea? I've always been in headphones myself and have often wondered about potential problems with brain cancer. RIP Neal and thanks for all the escapes that helped to soothe the unattractive truth.
  4. I can melodyne pitch up my Tom Waits impersonation if you like. ? Do you live/work in NYC? If so, I'm jealous. And if so, you've got more of a line on female vocs than me. Again It's got a nice groove! Good luck with bringing it home . . . cheers, -Tom
  5. Bongos in the intro, more up front please. Really cool lyrics on a thoughtful topic, I was in from the word go. I listened on headphones, and the bass was just a bit fuller than I might want. Your bridge: vocals great! lyrics great! and how those chord changes bring it back to the verse, super inventive and pro. I think the string patch, and that tromboney thing out of the bridge, are letting you down sonically. What are you using for those? that was a treat to listen to. A very thoughtful composition! cheers, -Tom
  6. Lots and lots of good stuff here. The vibe comes through aplenty. It will be a good one! Yes, suck some of the low end out of that kick. Could also be a thing to try to differentiate your song away from the classic "Son of a Preacher Man" if possible. If not, I think you can get away with it. The bass guitar, in a sleazy skanky vibe such as this, could play just behind the beat a little more - just an opinion. Your bass seems to be anticipating or just ahead of the beat, in spots, which is kind of a "feel" sin, methinks. Those vocals were very, very well performed. Loved the "aaaah" at the end! will keep a listen out for the v 2.0 . . . keep at this, it's gonna be a keeper! -Tom v 2.0
  7. I like the tone of the Grandeur in a piece like this. Did you have a delay going on it, or play it that way? Either way, sounded nice. You have chosen the synths that are all distinctly different, one from another, and mixed them so try all fit into a cohesive whole. Good job! -Tom
  8. Ah! I updated the file from mp3 to .wav yesterday, and I did change a level or two here or there, so maybe you heard the previous. No you are not going cuckoo! Thanks for the comments . . .
  9. @bjornpdx - thanks! Welcome to the kitchen sink. It probably works better for some than for others. Appreciate the comments. @kloon - playful works for me, thanks! @dcumpian - yes sir thanks much! A video might help it even more. Welcome back! @DeeringAmps - yeah I might have got away with a couple of jazz chords in there. Hope they work ok. Thanks much and glad you liked it! @Jesse Screed- if you only knew how many damn rabbits I've got flopping around up in there. They peek out at everyone's peril! But I keep them well fed. Your observations are quite apt. Thanks! @garybrun- Thanks Gary! I'm honestly not hearing pops and clicks, unless you mean the clock/metronome at the beginning and the end? I'm going back to doublecheck. It's also a felt piano and they can have noise as well. Thanks. glad you liked it!
  10. PhonoBrainer

    High Road

    Yesssss. Don't be a stranger! Hope your time away was for good things. Great dynamics in this piece. I liked the synth arpegg noodle around 1:00 mark. Catchy. As per your usual, many elements come and go and are balanced to mix perfection. The only thing I might ask about is adding some more low end weight to the toms, bass, and kick. As they are, very polished and controlled. Nothing up top is overwhelmed by mud. So kudos there. And it might be just me because I really like bass-end stuff. But I think just a bit more heft, even if it were just the tom fills, might be interesting to try. It's all so subjective. And you certainly got your $$$ worth out of Omnisphere! Do you have Omni 1 or 2? I just have 1, never upgraded, always wondered of 2 was worth it. Lastly, the guitar work is spot on for that grand epic atmosphere, good power there, well done! great to have you and your tunes back, Dan! -Tom
  11. Vocals and their treatment in the mix really works well. To be honest, I knid of wanted her to bust out a little more in the emotion department - her delivery is a bit clean and safe. I could hear a song where she leaves her guts on the floor. Just a thought and not a super crit - what you have here is professional and polished. Nice video as well! Maybe just a thought for future projects. ? cheers, -Tom
  12. many thanks for the listens . . . and much obliged for any comments.
  13. This. Want more tips? Bigger average tips? Then don't take breaks. Run your marathon. The audience will acknowledge and reward your workaday ethic. It takes 5 minutes once in a while to get a glass of water or go to the bathroom. Not 25 minutes every hour to lounge about the place in some self-important "look at me, the artiste must find the strength again" pretention.
  14. Really good listen. What a great voice she has, perfect for this dreamy ethereal vibe with a groove. Do I need to understand the lyrics? I can only really get 50% of what the words are. About 50% of the time. Super cool guitar parts. I can hear the dreamy you were going for, very well mixed there. cheers, -Tom
  15. I liked the harmonies on the bridge a lot. What effect are you using on the lead vocal? It shimmers sometimes in a panning kind of way, so chorus? Something is modulating your lead vocal, and for me, just a bit more natural would be better. It's a great set of vocal performances, no doubt. I would expect this song, being a traditional pop-country structure, to have maybe more reverb on the vocal, and not so much chorus, if that's what it is. Who cares about expectations of others! You've put together a good one here that can be sung to in honky tonks. cheers, -Tom
  16. That was great. Love the groove. Maybe that cello part when it's featured could be brought up a bit. Say hi to Keller Williams and Michael Hedges when you channel them next time! cheers, -Tom
  17. Notation written on paper being a necessary construct for those who can't follow a lead sheet or just play what they hear or are thinking. I now retreat into my paper mache bunker.
  18. If you close your eyes, it's Mary Pooppins.
  19. Is it my serial number for the Portal I purchased through the Black Friday sale at Musicians' Friend? "Friend"
  20. It wil be $29 bucks inside of a year.
  21. Your observation is factually correct. It's more instructive to ask - during which portion of those 4.5 billion years has there been 7.6 billion people cranking out carbon? If that is our most recent slice of time (50 years or so) then maybe our current footprint is something to focus on. In Before The Melt!
  22. Best durn thing I've heard or seen on here in quite some time. Video is absolutely perfect match for that song, and the mix of the song is captivatingly clean. That is some cerebral slime mold you have there. Thanks, that was a treat for eyes and ears. -Tom
  23. Well, something tells me I like your version better than the original, which I possibly have not heard. Great guitar effects, really cool mix candy there. Your entire drum kit is pretty compressed and narrow-sounding, as if you were trying to leave as much room possible for the excellent guitars. I'd wish for a bit more breathability in them drums. I'd like to call out the bass player - or programmer - some very tasty little fill licks and runs on that bass g. Cool beans! cheers, -Tom
  24. Fun, meaningful, and throwback as all hell. Instead of bringing everything else up, you might bring the vocal down just a bit? There are some mouth noises that creep in every so often. As is, its psychadelic Cohen Kerouac Dylan Demento territory. Very fun. Your swing timing is spot on - listen to the fadeout at the end. Perfect. Good luck with that light. cheers, -Tom
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